In the Mist

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  Silver dew drops left the petals of recently placed flower glistening. The evening sun only barely starting to crest behind it's rock curtain of the horizon. But I stood firmly infront of the newly dug and buried grave, the mark no more than a flat headstone in the glass. And the only sound in the air was the gentle breeze, my heart mirseribly thubbing in my chest, and I and my friend's quiet breathing.

I looked to him. Starting on the top edge of his brow, a ravine of a scar ran down his face, curling down his cheek and hooking to a sudden end just below his lower lip. His skin the tell tale sign of a hispanic person, and the near black iyrruses of his near eyes seemed to blend with his pupils. His recently combed out silky black hair was unusually limp and hung infront of his eyes. Not one of his usual perky self showed in his saddened expression.

Depression hung over the two of us like a dark grey rain cloud. Soaking us to the bone in total greif. Although this wasn't our faults, I kept thinking it was mine. I kept blaming myself for her death. And would just keep reading the words on the headstone, 'Alexandra Annette Macey, December 14, 1993 - March 3, 2017.' Almost two years had passed that.

It hadn't taken long for the sun to vanish away, leaving us in the darkness of the cemetary, but this didn't scare me. I wasn't like Ghost who feared this. I glanced back to the man next to me once more, he remained unfased by the lose of light as he continued to stared down at the words on the grave. His facial features too hard for me to read.

"Gonzalo," I finally said, breaking our extremely long hours of utter silence. "It's dark, this place will be closing soon, we better leave."

He didn't say a word in responce, but his suttle nod let me know he was listening. And with my words, we left the spot we standing since noon to get to the gate.

To my utter shock, the black iron gate was closed! We were fenced in with graves and the pitch black darkness.

"Meirda," Gonzalo swore under his breath, the spainish accent rang in his voice, and started to rattle the metal gate for a moment. But saw it usless as there was a lock on the other side. "We'll have to wait until morning to get out of here."

"You mean... spend the night in a freaking graveyard?" I rephrased.

In the darkness, I couldn't see the look of no-shit-dumbass which was playing on his face. "What else did you think I ment? Jump the fence or something? The top is steel iron stakes."

"Well that guy threw you over a steel iron stake fence once," I reminded him. Only to reseave his toughened hand sending a punch to my upperarm.

"This is no time for bullshit, John." He hissed at me in the dark. "For all we know, there is a back exit or something."

"Alright," I replied. "Then let's look." We started to move towards the area of our friend's grave when I fell over. Stumbling over a headstone and crashing into another. "Shite..." I cursed as I sat back up. "We need light."

"I have a lighter," Gonzalo told me and I heard the sound of his hands patting his sides in search of the orject. Soon I saw the tiny flame which only barely let us see eachother. There was no moon in the sky to provide us with some light, a new moon was going on.

Using his other hand, Gonzalo helped me up to my feet, and I groaned about how agrivating the headstone was.

"Well next time look where the hell you're going, Tav." Gonzalo finally told me.

As we walked, Gonzalo tripped, dropping the lighter, it landed in a puddle and we both were bathed in the darkness once more. Both of us said that same thing, "Fuuuuck...."

He picked up the dripping lighter and tested it a few times, "It's dead. Just terrific..." He grumbled in sarcasim.

"So what, we just feel through the dark?" I asked, reaching a hand to my right to see if he was still next to me. I felt the fabric of his jersey sleeve and knew he wasn't terribly far.

"I guess so," He sighed.

Suddenly, the path was illuminated in a pure white, too unbelieveable to be real. We could see the path now, but something distracted us from running to the exit. An almost unreal figure peirced the light in which bathed us. The face at first indistinct.

As it stepped closer, I could make out the light walnut brown, short hair and some of the skin appeared to be an all too familiar tan. Soon she was close enough for us to see, the beautiful gleaming eyes of the only person I could have never expected was right there. The only person I could ever love.

"S-Scarab?" I studdered out, taking one step back in disbelief. It couldn't be her, she was dead. I could feel her heart as it had stopped, I had watched the very life fall from her eyes!

A smile came upon the spirit's face, an unscaved face which only seemed scored slightly behind her left ear from a distant memory of a battle. Slowly she moved up toward my face, every last hair on my body prickled and I stared straight into the all too familiar eyes which seemed to shine just like when she was alive.

I glanced out of the corner of my eye to Gonzalo, he too was just as dumbfounded at this. His eyes as wide as watermelons, and jaw slightly slag, he saw this too. Either we both were crazy, or this was real.

I moved a hand to touch 'Scarab's' cheek, only to have my hand fall inside her face. I masked the disappointment which sunk like a stone in my heart.

She drew even closer, until she was practically pressed to me, and the scary thing was that I could feel her cold skin on mine. I shivered from the feeling. Finally her voice rang out, it was quiet, and her lips didn't move once. It had to be in my head. "Soap, it's me. What's wrong with you? You look like a frightened deer."

I once more looked to Gonzalo for assurance that he heard it also, but hsi look of shock was still there letting me know I was truly sane. Finally I looked back, her face went to stern and serious, and I felt her hand touch my forehead, like she was right here, alive, and feeling my face with cold hands from a winter morning. I tried to pull the hands off, forgetting that my hands only would pass through them, and answered, "Well, here's a clue, you're dead. I know I'm not seeing this. It has to be a dream or something, I'm sure I hit my head harder on that tombstone or soemthing."

"You're not crazy," She assured. "I came to tell you two something important. And you must listen, there is a traidor in the mist. Don't trust just anyone, for you must remain alert."

"Who?" Gonzalo asked. "Who is the traidor?"

Her figure grew fainter, she let a hand touch her forehead as she sighed longly, "I can say no more. I have to leave." And with that, she turned around, and extended the huge wings of an angel before taking off for the unknown black of the sky. And a star twinkled in responce to her disapearence, a star I hadn't noticed before her death. But it seemed to shine brighter since.
I didn't realize that the world was growing faint, and soon I staggered on the path as I followed Gonzalo towards the exit, he was just as clumsy as I was, then finally he feel, I coming to the ground after another wobbley step. 'A traidor in the mist.' Scarab's voice repeated in my mind as I let the black ink that was the night abord me in the cold, soon falling victim to myself fading away, everything calm in my head once more as I fell to sleep on the path near Gonzalo.  


 A/N Alrighty, so this is the first chapter of the sequel. Gonzalo and Soap are in a graveyard. And now they see Scarab's spirit appear. Imagine the look on their faces.

Don't know if I spelled the word right, but "Meirda" was intended to be "Shit". I didn't bother with making sure I spelled it right this time because of my superm laziness.  

(Current Me Note: Just for context, this sequel started no more than a week after the original fic ended.)

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