'Plan B'

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I sat in a bar with my feet resting on the table in front of me, a glass of beer in my hand. Almost like a predetor I watched my target, a man who goes by the name of Alexander, he was a wanted ciminal. Looking myself over I made sure I still had everything ready, the pistol I brought was still rested in a pocket, and a knife was ready if I needed it. I stood up placing the glass down on the table before apporching the Alex man in my combat boots. Just before I tapped his shoulder I looked back to my teammates, and my good friend nodded, silently telling me to do what I had to do.
So I sighed and tapped the man's shoulder to get his attention. He turned around quite clusily, it was ovbious he was drunk, his eyes glazed over and his breath smelled of alcohol. For a moment it seemed to he was just zoned out, but he suddenly kissed me, I pushed his away but he tried to get me to continue. I could hear the sound of a chair slide on the floor and someone stomp half way towards me, and it ended in the grumbling of the same Scottish voice I always remember.
He tried to even make the unwanted makeout go even farther, I could feel his hands feel their way up my legs, getting closer to the gun. I was now panicing, I didn't come here to be freakin' raped, so I pushed him off again. He studdered, "Hey! What the fuck is your problem?"
"Look I didn't need you trying to french me," I protested. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?"
"Nothing," He sighed getting off the table I pushed him on. "You're just pretty." At first I felt somewhat calmed by the statement, but I remembered the fact he invests in prositutes even week, to his I was probably just another one of them. He got close to me again, and he whispered in my ear, "I like you..."
I was tempted to say, 'Yah sure, and you probably said that to the countless others you laid.' But I stayed silent. His cold hands began to feel me again, the fingers just nearing the gun in my pocket, then they suddenly turned in another direction on my skinny jeans. Biting the inside of my cheek as he began to move up my body. I could feel the stares of the other member of my team, I wanted to land one right on his face, give him a bloody nose and a pair of black eyes to match. But Ghost's words floated around in my head, "We can't risk harming him... he has some important imformation."
So I sucked it up and let him continue to let his hands explore my body, but wished I could get him off of me. Next thing I know he turns me around so I'm facing away from him and he is tightly hugging me with his face pressed in my shoulder. I stared at my friends widely and silently mouthed, "Help..."
Soap was first to get the message after snapping himself out of watching him touch me in shock, he stood up and started to approach us. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away, as he still was squeezing my limb his barked, "Oi what the hell are you doing?"
"What man? I can't have a little fun? What, is she your girlfriend or something?" He asked pointed at me.
Soap looked at me and back at him, now tightning his grip on me to the point where my fingers were going numb. Alex smiled in ammusement as he watched my face fill with pain as Soap had me in a death grip to my arm, for pete freakin' sake, I was sure that he's go to the point where it would fall off. Soap finally answered through grithed teeth and a vemonous glare, "No."
"Then what's it matter to you?" The man questioned dropping an eyebrow. "If she isn't your girlfriend then what? Did you break up or something?"
"Hell no," I yelped out of shear pain of Soap's grasp that only grew tighter on my upper arm. By now my forearm was completely numb, and I just wanted him to let me go. I would pull away but I was afraid that if I struggled his hold on me would only constrict even farther. So I just semi whimpered, "Could you let me go?"
Soap stared at me and took note in his parctically squeezing my arm off, his then let go of me and I briskly rubbed where his was gripping it, feeling circulation return to my limb. His stare returned to Alex, who leaned against the table, if it weren't for it being bolted to the floor then it could collape under his weight. He sighed and chugged down another shot of beer and asked, "Then what is she? A sister? Neice? Daughter? What?"
Soap was not pleased with him, but one of what he said might as well be true, we were almost like siblings, we knew each other enough. But finally he grumbled, "No... Just a friend."
A small smile played on Alexes face, and he pushed Soap to the side so he could continue to kiss me. ALright I had just about had it with him, lucky for me Soap rung his arm around Alex's neck and pulled him away from me. I heard Alex gag out, "W-What do you want from me?"
"Nothing now," Soap told him as he pushed him to a wall and brought out his pistol. I glanced back at the others, they were all just staring in somewhat disbeleif, I thought Ghost might try to stop Soap consitering this guy had inforation, but he watch him prepare to shoot. As the barrel came to the Alex's head he began to sputter out all sorts of Russian, more the reason to kill him. Finally I listened to the gun fire at his head, killing him. Soap dropped the body and put his gun back, "We better leave."


A/N: I don't even know why. I wrote this out of sheer boredem. I need somethng to do! So yah I just kinda typed it for the sake of typing. I know it has spelling errors but I'll fix them later. I really don't know why I made Soap act so pretective over Scarab... I mean this is one of those missions where it's undercover, and you have to be quiet. SO Scarab was stuck wearing skinny jeans and a tight tee shirt or something. Oh well.

I FAIL! [gif of a sweat dropping chibi]

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