In the Mist -P5-

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'"Soap! Soap! SOAP!" A voice screamed! I knew it was Scarab's, her voice in distress. "SOAP! WAKE UP!!!!"'

I snapped my eyes open and looked into teh pitch blackness in front of me. Then a hand came over my mouth, shoving something in so I couldn't scream. Instead, I banged the walls or whatever I could. Trying to make whatever noise I could. But then I felt something like a crowbar slam me in the forehead. I slipped into uncontiousness.

I could barely open my eyes, my vision stained red as blood from a wound on my eyebrow dripped into my eyes. Finally I stopped moving, I could only hear the ringing over someone whispering faint apoligies.

Finally my sight cleared enough to see if was Jessica, I knew I couldn't trust her! She then begun to drag me over the cliffside, my body too numbed to react. Finally she told me, "And may this be revenge for General Shepard. The brilliant man whome YOU killed." And with that, she kicked me over the side and I begun to plummet. She had left just after kicking me over, and soon I smashed to something.

I gasped hard and looked up, there I saw Scarab's spirit looking down at me. My heart weakly beat and my breath ragged, I was just realizing that I meraculiously landed on a ledge in the cliffside. The top so far up, I was amazed I survived. Unless. Oh damn it! I DID DIE! Scarab had brought me back like she did to Irina! The cold of her hands touched my chest, and the other pulled out my cell phone. Her glisting fingers dialed quickly and she placed teh phone next to me before vanishing.


I had heard something bang the wall, so I got up and went to the hall, where I saw Jessica dragging Soap, who was knocked out, across the floor and to the exit. I knew since her false claim that he had tried to rape her that she was bad news. So I followed to see where she was taking him.

It ended up her pulling him through muddy trails, and soon to the cliffside, I had a very bad feeling. And I could only watch as she kicked him over, and I couldn't hold back my bewildered scream, "NO!!!!"

She whipped around and pulled out a gun, and fired at the bushes, somehow missing me. I drew out my mini ozies and fires a long spray of bullets back, and hit her legs, causing her to fall grasping the bloody mess that was left of her kneecaps. I rushed past her and looked down, seeing a sight I had feared, Soap laid motionless on a ledge far below. He was probably dead.
With little options, I bolted back to the base to get help. That was when my cell phone rang, "G-Gonzalo... This is Soap," Oh my god! He was alive! "I-I need help_"

"I know, I saw what happened." I told him. "I'm going to get someone right now!"

He said nothing more. And soon I came into the base. The morning sky pale blue as I rushed up to the nearest person I could trust, "Hawk! Quick, that Jessica bitch threw Soap over the edge of teh cliff, we need to help him now!"

"What?!?" She stepped back in shock. "I'll get Ghost! Try and find Price!"

With aggrivation, I ran to find Price, who was getting excersies started. "Price! Jessica threw Soap over the edge of the cliffs! He's alive but badly hurt, we need to help him!"

At first he just stared at me, but finally he told me, "Okay, where is he?"

"I guess he got lucky, because he landed on a narrow ledge on the cliff face." I answered.

"Okay, I'll get some medics ready," He assured and bolted. Before completely running off he added, I'll meet you at the cliif."

So I went back to the cliff. Sure enough, Hawk, Ghost, and Heatstroke were all there. Price wasn't far behind. A few medics followed him.

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