PLan B -P43- -EOME-

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A minute earilier (Soap)
"Ghost! Come in, this is Price! We're under attack by Shepherd's men at the boneyard! Soap, hold the left flank! Do not trust Shepherd! I say again, do not trust Shepherd! Soap, get down!" Price yelled as he shot another man as bullets came flying from all sides. I was just dumdfounded, but there was no time. I came to a crashed plane to catch my breath. Price and I had separated from each other a little bit ago. But now that there was Shadow Guards chasing me, this was just crazy!
"Roach? Ghost? Come in, Ghost. Do you copy? Does anyone copy?" I shouted into the comm despitly trying to get someone to answer.
"They're dead, Soap." The words stung me and I fell silent. "Shepherd's cleaning house. I'm working my way back to you."
Suddenly, everything started to connect, images flashed through my mind. Of Shepard and him trying to keep me from catching on, the time he slashed my side. And covered it up with, oh a bear did it. But I was mostly taken back by the breif memories of Scarab, she had known of this. Now she was dead! I wished I had listened, and believed her. I wanted to cry and beat the life out of someone, preferibly Shepard.
I swallowed hard and growled so low I barely reconized my own voice, "Shepherd betrayed us."
"Have to trust someone to be betrayed. I never did." Price reminded. Then changed to Nikolai. "Nikolai, come in. Do you have our location?"
"Da. Inbound, Price. But I am not the only one." Nikolai informed. "You've got Shepherd's men on one side, Makarov's on the other."
"We'll have to take them all out then." Price discided.
"Or let them take each other out. Either way, I'll see you on the other side, my friend." Nikolai sighed.
Without any second thought I rushed to the next plane and whipped out my sniper rifle, picking off Russians and Shadow Guard alike. 'For Scarab!'
"Soap! Shepherd's trying to wipe out us and Makarov at the same time! Head for rally point Bravo to the west! Trust no one!" Price yelled, almost imideiantly I was off, pulling out my assualt rifle and shooting everyone who got in my way. "Head for the rally point! Go! Go! Go! Nikolai! This is Price! Be advised, the LZ it hot, I repeat, the LZ is hot!"
"Ok, Captain Price, I am on the way! Try to get the situation under control before I get there, ok?" Nikolai told him.
"Right, whatever you say, Nikolai! Just get here sharpish!" His attention turned back to me. "Soap, let Makarov and Shepherd's men kill each other off as much as you can." I shot another Shadow Guard and a leaping dog as Price continued. "We can use their comms to listen in on their radio traffic. I'm going to try to contact Makarov."
I wasn't in the mood to speak now, I was going for blood! No one was gonna stop me either. I stabbed three Russians and rushed away, Price saying into the comm as he lured Makarov to speak, "Makarov, this is Price. Shepherd's a war hero now. He's got your operations playbook and he's got a blank check. Give me what you got on Shepherd, and I'll take care of the rest. I know you can hear me on this channel Makarov. You and I both know you won't last a week."
"And neither will you." Makarov finally hissed.
" ever hear the old saying...the enemy of my enemy is my friend?" Price asked socially. Oh god dammit with the stupid sayings. I swear I could have heard that anywhere, especially fortune cookies! I kind of wondered where Price had heard it.
I ducked to some cover and reloaded as Makarov sighed, "Price, one day you're going to find that cuts both ways." Then he told us, well him anyways. "Shepherd is using Site Hotel Bravo. You know where it is. I'll see you in hell."
"Looking forward to it. Give my regards to Zakhaev if you get there first." If I didn't know any better I could've sworn Price had chuckled. I continued on and listened to the conversation in my head again. My thoughts interupted by Price shouting to me, "Soap! Don't get pinned down out there! Keep heading west for the runway area!" No of course I'll keep going. I was just having tea and crumpits out here. Damn I wonder what he was thinking when he said that? "Nikolai, where the hell are you?"
"Sand storms around Kandahar, Captain Price. I have to fly around them. I am not getting paid enough to crash my plane." Nikolai told him, great cause aside from the crossfire, BTRs, dogs, and enemy helicopters we just HAD to have sand storms too?
I swore under my breath as I came into the half of a plane hull and kneeled down sniping some Shadow Guard to make a path. I looked up to see a helicopter explode making an eagle shaped cloud, this is one of those 'What the hell? Is that even posibable?' Moments.
"Price, I am approaching the boneyard. I see you do not have situation under control. Very unsafe to land. It looks like when I was in Afghanistan with the Soviets!" Nikolai told us.
"Nikolai! Just shut up and land the bloody plane! We're on our way!" Price shouted in annoiance.
Nikolai shouted something in Russian, if it weren't for the accent I could have easily forgot he was Russian. But to be nice to you all I will do my best translation. "Holy shit! No, I'm really not paid enough for this job! The missiles alone cost so much! Damn it! Fuck!" Yup Nikolai is such a toilet mouth sometimes. But this was probably directed at the RPG weilding Russians and Shadow Guards.
I leaped from the plane hull and made a mad dash in the path I made. And I heard Price shout to me, "Soap! Hurry! We've gotta get to Nikolai's plane! Keep moving west!" After a moment he went on "Soap! I'm going to get some transport! Make your way west towards the runway!" Just after I shanked a guy I was near the runway. "Soap! I've found some transport! Keep moving west! I'll meet you en route!"
"Captain Price, I am taking off in one minute! You better hurry if you want a ride out of here!" Nikolai yelled.
"Soap! We don't have much time! Nikolai's not going to wait around for us! Hurry!" He screamed as I dashed down the hill and flung myself into the jeep. Price yelled at the last second before I sat myself down, "Soap! We are leaving! Get in the jeep!" I looked at him in agrivation and was about to pull the mask of the gullie suit down so I could mouth out some swears when he shouted, "Take out that gunner!"
I whipped back and broke the windsheild, then fired at the gunners of vans and pick ups.
"Hang on!" Price yelled as Rook swerved the jeep off road. The wings of planes pasted over our heads and I continued to shoot the gunners. "Nikolai! Drop the bloody ramp! We're coming in!" Price yelled, I looked in front of us to see the pave low. "Vehicles at 12 o'clock! Hold on!" Just as I looked the window of the van rolled down and a gunner shot Rook in the head. "Soap! Rook is down! Take the wheel!"
My left hand reach out to the steering wheel, unforchantly I'm a righty. Damn! I was moving unsteady and nearly swerved off the road, "Aim for the ramp!" Price yelled as he ducked down into his seat. I wanted to hit him at this point, what did he think I was trying to do? Turn us into bug splat on the metal side of one of these planes?
The jeep bumped onto the ramp and we skidded inside, the two pilots of the pave low looked back at us. Nikolai of course then there was that mystery pilot from Brazil. I pulled off the hood of the gullie suit and the mask before I ran a hand through my mohawk as I sighed, "Another happy landing." Yah yah Obi-Wan from Star Wars, shut up. I thought it fit the moment pretty well.
"You guys were tearing it out there," The other pilot said kind of deeply, sunglasses covered his eyes but I could tell he was staring at me. "You alright?"
"Yah, we're fine. Sadly not Rook." Price said pointing to Rook who limply sat against the seat with blood trickling down his shirt.
"Damn," The pilot sighed almost scary familiar. "What the..."
"Shot while driving," Price explained.
"Oh," The pilot grew silent for a moment. "I know someone who was shot in the head in a get away excape."
"Who?" I asked. "Were you with them?"
"Her name was Sergeant Jays," He sighed. "I was with her at the time."
I didn't truely think about it. And in fact I could hardly reconize the name Sergeant Jays, stupid me and my over usage of nicknames. It had gotten to the point where some names I didn't know until I thought about it long enough.
"It was a get away attempt," He went on but stopped and tenced. Maybe this was painful to speak about. But then he finished, "I couldn't do anything to save Jays."
I didn't say anything, I just sat there in silence, thinking about what the pilot had said. "What's your name anyways?" I asked.
He looked down and let out a heaved sigh as if he didn't want to say but Nikolai quicky put in, "His name is Demitri." I shot the pilot a look and he nodded in agreement of Nikolai's statement.
"Funny," Price sighed with a hand on his bearded chin. "You don't sound Russian."
"Well that's because I grew up in Britian." He staggered. "My parents, on the other hand, were Russian and named me that."
I kind of felt like I couldn't believe this person. Like Nikolai and 'Demitri' were hiding something. I just shrugged it off, and thought about Ghost and Roach. I wondered how Shepard killed them. Then 'Demitri's' cellphone rang and he picked it up and had a conversation in a low tone. Finally he whispered something to Nikolai, who then told us, "Alright my friends we are making a quick stop. I have to drop Demitri off, he has to meet up with someone."

Meanwhile (Roach)
I wondered, am I dead? I was completely numb, and I felt absolutly nothing. If this was what being dead was like then I wanna go back to life! Then the sound of dirt shifting as someone made slow and steady footsteps towards me. I could only slowly open my eyes and blink to keep from frying my eyeballs on the bright sun. A silloette blocked some light but the face indistinct. As soon as they bent closer I could make out the features.
The delicate face of Scarab looked down at me, okay I HAD to be dead. She was still wearing a beanie but her mask was pulled down. She kneeled down next to me and asked, "How baddly are you hurt?" Her voice so soft and quiet, I had missed it everyday she had been missing, well reported dead anyways.
I then croaked in a raspy voice, "Well aside from being shot in the chest and burned alive I'm alright. It's Ghost I'm worried about."
She looked to the left of me and took a step over my limp body to check Ghost's vitals. A moment later she sighed, "He's still breathing, but barely. I had to get you two to a hospital. Make sure you're stablized. Tatiana! Help me out here!"
A different woman came out, long dark brown hair that shimmered redish in the sunlight came from the helicopter that had landed near by. She looked at me then Ghost and helped Scarab lift us onto stretchers and onto the chopper.
I was across from Ghost, Scarab and Tatiana got into the piloting seats and took off. I hissed another breath and looked to Ghost. He was covered in dry blood, his eyebrows burned off, it kinda looked funny. I almost wondered where his sunglasses went also. Maybe melted.
He groaned out shakily reached his hand towards my shoulder, "You... Owe... Me... Bugger..." It was funny how he found time to call me names at this point of time. But with his 'bones' pulled down and a breathing mask on him it was hard to hear the words. His hand reached for the mask and pulled it up off his face before finishing, "Shepard... Has one... Fucking... Suckish... Aim... And... Forgot... About my cellphone..." I saw a wide smile spread across his face followed by resticted coughing, with he oblidged by pulling the mask back on. After that he turned on his side went back to sleep, only the sounds of the helicopter and my mega breathing was heard.


A/N: ALright so we have the next level The Enemy of my Enemy. This is Soap's POV. Sorry nothing special, just that with these last few levels I think Soap has the most intense.

And YAY I made Ghost and Roach survive! Although they too will head down to the safe house. The ony ones who know that they are alive is Scarab and Nikolai. Well Nikolai would tell Soap and Price but he wants it to be a surprise.

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