Plan B -P49-

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The cold air made me shiver as I hugged my legs trying to keep warm. It had to be at the most thirty five degrees in here. The freezing stone floor and walls didn't help. I watched the metal bared window as the sun started to set, where was everyone?
The burns on my back stung like crazy, and I kept pressing myself to the wall to cool them off but getting off to keep from freezing. I just wanted to get out, hard when your chained to a wall. The interrorgator came into the cell, wide spread grin, "I told you to cooperate."
"Well fuck you, bitch." I snapped as I tried to charge at him but the shackles stopped me. "You're such a bastard! You can't even face me unleast I'm restraint."
You're waste your time," He sneered just before he punched me in the face. I stumbled back and hit the wall. And by hit the wall, I mean my head bashed against it and I slid to the floor knocked out.

We arrived, and got to work on this excape plan. Ghost picked the lock and we came in. Then he got to work with tracking where Scarab was being held. Kind of like when we were rescuing Price.
Everyone else came with me to start searching. Just in the middle of the hall Ghost shouted, "Price, Soap! We're comprimized! They know we're here! Hey gets you hands off me wankers! Get out of there now!"
"Ghost? Ghost!" I yelled back to see if he'd respond, but nothing. Everyone had looks of consern and I told them, "Alright we have two people we need to_"
But I was cut off by a man putting a gag on me and pulling me backwards. A bunch more of them went after the team. The man pulling the gag on me chuckled, "Don't think we weren't prepared for you trying to break in."
And like that he slapped a mask on me, like the kind you see in the dentists office. I held my breath for a long few minutes. Another guy hummed, "Go ahead just breathe."
I bit my lip and held my breath for another few moments before one hit me in the stomach. I felt the air excape me and I gasped in this gas. I felt lightheaded. And the next I was out.
I came to chained to a wall, while I started trying to break free I heard Ghost sigh, "Well this was just bloody great. Now we're all stuck here! How are we suppost to get out?"
"Shut up Ghost," I snapped in annoience. "Let me think for a moment." Ghost stared at me bewildered, and I looked at everyone else. Price was on the other side of the room, Ghost was just a few feet away, Roach had been strapped wrong. I mean by that his ankles were cuffed to the wall and his wrists to the floor. Tatiana was barely on her toes because of how high her wrists were hung, Nikolai and Kamarov both were strapped to the wall. I was just able to sit and my arms were spread out on the wall. This was one weird place.
"Any plans?" Tatiana asked? "Any at all? I think I heard them say they were gonna execute us with Scarab. And I don't know how long my arms can take this."
Roach lifted his head off the floor and shot a glance at Tatiana, "Yah well at least you aren't upside down! I'm lossing feeling my my feet!"
The door creaked open and a guard came in holding the masks they used to knock me out. I wasn't liking this. He came up to Tatiana first and slipped one on her, a minute later she passed out and he undid the restraints. When she was free her limp body fell to the floor.
"Guys don't breath the_" I was cut off by the mask being put on my face. But I stared at Price hoping the message would get through. I didn't breath, I just kept my mouth closed.
"Just relax," The guard soothed, I realized it was a woman. I looked up at her, still not breathing. She looked the rest of them, Russian. Screw it, I'll sufficate before I pass out from the gas.
"Whoa guys," Roach sounded more dumbfounded. "Check out his face, it's turning blue kind of!"
I didn't know how long I had held my breath, but long enough. Price sighed, "Just breathe, Soap. We'll be fine."
I let out a long and shallow breath and that sensation hit me again. A moment later I went limp. But I was still awake, my eyes heavy, I fought to keep them open. I shot Price once last drowsy glance and was out.
I woke up with my face on the floor. I swear that was probably teh third most grossest thing my face was against. Suddenly I was pulled back by the collar of my shirt. I looked around, everyone else was in the same position. "Soap?"
I looked to my other side to see Scarab, her face full of confusion. There was blood on her forehead and a ton of bruises, not to mention her back had dark circles imprinted on it. But it was her near tears filled hazel eyes. All I wanted to do was hug her, I wanted to but my arms were bound behind my back. I finally replied, "Scarab? Are you alright? What's going on?"
"It's an exicution," Ghost heaved from my other side. "Makarov wants to make sure we are done away with."
Scarab looked to the floor and I watched a silvery tear roll and hit the floor. I had never seen her cry. But I couldn't blame her at all. Things had been going downhill. She choked out as she forced the rest of her tears back, "I guess this is goodbye."
"Don't say that," I whispered. "We'll find a way out."
"No talk," One guard said. "Sir the prisoners are ready for exicution."
Makarov came out and took a pistol from a guard. He went to the first one in line, Tatiana. "Well why do we have a girl in this?" I could sense so much humar in he's voice. "Surely you must be joking. A girl? Why she probably couldn't hurt any of us."
"Funny you would say that you sexist bastard," Tatiana hissed.
"Oh and she has a mouth," He mocked. I was starting to hate him even more. "Why not we put your strength to the test." He looked at the rest of us and his eyes fell on Scarab, "Why not we have the two girls fight. May the winner be spared."
Scarab and Tatiana both exchanged looks of horror.
"Or we could always have the one on the end fight our newest member." Makarov went on.

Newest member? The door slid open and a person came out, not just any person. It was Heatstroke! I felt my heart pound so hard it might brust out of my chest. Then I exclaimed, "It's impossible! How can she be alive? She was shot in the freaking brain!"
"Correction," Makarov chuckled. "She was shot in the fluid around that. The bullet didn't kill her. So we took her in."
I looked at Heatstroke, her eyes seemed glassy and dead. No expression played on her freckled face. I wriggled against the restrants to run up to her. FInally I asked, "Heatstroke? Are you alright?"
She didn't reply, she just stared off distantly.
"What the hell did you do to her," I snapped.
"We had to 'fix' her," Makarov chuckled. "She was far too unpridicable and we needed her to follow orders."
"You freaking brainwashed her?" Ghost asked with disgust.
"We prefer the term convinced." Makarov grinned. "Release the girl on the end. We'll have her and our new member fight."
One guard started to drag me into a metal net walled cage and Heatstroke came in. The guard undid the resprants and left, making sure the door was locked. I then told Heatstroke, "Heatstroke, please don't do this."
"Kill the girl, Riley." Makarov commanded. Imidiantly Heatstroke took a step towards me and swung a punch. I ducked.
"You were born in Manchester, England." I told her with hope that jogging her memory would work. She tried to kick me but I dodged. "You had an older sister and brother, but your sister and dad moved out after your parents devorsed when you were 9." She lunged at me and I stepped out of the way. "You always were hanging out in your treehouse in the woods."
She grabbed me and pushed me to the wire fencing. Still no expresion was one her face. Makarov then egged on, "Good, finish her!"
"When you were fifthteen your mom died and you lived with your dad on the opposite side of the city." I continued on. "But he didn't want you so you lived with your Aunt Clair." She slammed my face, and damn it hurt. "At the age of twenty you moved out of your Aunt's house and bought an apartment before you joined the Task Force."
"Oh just shut her up already," A guard groaned.
"You were in the 22nd regement for almost a few years when we were sent on a mission to get some intel on Makarov." She punched me again. "And we were trying to drive away from Makarov's men when you were shot in the head." I looked at her eyes, her pupils shrunk and she let me go. Gripping her head and groaning like she had a headache.
"Riley," Makarov said utterly emotionless. "The Task Force betrayed you."
"I will never trust them again." She muttered completely lifelessly. She went for me again, she pressed me to the stone floor and started to punch me.
"But you were more than that, Heatstroke!" I exclaimed as a fist hit my jaw. "You were my best friend!"
She stopped cold and studdered out, "S-Scarab?" Her face flashed with emotions and then she got off of me and started clench her stomach. I watched her as she vomited on the floor, her whole body trembling. She gasped out air and her face drenched with tears.
"What? No!" Makarov yelled. "Finish her!"
"Sir, the connection I had is gone," A guard announced. "Should we go back to the original plan and shoot them all?"
"Get the two girls and restrant them. After I finish off the loyalists, they'll be taken care of." Makarov barked. Without hesitation we were overrun and had our hands tied behind out back and thrown in the line of Task Force members. Makarov came back to Tatiana, "And you're first."
"No," Ghost snapped.
"I'll be alright," Tatiana told him bravely. But I could see teh hurt in her eyes as she turned back to Makarov with a stiff upper lip. Makarov didn't faulter, he just let a bullet fly through her head. Tatiana fell to the floor in a pool of her own blood.
"Next it will be this one," Makarov hissed preparing to shoot Kamarov.
Nikolai clenched his teeth and shouted, "Killing us won't end your problems!" He looked to Kamarov as if about to loose a friend.
"It will be okay," Kamarov told Nikolai. "I've taught you much. And this will be a lesson of sacrifise." Kamarov looked back at Makarov. "Well?" Makarov pointed the pistol to his temple.
"And this will be a lesson to all of you not to underestimate me." He told us. Then just behind him the wall blew open. He turned around and quickly ran for the door. Coward!
The guards all fired at the smoke but hit nothing. A ball rolled in and suddenly the comms on their ears started to malfunction. I flinched because mine was acting up as well. But I looked up as the guards gripped their ears and stumbled around.
Out of the smoke came a man weilding two Mini Ozis. He was just like the picture, this was Gonzalo Morales. He shot the Russians and came in to start untying us.
His accent sounded Spainish, "Are you Captain Price?"
"That'd be me," Price said. "I'm kind of glad I contacted you before this mission."
"You should be." Gonzalo told him as he started to undo the restrains. He looked at Tatiana's dead body, "What happened here?"
"Makarov," Soap sighed. "He was about to execute everyone."
"Right about him he seems to aquire fallen enemies." He started. "He just will see if there is a way of keeping them alive and turn them into a weapon."
"We know that," I responded. "He tried to get Heatstroke to kill me."
He gave an odd stare at me but I nudged my head in Heatstroke direction and he nodded in understanding. After that we were on a helicopter on our way to Columbia.


A/N: I thought this would be a good idea. More proof I'm making this up as I go.

Makarov is finally in here other than comms. ANd guess what, I made him even more of an ass here than he is expressed in the game.
Heatstroke is alive? Le gasp! I was looking up whether people could survive a head shot. And they can. It depends on what was hit, what angle, and how much was damaged. She is just lucky.

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