Plan B -P90-

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I broke from the crowd and went after her, somehow, this didn't seem right to me. I wanted to knwo what happened on her side of the story. There I found her, sitting on the stone fence facing away from the base.

"Scarab?" I asked in one word. She turned to face me, tears were rolling down her cheeks, the moonlight only barely was enough for me to see the sadness which played on her features. "I want to know what happened."

She turned away and crossed her arms lossly. "That son of a bitch, Heatstroke's dating. That's what."

"What do you mean?" I questioned and pulled myself up on the fence next to her.

"He's the traidor. He and someone else. I heard it myself," She claimed. "I saw him in bed with Ginger. And I was gonna tell Heatstroke, but she was asleep, so I was gonna in the morning. But when I left, Dunn had pinned me to the wall and told me everything. He was doing business with one of Makarov's former henchmen Anatoly. And soon I threatened to tell them, but then he turned my comm on and went straight to Heatstrokes channel before kissing me against my will. She heard it, woke Soap up, and saw this. You know what else happened from there."

I was shocked, more than shocked. "Scarab, this is just awful."

"It's because of that rat bastard that my best friend and my, well I guess now, ex-boyfriend hate. I hope he witnesses the worst death ever conseaved." She continued.

I could see so much hurt in her eyes, and finally she turned away from me.
"Don't worry moi ángel puro," I assured with a hand on her shoulder. "I'll see how I can straighten things out."

She didn't reply, but I knew she heard me, so I left her on the fence. Going up to Heatstroke I begun to speak with her. And honestly it didn't turn out as I hoped.

"No! I'm not forgive that bitch!" She hissed.

I sighed and explained again, "But you gotta hear me out. Dunn kissed her, she didn't want to steal anyone."

"Give me one good reason why I should believe this?" She protested.

I sighed longly and rubbed my temples, finally I looked her dead in the eye and answered, "Because she was crying. Scarab's a strong woman, and I know that she can't fake tears. Nor could anyone make up the heart break in her voice."

"I don't believe this." She replied. "My Dunn isn't a cheat! I know that..."

"But you're wrong! He also was sleeping with Ginger while you were alsleep here in your cot!"

"W-what?" Her expression pained now. "How would you know if he did?"

"Well why not we ask Ginger then?" I insisted. Know Ginger, who was a complete blabber mouth when distracted, it would be easy to get her to talk. As we aproached, there she was on a laptop typing something. "Ginger did you sleep with Dunn last night."

"Yeah it was_" Her voice trailed off as she processed what she just said. "Oh fuck..."

"YOU SLEPT WITH DUNN!? YOU WHORE!" Heatstroke exclaimed.

"He talked me into it!" She insisted. "I swear!"

"Did you see anything about Scarab?" I interrogated.

She nodded, "Yes, I saw that Dunn pinned Scarab to the wall with some struggle. And the fact he completely made out with her and fiddled with her comms. The bastard."

Heatstroke was losing her peppy glow fast, "B-but Dunn loved me. He said he alway did and alway will. Why would he do this?"

Ginger shook her head, "I didn't hear the conversation. So I can't be sure."

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