Plan B -P32- -TAKEDOWN-

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After a few minutes of everyone getting ready we split up, Ghost took Meat and Royce, while I got Roach and Granite. I would've drove but Granite discided, through a near arguement, that he would drive. Roach claimed passenger seat and I was stuck in the back. And we followed a white van with hopes they would take us to Rojas's assistant. So far no luck. I then announced into the comm, "Ghost, the plates are a match."
"Copy." He responded. "Any sign of Rojas' right hand man?"
"Negative." I said flatly. "They've stopped twice already. No sign of him." Then the white van we were following stopped again in front of a building. "Wait, they've stopped again. Standby."
Two men came out hold up their desert eagals, at the same time, a different man came from teh building. I studied him harder to find any similarities. It was the assistant! He put his hands up like these people were the police, they might be, but the two men didn't display any joy that they saw him.
"Got a positive ID!" I imformed. "Whoever these guys are, they're not happy to see him..." Rojas's assistant whipped a gun out and fired upon the two men, a different guy started to come from teh van but the assistant shot him before he could aim at him. I just stared at them for a moment and then added with shock edged into my tone, "Ghost, we have a situation here!"
The assistant turned swiftly on his heels and started to open fire on our 1958 Lincoln Continental. I could think of so many things to worry about but the fact tht this was a rental didn't really come up on my 'BIG-situation' list.
"Get down! Get down!" I shouted at Roach as I ducked myself behind the seats. I heard something splat and I could only think, 'please don't let that be Roach's head.' Then there was the sound of the horn. 'Oh it's the driver. Damn it.' I looked back up to see the assistant start to run away, "He's getting away! Roach let's go let's go!"
I pushed the door open then slammed it shut. God forbid I forget to close the car door. And signalled to Roach to get out before sprinting after the assistant. I could see out of the corner of my eye Roach rush after me.
"Ghost, our driver's dead!" I yelled into the comm. "We're on foot! Meet us at the Hotel Rio and cut him off if you can!"
"Roger, I'm on my way." He replied, comm static and down right surprise filled his voice. Maybe he heard all of the hecktic mayhem that went on when the assistant started to shoot. I pushed through panicked civilians who came running out inot the streets.
'Okay what's the first thing you do if you're unarmed and there is a firefight outside?' I asked in my head. 'Oh I know! Run into the streets like a bunch of startled cattle! Find cover you idiots!'
I banked left as Ghost came speeding past me and sliding down into a deserted street darkened in teh shadows of buildings. "He went into the alley!" Ghost shouted.
"Non-lethal takedowns only! We need him alive!" I barked. Then we turned to the alley Ghost was talking about. The assistance was nearly galaping. "Roach, take the shot! Go for his leg!" Roach fired his ACR, and with that one clean shot it pundged straight inot his leg and he fell down grasping it. "He's down." I sighed.
We all came up to the groaning assistant, he didn't seem to notice, but I could tell he was swearing a song in Portugese. Meat and Royce grabbed him and dragged him with us to a wearhouse. As Royce tied his up he muttered under his breath, "You're very damn lucky we didn't kill you."
The assistant looked at all of us and continued to throw a fit in his laungage. Meat being the only one who unstood it, he raised an eyebrow and hissed something at teh assistant. This cause the guy to stare at Meat in utter shock, in a way I found it funny to see the look on his face.
"So Captain? What should we do while you get imfo out of him," Royce asked.
"Any of you want to see an interrogation?" I asked hiding a hopeful smile that they didn't/
"No," Roach, Meat, and Royce all answer simultaniously.
"Oh what happened to teh days where men could stand to see others scream bloody murder," Ghost joked as he picked through his tools.

After a little 'talk' with Rojas's assistant I told Roach from teh door as I prepared to slam it shut, "Roach, this is going to take some time. Go with Meat and Royce and check the favela for any sign of Rojas - that's where this guy was headed." Then I dropped it down and turned to see Ghost sparking his jumper cables.
"May I," He asked as if he didn't know the answer.
"I'd be disapointed if you didn't," I replied as I found a seat to watch Ghost do his job. I didn't like to watch him with these because he got so creepy with it. And I don't feel like subjecting you all to the gruwling discription of the interrogation. Trust me you're be better off not knowing. But went he finally told us what we needed to know Ghost shot him and we left. "Roach - we've got Rojas' location! He's heading west along the upper levels of the favela. We'll keep him from doubling back on our side - keep going and cut him off at the top! There's no time for backup. You're gonna have to do this on your own. Good luck. Out."
Ghost and I were out on our own and we were moving as fast as we could. I ducked to a wall and pulled Ghost back to avoid him from turning into swiss cheese and warned Roach, "Roach - this is their territory and they know it well! Keep an eye open for ambush positions and check your corners!"
I nodded to Ghost and he jumped out and sprayed bullets, then gave a thumbs up that it was clear and we continued on. Then next thing I know I plant nearly falls on top of our heads and I look up in time to see malitia taking position... on the roof tops. And I nearly got my head taken off by RPG rockets. Ghost slid to a wall and I followed suit. "Roach, watch the rooftops! We've had a few close calls with RPGs and machine guns positioned up high! Roach, we're taking heavy fire from militia here but I'm still tracking Rojas! He's gone into a building! Ghost, you see him?"
"Roger that, he's climbing onto a roof carrying a black duffel bag!" Ghost pointed to Rojas who was using one hand to climb and hold a black gym bag as he climbed a ladder to the rooftops.
"Well that ought to slow him down!" I responded as I estimated how long it would take for him to get up because he nearly dropped the duffel bag. "Roach, we're keeping him from doubling back! Keep moving to intercept! Go! Go!"
Ghost and I sprinted out and shot the porsueing enemies. But it was like they were never ending! But either way we sprinted around a corner and leaped into a building to get out of RPG fire. I peaked out the doorway and saw Rojas heading for Roach.
"Keep going! Rojas is still headed towards your side of the favela!" I shouted.
"Roach! Don't let the militia pin you down for too long! Use your flashbangs on them!" Ghost added.
We swung down the staircase to flank the fire outside and started up a new flight of stairs.I scanned the area but no sign of Rojas. "I've lost sight of him again! Ghost, talk to me!"
"I'm onto him! He's trying to double back through the alleys below!" Ghost pointed down at Royas at a jump that was maybe two stories. He took a jump down and landed hard on the stone path below. I sucked up a hissing breath out of worry and watched Ghost rushing after Rojas. I managed to say with out showing panic, "Roger that! Stay on him!"
I was on my own, so I rushed my way to cut Rajas off when Ghost annouced, "I've got a got a visual on Rojas! He's cutting through the market!"
"Roger that! I'll head for the rooftops and try to cut him off on the right! He's gonna have no choice but to head west!" I was already going up a flight of stairs by the end of my sentence.
"I'm taking a lot of fire from the militia, I don't think I can track him through the market! I'm gonna have to find another way around!" Ghost told me. I forced myself from swearing and leaped to the next rooftop, stabbing a guy as I landed. "Be advised, I'm about half a klick east of the market, I can see Rojas running across the rooftops on my right side!"
His right might be my left, so I looked up to my left and saw Rojas climbing up a ladder, and had ditched the bag. "Roger that! Roach! We're still corralling him closer to your side of the hill! Keep an eye open for Rojas! He's making his way across the rooftops!"
"Sir, I've got Rojas in my sights! We can go for a clean leg shot! We can end it here!" Ghost seemed to ask.
"Negative! We can't risk it! Do not engage!" I snapped as I shot one guy running at me, causing him to fall off the rooftop.
"Bollocks! Roger that!" Ghost shouted, the static of the comm masking some of his annoyance.
"Roach! Keep moving uphill!" I ordered and saw that Rojas had noticed me procuing him from one side and headed west. Just as planned. "I've cut him off! He's got nowhere to go but west over the rooftops in your area! Roach, he knows the area well but we can trap him here! Don't stop! Go! Go!"
I then lost him again, but no complaints out of me, I'd find him again. I hoped. I then saw him again and staggered his way.
"Roach! I've spotted Rojas, he's making a run for it! He's headed your way!" I imformed as I flipped a guy who charged at me over and shot him in the brain. Well now he's lead head. Then I added, "And don't shoot him! We need him alive and unharmed! Roach, we're going to cut him off at the summit, keep pushing him that way! Go! Go!"
I watched Rojas as he ran towards a motorcycle. Great, better tell Ghost, "Ghost he's going for that motorcycle! We've got eyes on Rojas -" Then he jumped off and turned around in Ghost's diretion. "Wait! Shite! He's headed back towards you!" I watched Rajas as he went down an alley but turn tail and run as bullets sprayed at him, but missed. Ghost came bursting out of the alley after him. "Nice! He's breaking to the right again! Roach, if you see him, do not shoot him! I need him unharmed! Roach, keep pushing him uphill! Don't let him double back! Roach! He's on the move and headed your way! Go! Go!"
Suddenly we lost him, Ghost made a full circle trying to find him, "Where is he, where is he?"
I scanned the roofs again, figuring that was where he usually was. Then I saw him sliding down a metal roof, I pointed to him, "Got a visual! He's over there, sliding down the tin rooftops!"
Ghost looked to where my finger led and aimed up at him with his gun, "I've got another clear leg shot!"
"Negative! Not unless you wanna carry him back out with all this militia breathing down your neck! I need him unharmed!" I demanded.
Ghost passed me a 'you've gotta be shitting me' look and started to run again. I then took a pathway to my right.
"Ghost, I'm going far right!" I imformed as I flew up another flight of stairs and stopped, hearing the sound of Rojas's quick footsteps nearing on the otherside of the wall.
"Roger that! He's gonna get away!" I heard Ghost sound over the comm.
The footstep came closer and closer to teh windows, I got ready and calmly stated into teh comm, "No he's not." Then pounced through the window and knocked Rojas of his feet and we landed on the car. I could even hear the wind being hit out of him as he landed back first on the car roof. I whipped out my side arm and held it in front of Rojas to keep him down. I then said into the comm, "Frontrunner, this is Bravo Six. We've got the package. I repeat we have got the package."
I didn't take my eyes off of Rojas who defencivly held his arms over his face. But I listend to Ghost agrue with command, "Command, ready for dustoff. Send the chopper. Coordinates to fol- Bollocks! The skies are clear! Send the chopper now!" He got off teh comm and sighed. "Command's got their head up their arse. We're on our own."
I hit Rojas over the head to knock him over and got off the car then pulled him off. When I looked to Roach there was just astounishment on his face, finally he sputtered out, "But how did you_ And the window_ And how?"
"All as planned," I explained simply as I say Rojas against a wall. "So Meat and Royce are dead?"
"Yah," Roach muttered.
"Alright," I sighed. "I guess that means the rest of the squad will have to meet up here. Let's hope the melita don't tear them to shreds before they get here."


A/N: YES! Well this is Takedown! I had to do my research on dialog so I didn't go off in my own little world, but it's done! Next up we have Horents nest!

Yes we see the level from Soap's point of view, which I found EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about teh lack of Scarab, she's gonna hopefully be in the next chapter.

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