Plan B -P76-

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As I walked around, I felt the sting of my shoulder, it was still healing. As I walked through the hallway, I passed by Termite and Lefty. Once again, their looks gave me an uncomfortable feeling, like they were planning something.
"NOW!" Termite shouted and pushed me backwards, and I fell into a supply closet. I heard the click of the door and the two snicker. I stood up and hit it.
"YOU USELESS WANKERS! OPEN THIS BLOODY DOOR!!!" I didn't realize how much my nature british accent had shown up.
I was sething with anger as they threw me into a room and locked the door, I sat there on the floor staring a the door. Finally I punched the floor and screamed, "Shepard's a traidor!!! You have to believe me!" Then broke into tears.
Soon my crying turned into sobbing and I was laying on the ground on my side as I whimpered, "You have to believe me..."
The room wasn't the same, it was plain white and that miserable room. I pounded to wall again and knocked around for a good five minutes. Then there was a voice.
I sat in the room and whimpered, and a voice said outside, "I don't want her to remember a thing. Just erase everything having to do with me being a traidor and going here." That voice was all too fimiliar. All too painfully fimiliar.
"Yes sir," A different one replied. "As you wish."
The door opened and a theripist stepped in, Shepard stood just outside the room, a wide grin across his face. I kicked the theropist off me and pinned Shepard to the wall and hissed, "You, you bastard! You may think you have everyone else fooled but I know!" I hit his face as hard as I could letting my rage leave me before sprinting off in the direction I thought the exit was. Trying to recall the place was hard enough.
"She's excaped!" The theropist shouted. "Get her! Lock the exits or something!"
I made a sharp turn right and skid down the waxed floor, hearing the sqeak of my shoes with each step. Five guards made a barriar in front of me to block my excape. With much planning I skid between ones legs on my knees and stumbled back on my feet when I was behind them. They chased me as I banked a left and reached a dead end. Cursing under my breath I leaped into one of the rooms and hid behind a machine. Listening to the door open and the guards heavy footsteps. "Come out, come out, you little girl. We know you're here."
I bit my lip and looked behind me, there was another door. My only chance was to get out that way, but I was worried I'd be lost. 'Fuck it,' I told myself before lundging out the door then running like a mad dog down the hall again.
"WAIT! SCARAB, GET BACK HERE!" It was... Gonzalo! I came to a stop and looked at them. Termite had a red mark from me hitting him, and Gonzalo was full of panic from me running. Those 'guards' were simply Soap, Price, Heatstroke, Talons, and Nikolai. But they were full of worry when they saw me go under one of their legs.
"Scarab, what's wrong with you?" Gonzalo panted.
I looked face to face, all had the same expression. The what-the-hell's-your-problem look. "I-I don't know." Then I bolted off down the hallway to the only place on this base I knew that they didn't.
On the branch of one of the trees, I felt safer. No one could find me here.

(Meanwhile Gonzalo)
As I came down the hall when I then heard Scarab scream, "Shepard's a tradior! You have to believe me!" As I came to the source, I could hear her cry, "You have to believe me."
Termite and Lefty stood outside a suppy closet, and Lefty was gone when he saw me coming. "Termite, what's the meaning of this?" I asked. "Why is Scarab locked in the closet?"
"I'm testing to see if she really has PTSD." He answered. I glared at him and he got the message and let me through.
I opened the door and found Scarab sitting on the floor, her face tear streaked. As I came in to help her up, she kicked me in the stomach and I fell backwards on the floor with an "Oofph!"
She got up and quickly pressed Termite to the wall and hissed venomiously, "You, you bastard! You may think you have everyone else fooled but I know!"
What was she talking about? And the whole Shepard being a traidor thing? And the whole testing PTSD? What the hell was going on here? "Wait, Scarab! Get back here! I need to talk to you!"
But she bolted down the hallway and so I got up and followed along with Termite. We watched her as she noted Price, Soap, Heatstroke, Talons, and Nikolai all stand in one group in the hall talking, then I only watched as Scarab slid under Soap's legs to get through. I pushed by as Price asked, "Wait? What's going on?"
"Scarab's gonna crazy! That's what!" Termite answered as he pushed through to follow me. This alerted mainly Soap, Nikolai, and Heatstroke. But Price and Talons still followed them who were barreling after us.
I was hot on Scarab's heels, then she ducked into the bunk hall. As I came in I said, "Scarab, I know you're here, just talk to me."
And she went charging out through the second door on the other side of the room, right back in the hall.
"WAIT! SCARAB, GET BACK HERE!" I shouted. And she slowed to a stop. As she turned to us there was much shock on her face. As I came to a stop from the goose chase I rested with my hands on my knees and panted, "Scarab, what's wrong with you?"
Her face still tear streaked, she looked around, her eyes darted as if to judge her next move. "I-I don't know." And she took off again.
I was about to go after her when Soap stopped me, "Let her cool down. She needs some space."
"What was with the whole_" I trailed off.
"Did you listen at all during the interviews back at Soap's appartment?" Nikolai asked.
"I sorta did," I shrugged.
"I'll get it on," Price sighed as he headed for the rec room. We all gathered inside the room and Price pressed play, there on the news was Scarab. It was before Shepard had did much, "So I just started running. I didn't know where, but I knew Shepard would send the guards on me, I just wanted a way out. Soon I saw maybe five guards, and I slide under one's legs to get by. They all were chasing me now. And soon I ducked into a tech room and hid behind a machine. I could hear the clunky footsteps, and them trying to taunt me out. Then I bursted out the next door, I didn't care where I was headed." Price stopped it there and fastforwarded it. It came to a point where she was looking down as she spoke, "I felt someone grab my shoulders and when I turned around, it was Shepard. I was so scared, until I heard Nikolai's voice instead. And I realized it was him. We asked Kamarov what was going on with me, and he guessed that I had PTSD. I was so mad then, but now that I look on the possiblity, I see it could be true."
Price stopped it and gestured at the screen, "See? She has a mental problem! Why is it that she's still here is what I'm wondering."
"Because these things don't happen in combat," Soap sighed. "It seemed to happen if anything could trigger on of these memories. And they all envolve the same people."
"Yeah, Shepard, and Makarov." Heatstroke sighed.
"Where do you think she went?" Termite asked.
We all thought for a moment, but Soap came up with the first idea, "I think I know. Follow me, incase she runs off again."
We went with the Captain into the woods, where we soon found her on one of the tree branches a good three stories up. I didn't even think she was much of a climber. I stand corrected.
"Scarab! Get down from there!" Price ordered.
"No, now leave me alone." She hissed at him.
"Scarab, we just wanna talk." Soap reassured.
"No, now go away!" She barked back.
"Before you hurt yourself!" Heatstroke added in.
"I don't care at this point!" Scarab sneered. "I bet if I died right now, none of you, with the exception of Soap and Heatstroke, would care!"
"I'd care!" I exclaimed.
"And so would I!" Price also shouted.
"Oh sure you would," Scarab retorted with much sarcasm. "Now leave me alone!"

I stook my head and finally came to the tree and started climbing, "If you aren't coming down, then I'm coming up!"
I was quick at scaling, when there was something to hold on to, there was almost nothing! So it took me a few minutes. When I reached her, I pulled myself on a branch not far away and sighed, "Look Scarab, I know this whole PTSD thing is hard for you, but you need to try and live on."
"Easy for you to say, you aren't some hated mental case." She spat and crossed her arms.
"Hated?" I repeated. "No one here hates you! Do you call this hating?" And I kissed her softly kind of blushing at the fact the others were still there.
"Soap and Scarab sitting in a tree," Termite sang before receiving an elbow from Heatstroke.
I pulled away she sighed, "I just don't know anymore. I don't know how this could work if I am always panicing and running around thinking you're Shepard all the time." She pulled herself outta the tree and fell to the ground, "Maybe I shouldn't be here."
"Wait, you're not leaving the Task Force, are you?" Heatstroke asked.
Scarab held back her tears as she looked from her, to Price, to Gonzalo, to Nikolai, then to me. "I don't know. Can I just be left alone? Please? I just want some time to myself." And so she turned back to the barracks.
"It's your fault if she leaves," Gonzalo spat as he glared at Termite.
"Me?" Termite was now alarmed.
"You're the bonehead who had to test to see if she was telling the truth about PTSD!" Gonzalo pointed out. "I swear to god_"
"Gonzalo, chill!" Hetstroke barked. "It's not just point fingers on people and expect people to get better. It isn't entirely Termite's fault. It's Shepard and Makarov's for fucking her up in the head."
Price had a hand on his hairy chin as he pondered for a moment, "Or maybe it's some weird side effect from the brainwashing Makarov did."
"Uh in case you haven't forgotten, old man, I was brainwashed too! And you don't see me having panics and thinking I see the past!" Heatstroke argued.
"And besides, it was going on before we even found Heatstroke, before you we outta prision, Captain Price." Nikolai added. "She thought I was Shepard once also."
"But then again, didn't they use those mind probes on you?" Termite brought up.
I shuddered in rememberance, "Sadly yes. But then again, he used it on pretty mucheveryone, we all aren't crazy. It's just Scarab. Maybe it is just really her being trantized from all of the eperiences she had. I can see how it could happen."
"Unless," Gonzalo trailed off.
"Unless what?" Heatstroke furied her eyebrows as she stared at him.
"Come with me, I think I have an idea!" He went back towards the barracks.
The rest of us shugged and went after him, not truely expecting what he was gonna do.


A/N: Yup, looks like we had a huge chase aorund the barracks. Well now Gonzalo has a plan. I wonder what it could be.

The flashback was way back at the asylum incase you were wondering. I feel pretty back for Scarab, I mean she shouldn't have to endure this. And probably wouldn't if she didn't join in the first place, but then we wouldn't have Plan B.

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