Plan B -P96- -The End-

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We ran after him, soon to come to a stop. Just a freezing river, I could tell it wasn't fully frozen, and I wouldn't want to stand on it. But no trace of him.

Suddenly, something rammed into me, knocking me onto the ice, which was more solid then I expected. It was him! That bastard who was working with Dunn! My squad raised their guns at him, all prepared to shoot.

"I wouldn't do that," He growled. "If you shoot me then you kill you're presious Scarab." And he pulled out a detinator, "If you shoot then I press this and she and the whole hospital will be barbeque."

"You wouldn't," I hissed.

"I bet I would," He smirked.

I thought fast, I needed to do something. So I pulled the combat knife out of my pocket and aimed for his wrist.

"You throw that and I press the button." He threatened.

"And what made you think I was gonna THROW it?" I asked then stabbed down into the ice between me and him, I could hear the cracking and I used the blade as a crowbar, making the ice brake apart.

"Soap, what the bloody hell are you thinking?" Price snapped.

It was too late, the slick cover of the river gave way and me and the traidor fell through into the water. Both gripping the edge of the ice, but he kept kicking me and punching in an attempt to get me to let go.

"You're dead!" He hissed as he pulled himself up and out. Now he started to stomp on my hands. "And now this river will be you grave!" One hand let go, my life hanging in the balance. Then something tackled him, a blur of dark, which I figured was GHost, but wasn't he on the OTHER side of the river?

I pulled out of the water, dripping and freezing, to see the person who saved me under him, a blade daring to stab this persons chest. Then it dawn on me as I looked past the traidor's fat head that it was Scarab!

"Scarab? I thought you had to stay at the hospital?" I was completely puzzled.

She was wrestling the wrist of the traidor back to keep from being impaled, "And since well did I listen to the doctor? Now help me out here!"

I jumped into action and worked on trying to pull the man off. The ice still unstable, some everyone was forced to stay off. "Ghost get the detinator!" I hissed.

The liutenant scrambled after the piece of plastic on the ice, when it gave way under him. He too fell in the ice. It was too unstable!

"Ha, whose it gonna be? You're girlfriend, or your second in command?" The traidor cackled.

With every ounce of strength I could bring together I tossed him off of Scarab and went for Ghost, pulling him from the hole in the ice.


Soap ran for Ghost, but at least I had a chance. I reached for my gun, and held it out in front of him. "Hands up and get to the edge of the river." I barked harshly.

His hands were in the air and he backed up to the other side of the river, I followed over the still holding the pistol steadily at him.

"Good, and now we wait for the Coronel."

"No, now you die." He hissed, and with that, he also pulled a gun out. Daring to shoot me. "Make your move."

We were in a draw, just waiting of one to make their move. Every sense was alert, waiting for what was coming. All I had to do was shoot first, but then again there was the chance of a discharge and that killing me too.

Our eyes locked, the tention growing.

"Shoot him Scarab!" Price barked.

"Yes, shoot me," He taunted. "See what happens."

My finger wrapping around the trigger as I aimed. Just then Soap said, "No don't fire!"

"Why?" Price questioend behind me on teh other side of the river.

"It's a trap!" He explained.

I kept my gun level, but didn't fire.

"If you wouldn't shoot, then I will." The Ranger hissed and brought his finger around the trigger. I kept mine ready.

Then, as if in slow motion, we both fired at the exact same time. My bullet going to his face, and his hitting my chest. Da jevu...

I feel to the ground and the sounds of a bunch of feet running my way beame louder and louder. Soap scooped me up and looked down at me, "Scarab!"

My vision slowly growing brighter, my breath ragged. As I brought a shakey hand to his face, I choked on my words as I told him, "No matter what, Soap. I'll always love you."

Tears were filling his eyes as he heard there words, "Please don't die."

"I've cheated death so many times," I told him through my breath and pain. "I can't live forever."
Then the first tear fell from his face. That was when I brought myself up as much as I could and kissed him, at first he was shocked, but then he joined in.

Slowly, time seemed to come to a stop, my heart growing slower and fainter. I took one last look at him, taking in his beautiful face. I didn't notice that I was crying, my vision fading out, going slowly to white, I let out one last whisper, "I love you guys. All of you..." And there my heart stomped pounding, my whole body stopped and I let myself get bathed in warmth and white.


Her head fell back in my armed, eyes open, these beautiful brown-green eyes stared off deadly. I muffled a whimper and laid down the body of my girlfriend.

Gonzalo joined, he too was crying, as well as everyone else. Most silent. Gonzalo closed her eyelids as he did to Ramirez, "Descanse en paz, moi ángel puro."

Upon those words, I looked up to the sky to see a shimmer of light. I nudged Gonzalo, he too saw it. As it drew closer, I could see the skin pale white, hair lightened to almost blonde, but those eyes were the same.

The gownd was a heavan white, and these large magnificent angel wings were spead at least thirteen meters, but the face was heart breaking. Finally the angel came right up to me, the voice almost like a dream. "I will always love you." And I felt the warmth of her kiss on my cheek. She made her way to Gonzalo, "You're always like a brother to me, remember that," and she hugged him. "Heatstroke, I could never ask for a better friend. And Hawk, I wish you the best of luck as well as for your brother. Nikolai, thanks for being there when it counted. I could never thank you enough. Ghost, I won't ever forget you, ever. As for you Price, loosen up, and take it easy alright? Stress will kill you. As for the rest of you. Good luck..." And she faded as snowflakes in the wind.

"Y-you guys saw that too. Right?" Lefty stammered.

I looked down to Scarab's corpes again, "Yes, I did."

"Moi ángel puro," Gonzalo repeated.

That was when we all started to cry, Ghost helpped me wrap up the bodies and we brought them back.

"Two bodies? Who else died?" Coronel Marchel asked.

"We_ we lost Scarab." I told him as straightly as I could.

"Oh..." He saw the pain in everyone's eyes. "Have a safe journey home, and thank you for your help, I won't soon forget it."

I nodded respectfully and we all boarded the helicopter. Facing a long ride back and tons of jet lag.  


A/N Yup, SUPER sad ending. And here I am crying.... 

Seriously emotional shit here.
And well it isn't entirely over, because I have one last part I need to type.

Gonzalo translation time.
Descanse en paz, moi ángel puro means "Rest in peace, my pure angel."
moi ángel puro means "My pure angel". Duh...

(Current Me Note: *slow repeated slamming of my head to the wall*)  

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