Plan B -P63-

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I groaned as my senses returned, a headach finally taking form. The room was dark, and all I saw pure pitch black. Nothing past my nose could be seen. But I could hear them coming, I could hear their almost silent footsteps on the stone floor. when you can't see, you have to realy on other senses, I wasn't the eagle eyed girl of the squad, so I wasn't as effected as others would be. Main reason I use red dot sight. My hearing was exceptionally great, things were louder to me then others. And I could kind of control the volume of surtain sounds by just focusing on them. And right now I just followed the sound of footsteps. I could pinpoint that the were coming from my right side, getting closer very gradually.
And soon I could tell this person was close enough now, my skin tingled from a new source of heat in contrast to the cool air. You get really good senses of hearing, smell, and touch, but it's all gonna cost you good eye sight. In fact, I should be wearing glasses, I just discide not to because of how impractical it would be. But after a while you get used to it and can make out the shapes alright, just requires a lot of focusing. But here, no sight, only my three great senses would benift me.
I could smell the heavy odor of vodka, and cigarette smoke. Obviously this person wasn't conserned about their health. Now the person was in range, I kicked my leg in a fan movement, knocking their ankles out from under them. THis person hit the floor and grumbled something in Russian, then lit a flashlight. Now I could see the dark ski mask and green goggles of a Russian. He undid the shackes I didn't even know I had on and pulled me out.
Why I didn''t struggle, it was dark and I wanted to see if he'd bring me out into the light. On top of that, I didn't know how big the room was exactly, or how close to a wall I was. DOn't wanna hurt myself. He unlocked a door and shoved me outside to a bright outside. The sunlight burned my eyes and I had to blink so rapidly one might think I'm having a sezar. THe white snow near blinded me and that was all I could see, but the more I focused I could see an elecric fence ANd a building on the far side. THe guard pushed me forward to the building.
Inside stood Makarov, the devil himself. "I was thinking, Alex. You would make an excellent ally. ut one of your own has agreed to let you choose. So tomorrow you will have to discide, along with all of your other friends." He lit a cigarette and puffed on it casually, "And I know how you are."
I didn't breath the smoke but I did retort, "You know nothing about me."
"Oh contare," He chuckled as he held the cigarette in front of my nose. I gave him an annoied stare then he pulled it back from my face. "I know you were consitered crazy when you were first to figure out that Shepard would betray the Task Force. And that you have a strange fondness for children."
"They're innocent and shouldn't be involved in such crual doings," I said straightly without making eye contact. "But I guess you wouldn't care, consitering you slaughter a thousand in one sitting."
"That airport operation was on Shepard's request." Makaov claimed. Then he turned to the guard who dragged me in here, said something, then I was knocked out.

'Just a plain of dispare! A dark pit of nothingness and fog. Then a fast passed toon started up, some of the mist clear showing a band, three boys dressed in dark clothes and dyed black hair, and a girl with vivid orange hair a white tank top and black cargos with chains covering the belt loops. Each in combat boot, the boys playing instruments and the girl holding a microphone as she sang, "I'm sitting in a room/ Made up of only big white walls_"
White stone walls erupted from the ground and surrounded me and the band. "And the hall/ there are people looking through/ the window in the door/ they know exactly what your here for_" Out in the hall came faces, all pale and bleak. Desperate.
THe singer raised my chin as she went on, "DOn't look up/ just let them think there's no place else you'd rather be_" A stand came out from under me and I rose ten feet in the air, people reaching for me. "You're always on display/ FOr everyone to watch and learn/ Don't you know by now/ You can't turn back/ Cause this road is all you'll ever have_" A cracked road formed in front of me showing the faces of my friends. "And it's obvious that you're dying, dying/ Just living proof that the camera's lying_" Ghool camera men fell apart at the seems as the band continued. "And oh, oh, open wide/ Cause this is your night/ SO smile/ Cause you'll go out in style/ you'll go out in style_"
Light flashed and the scean was different, the pale people now reach out for me, trying to pull me into the crowd. "If you'd let me I could/ I'd show you how to build your fences set restrictions_" With a wave of her hand a white fence separated us from the people. "Separate the world/ the constant battle you hate to fight/ Just blame the limelight_" She now had her hands on my shoulders as she pushed me forward to the crowd, "Don't look up/ Just let them think/ there's no place else you'd rather be_" They dispersed and the cracked road showed itself again. "And now, you can't turn back/ Cause this road is all you'll ever have_"
I started to zip forward down the road, "ANd it's obvious that you're dying, dying/ Just living proof that the camera's lying/ And oh,oh,open wide/ Cause this is your night so smile/ Cause you'll go out in style_" ANd she pushed me down to a pit of vines, all starting to coil around me. "Yeah, Yeah you're asking for it/ WIth every breath that you breathe in/ Just breathe it in/ Yeah, Yeah, well you're just a mess/ You do all this big talking/ SO now let's see you walk it/ I said let's see you walk it!" And a guitar solo wet and she pulled me out.
"Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess/ You do all this big talking/ so now let's see you walk it/ I said let's see you walk it!" She shoved me forward down the cracked road. My skin started to become transparent with each step, " And it's obvious that you're dying, dying/ Just living proff that the camera's lying/ SO oh, oh open wide/ yeah oh, oh open wide/ yeah oh, oh open wide/ Cause you'll go out in style/ You'll go out in style." ANd the band themselves vanish. Except for the girl. She told me straightly, "You choose this path, ALex, it's up to you to finish it. And you will come to a fork in the road, it is up to you to discide which path you take."
"Can't you at least tell me what I have to look forward to on either on?" I asked.
"I cannot tell you your future, for that is up to you to discide." She smiled and patted my shoulder before disapearing.'

I shook my head, weird dreams is something I face a ot, but this was rediculus! I was tied to a chair and had tape ove my mouth, guee Makarov, you really know how to treat a prisoner right...


A/N: Yup they are in Makarovs hands again. Which majorly sucks. ANd Scarab has a weird dream.

Here's the song the was playing the dream, Fences by Paramore. THe girl is Haley WIlliams, but I figured Scarab wouldn't know that. Take a look.

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