Torturing isn't for the weiry

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"You better tell us," A Russian man told Roach calm.
The task force had been captured and locked away, except Roach, who was tied to a chair. While his squad members were being hooked up to electrical cords, they tightened his restrains. This is just what happens when you say that a mission is "easy".
Soap glared at the Russian and sneered, "What do you want us for?"
"Just some information," The man chuckled. It almost surprised Roach how carefree he was. Now his hand on Roach's shoulders, "What are your names? I'd like to know who I'm dealing with."
"Don't tell him," Royce advised.
"Very well," The Russian replied as he flipped the switch on the battery the rest of the team was hooked up to. The low crackle of electricity followed by the others screaming in pain filled the empty room. Roach bit his lip from the horror of watching his friends being tortured. Ghost looked around the room wildly, and then his stare locked on Roach, "Just keep your mouth shut!"
The Russian smiled at Ghost's request and turned the dial slightly. The squad continued to scream at the top of their lungs, but they didn't let up. Roach felt conflicted, he saw pain and suffering, yet at the same men didn't want him to say a word. Finally Roach couldn't take watching his friends like this any longer, "Alright! I'll tell you! Just stop electrocuting them!"
The Russian smiled with pleasure and turned the dial down. As each of the men panted and coughed, Roach quietly gave names. The Russian stood up and picked through the tools he had, then he grasped some cigarettes and lit one, "Now who are you working for?"
"Why the bloody hell should we tell you?" Ghost spat angrily.
The Russian stared at him for a moment. Their eyes locked on each other as the engaged in mental warfare, finally the Russian answered, "Well I never said you would. But one of you are bound to talk."
He held the burning cigarette near Meat's face, "Anyone?"
No one was pleased with this man but without an answer the Russian pressed the cigarette to Meat's cheek. "OW!" Meat wailed. Now the man brought the cigarette over to Meat's eye, "Any takers?"
The squad was silent for a few short seconds as the Russian man brought his arm back so he could hit Meat's eye harder than he threatened. Meat's face full of terror, and finally he croaked, "General Shepard! We're under control of General Shepard!"
Royce glared at the Russian hatefully as he returned to the torture devises he had laid out, as he looked for his next tool everyone wondered who his next victim would be. Finally he returned with a knife, this didn't help any of their anxiety. His head reared up next to Ghost's shoulder, "Are there any others?"
Soap looked away from the Russian, there was Archer and Toad on the cliff side, but no way was he gonna tell him that. The Russian sighed and looked to Ghost, "How bought you, English? You know anyone else who is around here?"
Ghost's eye flashed with memories of his past, and then returned to the same spiteful stare down with the man, "No one at all."
"Are you sure? I'd hate to see an 'accident' happen to you," The Russian tormented. With the dagger now gently resting on Ghost's cheek he asked again, "Who else is here?"
Meat then yelped a string of words in Portuguese which only surprisingly Ghost understood and made a hasty reply back in said language. The Russian man looked even more inpatient with them, "I'm sorry you're gonna have to translate that."
"NO we don't!" Royce sighed. The Russian now was pressing the blade down on Ghost's face, and now it was starting to draw blood. "Yes you do!"
"No I mean we don't have anyone else, we're the only ones!" Royce corrected.
"I want the truth!" The Russian demanded impatiently.
"We are telling the truth," Soap argued.
"No you aren't! I know you have someone else, now who are they?" The Russian ordered.
"Well let's see about that," The Russian tested now cutting Ghost deeper in his face. Ghost gritted his teeth but refused to scream, but Roach could see the agony in his eyes. Roach then shouted, "We have two snipers to the east!"
For a moment the task force stared at Roach a bit surprised but it quickly turned to fake aggravation. They all knew that Archer and Toad were positioned on the west cliff. The Russian pulled back the dagger from Ghost's face and whipped the crimson red blood from the blade, "Good... good. I have no use for you now. Ivan! Dimitre! Take them to where they will be staying..."
Two men jumped from their chairs and hit the men over the heads to be sure that they were uncontious.

Roach was slowly come to as he was being dragged down a hallway then tossed into a cell on the cluttered ground. He had made it out of that interrogation completely unharmed, but it wasn't the same for the others. Meat now had a burn mark on his cheek, and Ghost now has a scar on his face. Roach sighed as he scooted back to the wall, then he heard the creek of the door opening again and Ghost was flung in. Roach crawled over to see if he was alright, well aside from the cut he was in pretty good shape, just knocked out.
Soon the young sergeant sat Ghost up to a wall and waited for him to wake up on his own, honestly it felt lonely because no one else was there. Until he heard a humorous British accent ring over the comm.," Hey guys, where the bloody hell are you? You should have found that Intel by now is something wrong?"
"Archer," Soap's Scottish voice rang out. "We've been captured; do you think you can find a way to get us out of here?"
"Sure thing, just give us a few minutes." Archer replied with much relief in his voice. So Roach sat there for a moment or two then heard the sounds of guns firing and someone screaming. Next thing he knows Toad is unlocking the cage and helping get Ghost out along with Archer, Soap, Meat, and Royce. Toad stared at everyone and asked, "Shite, what the hell happened to you guys?"
"It's a very long story," Soap sighed exhaustedly.


A/N: I was kinda bored out of mind! So I started to write this in Math class and finished at home. Hope you like it! 

I know there is a ton of spelling errors and stuff but I'll fix it later.
Soap, Ghost, Roach, Meat, Royce, Archer, Toad (c) Modern Warfare 2

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