Plan B -P10-

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Something struck me like a truck had hit me at sixty miles an hour, I couldn't move at all, but I could hear everything just fine. The was the sound of fabric rubbing against itself, I wasn't alone. Then someone asked in a Russian accent, "So how is she doing back there?"
'Great,' I thought. 'I've been captured.' There was silence for a long moment and I was just thinking about a plan of excape, so then I discided the if it were a car then I will jump out of the window. But if it's a helicopter then grab a parachute and take a flying leap of fate. At the moment I felt the numbness retreat from my body it screamed in agonizing pain, my face felt hot and a lump had begun to restrict my breathing. I squished my eyes tighter then reached out to find anything that would identify the transport, then something lauched on my searching hand. It was heavy and warm, but wasn't strangling my fingers like an enemy would probably have done. But even still I paniced and scrambled blinkly to my right only to bash my head to just metal, 'Yup that's a pave-low alright.'
A conserned and fimiliar voice asked calmly, "Scarab, are you okay?"
I forced my heavy eyelids to open and looked baack to see Soap sitting on a bench in a chopper. For a moment I felt lost and unsure, almost like what I was seeing wasn't real. But if it hurt so much when my head collided to the walls of the helicopter then this was real. But Soap stood up and sat me back down, "Don't move so much, one of those Russians slashed your chest up pretty bad."
My hand rose up to my collar bone and it felt bandages, unable to recall the previous events that had gone on just before what happened, I just stared at Soap confused. He shook his head and sighed but said nothing. At that moment he plopped down next to me and I asked, "So where are we headed?"
"Back to the base," He answered almost as if he was worried he had jinksed something.
"Uh, we might not be heading back so soon," Replied the pilot as he pointed to a missile heading towards us. The whole chopper shook on impact and started to fall, "Get a parachute and get the fuck out of here!" Screamed the pilot as he slung on on him and lept out. Soap and I did the same and fell to the ground.
It was a feild luckily so we weren't gonna get stuck in trees, but we went into the woods just so the enemy wouldn't fine us so easily. The Russian regrouped after gathering fire wood so we could last the night while waiting for some transport in the morning. Soap grinned at him and told him, "Thanks Nikoli. At least you tried to get us back to the barracks."
The Russian, who apparently goes by Nikoli, dropped the wood and turned to Soap with the corners of his mouth lightly curved, "Well I did owe you for saving me from almost being exacuted. It's the least I could do for an old friend."
Nikoli pulled out a box of matches and started a small camp fire while I worked on making the parachutes into a shelter for the night. Soap was scouting out while we worked, and when we finished Nikoli took over and head out to make a fourty meter spread check of the area and kept watch. I sat down next to my Captain and stared into the flames.
Soap then told me in a humorous tone, "Well I'm impressed."
I looked his way to see the whole right side of his face iluminated by the fire in front of us, I asked curiously, "For what?"
"How you were beating the shit out of those guards back at the base. I've never seem anyone do a flip right over someone's shoulder," He commented. "Where did you learn that?"
"When I was maybe eight I was in gymnastics," I explained. "But when I got too tall they let me go and I just practiced what I knew."
"Wow," Soap replied probably trying to picture me in a leotard doing back flips for compotishion. "Have you ever screwed any of it up?"
I looked down at my feet and sighed, "Yah once. I almost quit because of it."
"Why what happened," My captain asked me now sparked with interest in listening.
"I hurt someone," I I told him sadly.
"How," His voice suttle and quiet now. "What did you do to the person?"
I glanced around the forest around us then into the flickering flames of the fire, "It was when I was seven. You see I was always completitive and my friend and I had challanged each other on the balance beam. So being the nieave child I was I did, so there me and my friend were on the, not expecting anything to happen. After a few minutes she started going on one foot and I tried as well. And next thing I knew I lost my balance and fell off, taking her with me." I paused and whipped teh forming tears away. "I landed on top of her, and I remember the sound of her neck snapping. I jumped off and when the teacher came she was dead. I killed her, and it's my fault." I turned away and let my face fall in my palms as I silently cried.
"Scarab," Soap sighed. "I never thought that_"
"It's all my fault! If I never accepted her challange then she wouldn't be six feet under!" I shouted at myself.
"You were a kid then," Soap told me as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "You didn't now any better."
"Well it's easy for you to say," I snapped as I jerked my shoulder out of his grip. "You never watched someone you cared about die!"
"In case you haven't forgotten, my girlfriend died right in front of me," Soap agrued. "I didn't ask for that to happen!"
I didn't reply and looked back at Soap, I might as well just cook some eggs on his head because he was steamed. After a few moment I finally sighed, "I'm sorry."
Soap looked at me, his tence and just down right pissed expression wiped clean of his face as he stared in somewhat shock, "No I should be sorry, I over reacted."
We just gazed at each other for a long moment, my eyes were locked on his icey blue eyes. I scooted just a bit closer and he slowly let his arm go on my shoulder. We just stared at the flames now, for a long moment we listened to the crickets chirp. He pulled me in close and I laid my head on his shoulder as his hand rubbed my arm gently. And we looked at each other, almost like a trance. As if he made up his mind he drew even closer and kissed me, I returned and we just continued to go on with this lip lock for a little bit. He was in a full imbrace as we sat there, he wasn't hasty at all, and kept it calm. I pulled away after a while and looked him over again, how his body was so muscular, so perfect. He understood me well, it was like the complete deal here, and I loved him. And those honest and sencer eyes, he cared about me and my safety. There was nothing there to hate with him, well at least for me there wasn't.
Soon we pulled away and went to sleep in the make shift shelters I made.


A/N: Okay three words to add up what I think this chapter is like. Sappy, sappy, and sappy. Oh wait did I mention sappy? Well there you have some of Scarab's past. Some more will be reiled sooner or later. But yah, she actidentily killed a friend when she was young, so she feels so guilty about hurting people, in fact there will be a time soon enough where she starts to go insane from her killing people. But that will be a story for later.

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