Plan B -P7-

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We sat in teh cockpit next to each other in silence, it wasn't ocward just quiet. One of the pilots finally asked just to break the quiet, "So MacTavish, this is your second time in Azerbaijan?"
Soap looked up and stared at the seat of the piot who asked the question. He nodded and answered, "Yes, it's been five years about." He paused for moment as if trying to pick his next words and continued, "I was there with the S.A.S. team, and we had came for Khaled Al-Asad."
"And how did that work out," I questioned now curious.
"If you conister almost having your arse biten off by dogs, being shot at from all sides, and jumping from house to house looking for the terrorist good, then that went prefectly." He chuckled. "I remember my Captain beating the the man up for imformation went we found him in a barn at the far end of the village. He ended up shooting him after the guy's cell phone rang and turned out to be Imran Zakhaev."
I tried to picture Soap standing and watching some man beating up the dead terrorist, I've heard of Al-Asad and had an idea what he looked like. Something told me that watching his Captain buratly torture the man was somewhat hadrd to watch, kind of like me witnessing Ghost's interrogations.
Once again the helicopter grew silent. I shifted through my bag to make sure I had everything, once I was sure I didn't forget anything back at the barracks I sighed and kciked the bag under the seat. I looked down at the floor, something about being inside a helicopter just always felt weird, I guessed it was the fact that I wasn't on the ground. And we sat there for a long half hour just thinking.
Sooner or later one of the pilots announced, "We're nearing Azerbaijan, two minutes." Soap and I stood and started to get our parachutes on and the pilot continued, "Minute thirty seconds." We got our goggles on and watched the door latch open. The pilot went on, "Forty-five seconds." I looked out the open rampway, this was it. "Thirty seconds," The pilot continued. I looked to Soap who smile at me, "Fifthteen second." I took a deep breath and counted down in my head, "Ten seconds." I now watched the light, "Five seconds." The light whiched green and the Pilot shouted, "Jump!"
We leaped from the ramp and started to free fall in the dead of night, wind whipped by my face. I was diving from thousands of feet up and watching the ground coming up to smack me, I pulled the rip cord and felt the shock of the parachute open as I started to drift toward the dock. I looked at Soap who had opened his chute and extended his legs from the. I drew in a breath and did the same.
As the ground passed under me I felt the cold air hit against my face as I came close to the ground. Then I stopped, my parachute now tangled in a tree. I danggled in the branch for a moment before trying to unlatch the pack from my body. But sadly the release was stuck and I was left hanging like a Christmas ordament. I just watched Soap throw the parachute into a bush and walk my way, he stared for a moment and sighed, "Well looks like you're in a snag, eh Scarab?"
"Yah," I grumble. "A little help." I started to tug and pull on the emergency release to get myself out, and next thing I know I fall straight to the grass. Lucky for me I didn't hurt myself, even though I was such a klutz. Soap helped me up and we worked on pulling the parachute out. If there was no evidence we were here then we would be golden. And after that chore was done we continued on up the hill.
Once we reached the small town we ducked to a wall trying to avoid being spotted. Soap peired past the corner and whispered, "Wait. We've got a patrol coming from the east. Stay low, we'll have to wait them out." I crouched down and awaited Soap's signal to keep moving. He looked back at me, his features strained as he tried to see in the low light, but it wasn't me he was gazing at. I turned around to see a dog crouching up from behind, its teeth clenched as it made a low growl from the pit of its throat. Soap whispered, "Don't move. The moment we try to run it will lung at us. Just keep low and try to get inside the church tower... nice and easy."
We backed up from the dog as slowly and non treating as possible then an idea struck me, I calmly pulled out a strip of jerky from my back and laid it on the ground. For a moment the god stared at the jerky that laid on the ground in front of it then at me, for a frightning few seconds it glared at me. Then its features softened, it consealed its teeth and gained a friendly and social stature as it silently walked towards us and bit down on the jerky strip. Soap watched as the dog quietly munched at the meat, probably thinking that could have been me or him, and turned to me almost curiously. I shrugged and grinned as I lightly stroked the german shepard's back and told Soap in a light-hearted voice so I wouldn't alarm the dog, "Where there is war, there is those who don't want trouble. And so there is always democracy."
"But how did you," His words fell flat and discided to lightly scratch behind the neck of the now calm dog. Looking at his there was a corner of his mouth raised in somewhat kindness, there was still his gentle nature, like the dog. Finally his sighed, "I always hated dogs because of all the times they were trying to kill me over the past five years. But I won't ever forgot the fact I had a dog myself, a border collie named Bonnie. I remember how me and my brother always hid a tennis ball in a pile of leaves to see how long it would take her to find it. And how my sister was always hugging it so tightly the jaws of death wouldn't be able to release her."
"What happened to the dog," I asked now curious.
"She died of old age," Soap's voice was starting to choke as he continued on. "I was only four-teen, and my dad woke me up in the middle of the night and told me she died... I came down to see her limply laying on her pet bed, and I cried for a week because I grew up with that dog." He stopped himself there because tears were starting to build up in his eyes, and I thought he might sob. The dog then came closer to us and was now friendly towards us. I glanced waywardly at Soap, he already knew what I was about to say and whispered, "Alright. But keeping the dog at the compound will be hard consitering someone is bound to question."
So we kept going and took shelter in the church tower, no guards or anything, we just climbed up the stairs and a ladder while carrying the dog along with us. After closing up the hole so no one could come in and attack us in our sleep, we waited for day light and started to rest.


A/N: It took me a bit I know. But look a new part of Soap's past right there with the dog! Awwwww. I feel sorry for him now, I can picture a little 7 year older Soap with his brother burying a tennis ball in the leaves and watching their dog go crazy trying to find it.

But yah I'm SO glad it's done. I had it done but forgot to save. CURSE MY STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Current Me Note: I find it funny how I tried to explain why Soap hates dogs when it should be obvious. I'd hate them too if they jumped on my back as much as the ones in CoD do. But, no, I gave him this wimpy backstory tidbit.)

Plan BOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora