Plan B -P53-

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Once we got to Russia, we got some hotel rooms for the night. Consitering we were at a safehouse now. And soon got to bed.
Near dead asleep I heard the slightest tapping against the balconey window. No one else did though. I stood up and came over to open the curtains covering it to see it was Silvia. I opened the door and stepped outside. "What it is? It's the middle of the night."
"Well I was just thinking," She stopped and looked at me like one of those mega flirty teenage girls. She was batting her eyelashes and giving a pouty face. I wasn't liking this at all. Then she kissed me, which I insticingly pulled away.
"What the hell are you doing," I questioned.
"I just thought you might want it," She giggled. And then once again she went for me again trying to kiss me, I kept her at arms length and she chirped, "Why are you fighting?"
"Because I don't want you to kiss me," I responded even toned.
"Don't lie," She hummed reaching for me. "I know you do."
"I have no idea where you're getting that idea then," I retorted. But I guess she took street fighting because she knocked my arm down and kept for it. I swear if you want something to hold something in place I give her this, clinky bitch. Her arms were wrapped around me to the point where I could move my arms up to push her off or anything.
Her lips crashed to mine, well I just kept moving my face away. And she whispered once again, "Don't fight. Just enjoy this."
Well she can take a hike if raping me was on her to do list. I didn't think this would happen. And I guess this was a stupid idea. Evenually she found my mouth again and tried to step things up, well not on my watch.
But you know it's patetic when you can't get someone off you, even if are strong. Well this freaking chick was wrapped around me and trying to make out with me. I didn't want this. I wanted her to get the fuck off me.

There was a noise outside and I went out to investigate. I threw on my boots and came out into the cool night air. I scanned to balconey, left side clear. Right side, 'HOLY FUCK!' My heart stopped as I saw Soap kissing Silvia.
A lump formed in my throat and I suppressed my shocked squeel. But even that imidiantly got Silvia to stop. She stared at me in horror, Soap was mixed. Releif, anger, shock, nervous. Tears were forming in my eyes and I rushed away and slammed the door behind me as I ran into the hotel room.
I threw myself on teh bed and cried into the pillow, why the hell did Soap do that? But the door slamming woke up Heatstroke was awake. She didn't need to ask, she already knew. She sat on my bed and rubbed my back lightly while whispering in a hush and gentle tone, "It's okay. Guys are pigs anyways. You're fine." But the tears still were coming down, I wanted to screw them up. Hurt someone at the least.
The door opened, I didn't look up because I knew who it was. But I listened to Heatstroke hiss, "What do you want? You broke her heart. What else could you possibly do?"
"Look," It was Soap. What did HE want? "I know what she thought she saw. But that wasn't anything like what really happened."
Now I sat up and stared at him, and I was sure my face was streaked with tears. "Not what it looked like? So you weren't just snogging that bitch out there?" I didn't take note of how much my voice was seathing with sarcasim until after I said it.
"Well yah," He told me. "She's just some creeper. And freaking tried to rape me out there. I didn't want any of that. You know that I love you." Of course he showed no embarrassment of saying it. But I didn't know anymore. He kissed a slut for pete sake here. And now he was trying to apologize for it.
"Yah well if you're gonna invite girls just to kiss them then I don't think this is worth it," I yelled. Now standing, I was near his height, in fact I could just look him in the eye. He looked taken back by my outburst. But he stood straight and didn't faulter.
"You and I both know I'm not like that," He snapped. "I would never cheat on anyone! Especially you!"
I couldn't help but feel guilty, and I wondered if he was really telling the truth. Well I could just... nah I pull Ghost in if it gets really bad.
"You're the only girl I could ever want," He went on. His voice had dropped down to being much more calm. "But what happened was all Silvia. I just wanted her off of me."
"Yah tell me when you get your facts straight," I shouted before stomping out fo the hotel room and onto the balconey. Just a story above the ground, the fall won't kill me. I jumped over and landed in the grass, nothing broken at least. I shuffled away listening to Soap could over to me trying to get me to come back.
"Wait! Scarab! Get back here!" And he jumped after me I started to run. Still misty eyed and heart broken. I wanted this to end. And if god were listening he'd strike me down right now!
I looked back at him as he gained on me, terror in his eyes. Suddenly something wrapped around me, the impact knocking me over and on the pavement. I looked aorund in horror, a net. Then the sound of air swooshing and a thud and Soap was on the gorund tangled up in a net nearby.
Both of us were agitated but now I was nervous. A voice the rung out, "Well well well, So glad you could join us."
We both looked up, Makarov in all his terroirist glory.
"You thought you excaped me, but you didn't know there was a traidor in your mist." We all exchanged looks. Mostly me and Soap, but when I did like at Makarov it was anger. My best guess was Silvia.
"What the hell did you do to Heatstroke," Soap yelled at him as he struggled against the net.
"Oh don't worry, Riley is fine," Makarov chuckled. "Funny how we think we know someone."
And then Silvia caught up. My fist clenched and I shot a daggerlike stare at her, "I knew it! You bitch! I knew we shouldn't trust you!"
Soap was shocked more than ever, well there goes his fate in his judge of character. "Silvia? Why would you do this? Makarov was responcible for_"
"He wasn't my son," She chuckled evilly. "I faked all of that. He was just some kid off the streets, and I had fun killing him."
'Whoa back it up here! She killed an innocent little boy?' "You seriously are a bitch!" I snapped. "He was just a young child! He didn't desirve to die like that!"
"He was just bait." Makarov sighed. "This was all part of my plan."
"No Shepard wanted to make America look great," Soap agrued.
"That was his intensions." Makarov corrected. "Mine were to take over the New Russia. And I hired SIlvia to lure you in. I knew You were going to kill Shepard, and that was all part of my plan. That's why I gave you the corrdinates to his site. And that's why you're in this trap. You're a problem to my plans."
"You're such a bastard," I implyed. And earned a kick to the rib cage.
"I have plans for you, just like I did with Heatstroke." Makarov went on. And like that he kicked my head and I was out.


A/N: One opinion of SIlvia now, SLUT!!!!! How dare she kiss SOap! That's Scarabs job!

ANd pour Scarab, she was just so angery, tick, upset, shocked, too many emotions to list. But one thing she's gonna do is get revenge!
Scarab: Hey Silvia. Meet my new friend! Saw meet slut!

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