PLan B -P27-

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I glanced out the window and realized something, there was still Soap! But there was two problems with finding him 1) he might be on a mission. 2) How the hell do I find someone when I don't even know where the hell I am?
Nikoli dropped a hand on my shoulder and told me calmly, "He'll contact if he thinks that he might need me. And when he does I could bring you along."
I looked up at him, his hair was combed back out of his eye, even if there was much consitering he was thining in the front anyways. His pale gray eye just stared out the window and I asked, "Uh Nikoli? I have a question. Two acually." He looked at me and I asked, "So where are we anyways?"
"We're in the Causous Range. Just a few miles from Azerbajain." He answered. "What's the other question?"
"How did you and MacTavish know eachother?" I now had curiousity.
Nikoli sat back down on the couch, the others had left the room a few minutes ago, so it was just me and him. He motioned to take a seat and he started, "It was five years ago. And I was what you might say, a mole. I gave the S.A.S. intel on the communists who dared to try and take over Russia. But soon they had me found out, so they had me planned for exicution. Lucky for me, my last contact was to Captain Price and I had told him that I was going to be killed and he promised to get me out of there."
"So how does_" I was about to finish but Nikoli went on.
"So I faced being beaten up and such, but then that night I could hear a fire fight outside and could only think, 'that's Price for you' and before I knew the lights shut off and the guard with the flash light was shot. Price, his second in command, and Soap had come in wearing these clunky nightvision goggles. Well Prices was one scope but that was it. But that's how I met Soap, he was so different back then."
"Different how," I questioned becoming interested.
"Much quieter," He sighed. "And he seemed to have an obsession with bombs. I swear when something went wrong that was his very first suggestion, 'oh why not we blow them up!'"
I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Soap holding up some C4 with this big goofy grin on his face.
"But anyways, I have helped him and Price out since then." Nikoli finished.
"One question," I looked up at him curiously. "Whose this Price guy?"

Meanwhile (Price)
"Hey!" A scrony prisoner shouted as he glared daggers at a six foot wall who took his mushy beans. "Those are mine!"
I shook my head slightly and thanked myself for not really getting involved. I didn't even see much of the deal, the food here tasted like... well thats how deproibal it was, I can't even discribe the taste! At least without getting sick. The slime of the day was what they called beans, a slice of bread, and water. In fact I just ate the bread and water and hoped the guards wouldn't force me to finish the beans.
"And what are you gonna do about it," The muscular man sneered already chowing down on the beans. Just wait an hour and see what they'll do to you.
The skinny young man sat back down disapointed with the fact he couldn't think of anything to say. I sighed and looked at the beans, they meant nothing to me anyways. I picked up the paper bowl and handed it to him. His eyes bright gray eyes studied me for a moment, probably expecting me to throw it in his face, then grabbed the bowl away.
As I turned to step back to my seat the muscule bound man grabbed my jacket and pulled my backwards. 'Great now this is where the fun starts.' I thought. This huge guy was bald and looked about in his earily thirties. But I knew he probably hated me for being nice. Practically everyone who wasn't getting anything hated those who were kind.
"What's the deal!" He snapped at me, and he flashed his yellow teeth at me. "Why are you being nice to him? He's worthless!"
"Oh is he?" I asked sarcastically. "We're all stuck in this hell hole, we might as well try to survive through it."
"I don't like your type," He growled. "It's pompus old fools like you who I tear up in the coartyard."
"And I'm not too happy with giant lumbaring retards like yourself," I calmly said back. "And you don't know who the fuck you're messing with."
"Fine!" He shoved me back. "Out in the courtyard! See you there if you have the balls to face me, old man."
I hid a simpathitic grin, it'd be him who'd regrete choosing the fight.
When the only freetime we had other then solitary confindment rolled by I stood outside, the cold wind rustled and there was the chatter of others and their conversations. A fresh blanket of snow had fallen and I just waited, leaning against a wall. The bulky figure of the man came into veiw, and with the lack of a jacket.
He stepped in front of me and barked, "Hey there old man, you ready to be dust? That is unless you aren't already?"
"You know how much I pity you," I chuckled as I pulled my jacket off and neatly tossed it aside. Under was a tattered short sleeve shirt with 'S.A.S.' stitched on the sleeve. The cold bite at my skin and I only hoped it wasn't turning red. I stood up barely my full high of a little short of six foot. Would it matter if he was a few inches taller? Maybe not.
The guy threw the first punch which I simply avoided. He tossed all his strength in the next, and I grabbed his wirst and pulled it behind his back with little trouble. He trashed and strambled but I kept his arms behind him. And I finished this with a strong kick that knocked him to the ground.
"I hope you learned your lesson," I grinned as I picked my jack up and slung it on.
"Wh-who are you?" He asked as he stood back up.
"I'm not someone you want to mess with," I told him before walking away.

Meanwhile (Soap)
"So we just need to get an ACS modual on a mountain base while climbing for two day?" I repeated. "Sounds easy enough."
"Yeah," Roach agreed, he seemed so childish sometimes but what did it matter as long as he got his job done.
"Don't disapoint me," Shepard smiled before turning the uplink off.
"Get ready Roach," I told him. "We're leaving in an hour."
Roach smiled and left to get packed up. As he left I examined the bandaged wound from a few days ago that still laid on my side. But I just couldn't remember how I got it.


A/N: YAY! MORE PRICE MOMENTS!!!! One of you requested that I talk a little bit more about Price's experiences in the Gulag, so yah.

And this is where the campainge begins, sort of. But either way they are still getting themselves going.
Hehe I liked writing the part where Price had a semi fight with the giant guy, that was SO funny. I guess he didn't want to say his name so the guy couldn't find him. Not to mention the guards know him too well, which would explain that better.
But meanwhile Scarab is recovering from a bullet wound, stupid Shepard didn't want to make sure she's dead. The idiot. At least Makarov had the right idea, but it was up to Shepard to do it, and he didn't. WHOOOT!!!!!!!!

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