Plan B -P85-

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The door bell rang and me and Gonzalo frozen, honestly taken off guard. It had to be at least eight in the bloody morning! But Becka came down the stairs in a heatbeat and opened the door, outside stood two people. Both her age, one was a girl with dark brown, super short hair, a little shorter than Becka, but also could show more muscle in comparison to Becka's wirey figure. She was dressed in a black sweatshirt and skinny jeans. The other was a boy with auburn-brownish hair, dark drown eyes stared at Becka, he was also a little bit taller than her. In a plain orange long sleee shirt and jeans. Jezz it had to be freezing outside, where was their coats?
"Katie, Elijah." Becka greeted.
"Hey Bec, you ready to go?"
Becka looked down and noted that she was still in her pjs. "I'll be back, I need to get dressed. Come inside I guess."
The two entered and headed towards the living room where Gonzalo and I were. Becka rushed up the stairs and out of sight. Leaving us alone with the two.
Katie blinked a moment, and stared at Gonzalo a cold long moment, making said man sink into the couch. Then out of nowhere she ran up hugging him shouting, "MEXICAN!"
Gonzalo pried her off and told her sturnly, "I'm Columbian, not Mexican."
Elijah scratched his head, "I actually thought you were Italian."
Katie hit her friend upside the head, "No dumbass, he looks totally Mexican."
"I'm Columbian, and I suggest you get that through your heads before_"
"Then what's with the mushtashe? It makes you look Mexican." Katie pointed out.
Gonzalo grew slightly irritated and sighed, "So what if I have facial hair? That's just me."
"You're Mexican." Katie claimed. "So did you jump the boarder lately?"
Gonzalo facepalmed, "No I didn't jump the boarder, and I'm not Mexican."
But then I came back to remembering that we had Ghost, Price, and SOap's asses to save here, "Uh, I'd hate to leave you two, but we have some lives in danger. Gonzalo, get Heatstroke, we're leaving."
Gonzalo nodded and stood, some releif about not being with this two pests were in his eyes. But aside from that he gripped his stab wound protestively.
"Do you think you'll be able to continue with the mission?" I asked examining the pain in his posture which he failed to hide.
"Si, I'll be fine." He answered in a strong voice to mask his own phyical being. "The mission comes first."
"No, the wellbeing of the men comes first," I corrected.
"But I'll fine, we have to save them."
Katie and Elijah looked confused. Finally the first asked, "Save who? Can we come?"
I dropped an eyebrow at them, cililans, possibly collage students on top of that, asking to join on a dangerous task which they were unaware of? They truly had no idea what they were getting themselves into. "I'm sorry, but this is military buisness only. I don't want you to be hurt on a count of us not being able to protect you."
"But we can hold our own!" Katie whined. "Even Becka can! We know what we're doing!"
"I'm sorry but this is dangerous, I don't want you to be hurt because of us." I explained and ushered my fraction of the Task Force from the house. And we were moving.

Nearing the safe house, we looked to see what was to be made of here. It looked quite ratty, and utterly unstable. Why would anyone want to hide out here?
But I let the thought pass out of my mind and we went up to the door, but before truly opening it, Heatstroke noticed a ceilor door. Perfect.
With little hesitation, Gonzalo opened it and we crept inside. As I came down teh stairs with practiced light footed stealth, I was pelted with the stentch of vodka. Yup this person was Russian alright.
Then at the other side of the dark room, I could see them, all tied to chairs and the man circling them. The dimly lit ceiling lamp above their heads made them perfectly clear, as we stood against shadows and darkness. All it could take is to shoot the man right through the brain.
I nimbily took aim at him, sights locked on a spot right between his eyes. And I pulled the trigger. A nanosecond later, his head spattered and the Russian fell to the ground. I signalled for the men behind me to move up.
As I came towards the three men, I could see the horror on Soap's face, we hadn't become visible to him or the others yet. "Whose there? Show yourself!"
I said nothing, my footsteps so light that a mouse would not detect me, my dad would be proud. Then I emerged from the darkness and into the bleak light that shown over them.
"Scarab? I told you not to come! Get out of here before it's too late!" Soap barked.
"Calm down Captain, I just came here to get you guys out," I assured.
But he was still tence, "There's more of them upstairs, they are bound to have heard that gun shot."
"Damn, did being captured make you as paranoid as Ghost." I glanced at Ghost as my fingers nimblily worked on Soap's restraints. "No offence."
"None taken," The leftenant sighed.
After undoing the restraints of the men, we went back towards the cellor door. But as I turned on my hells I heard a clap. Looking back at the sorce I saw a different man. His accent think and Russian as he spoke, like the man on the comm, "Bravo. Bravo. An impressive proformance. And by the fact that you showed up, I'll take it you saw my side of the deal."
"I'm not joining you," I hissed and started to push everyone back to the door.
"On the contrary." He retorted smartly. Oh how I wanted to punch him in the mouth. "The deal was that if you showed up, then you must join me. And so here you are."
"I'm not joining you," I told him firmly.
"Very well," He aimed a gun at me and fired, the projectile plundged into my shoulder, and I realized it was a tranqilizer dart. "You have a minute to run. I suggest you take advantage of it."
"Son of a bitch," I snapped and ripped the dart form my flesh. Then ushered everyone outside, we broke to a run. As we were, I was starting to feel the effects of the dart, my head growing light and my breath shallow and relaxed. Finally I fell to teh ground.
Soap and Gonzalo both turned to look at me. And finally both broke in a rushed scurry back towards me, their voices distant as they tried to urdge me to get up. But I was slipping into a void of black and calm. And the accented voice disappeared with my contiousness.


A/N: Alright, their rescued. Sorry about teh cliffhanger. But I didn't know what else to type. But yeah, curse you tanquilizer darts.

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