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Ghost listened to the phone, and I faintly heard a woman operator roboticly say, "We're sorry. All lines are busy at the moment. Please hang up and try to call again later."
Ghost snapped it closed and shoved it in his pocket and imformed, trying to hide the anger in his tone, "I can't get anyone on the horn."
Roach had turned on the radio and we listened to two voices, the male on said, "War has been brought to the shores of the United States."
A female voice then added, "Troops are already stretched to . . . scattered all over the world . . ." But the voices were breaking up and Roach turned it off.
"The Russians must've copied the ACS module. Got the key to every lock in America." I explained darkly.
"And they're killing a thousand Americans for every dead civilian in Moscow. Look's like we're all out of friends." Ghost continued off of me, piecing it together with the little clues we had.
"I know a guy. Let's find a payphone." I refered. Knowing Nikoli was already here, I had called him over incase this happened. But then remembered how little times I say a payphone around. "They still exist?"
"All we got outta Rojas is that the only guy Makarov hates worse than Americans is locked up in a gulag." Ghost sighed.
"It's all we got. If this con's the bait to catch that psychopath, let's hang him from a tree." I spat. Then looked back at Rojas as he gasped a breath and drooled out blood. Ghost had gone all out on him, but he could have made it easier on himself if he just cooperated.
The sound of people shouting in Porugese filled my ears and Ghost turned in circles trying to track where they were coming from, "Sir, the militia's closing in. Almost 200 of them, front and back."
"We're gonna have to fight our way to the LZ. Let's go!" I responded as I got up to the path.
"What about Rojas?" Ghost asked as he looked back at him.
"The streets'll take care of him." I grumbled.
"Works for me." Ghost replied as we all headed up the overgrown path and into the town square.
"Nikolai! We're at the top level of the favela surrounded by militia! Bring the chopper to the market, do you copy, over!" I told him in teh comm, thinking about this morning and the extraction points we worked out. But also that man he was with, he seemed oldly too familiar.
"Ok my friend, I am on the way!" Nikoli responded, yup, that's what he refered to me usual, 'my friend'.
We all stopped and I looked over everyone to make sure no one was still down with Rojas after it was obvious we were all here I then told them, "Everyone get ready! Lock and load!"
"Let's do this!" Ghost shouted as he half pounded his fist in teh air and rushed up, the squad split and I ran to my left, ducking behind a refrigerator on it's side. I heard Ghost imform over the comm, "Tangos at the ground level dead ahead!"
I shot some milita men as they ran from cover, but Roach was behind a brick wall and going crazy shooting these guys. 'Yup that's Roach alright, a trigger happy maniac.' I thought in the back of my mind. Finally a shouted into the comm, "We've gotta get to the helicopter - head through the gate to the market! Move!" I saw everyone make their way up and more enemys came in firing at us.
"Contact! Foot-mobiles on the rooftops, closing in from the south!" Ghost yelled as he found cover beind a blown up car. He poked up and continued, "Technical comin' in from the south!"
I looked to teh south to see a technical burst through the wooden barrier, like an action movie sequence and Roach shoot the gunner without any hesitation. When i looked to the gate I saw a new one come driving in, "We got another technical! Take it out!" Roach once again shot it down, which surprised me how quickly he could get a lock. With a clear path I told them, "Head through that gate! Keep pushing to the evac point!"
"Go! Go! Go!" Ghost yelped as he jumped over the short brick wall and came along with us as we headed down the hill. Seeing the militia running down we took them out and came to a garbage filled feild.
Everyone started to fill them with lead and with the coast clear I shouted, "Let's go, let's go! We've gotta push through these streets to the market! Watch for flanking routes!"
Ghost going one way with two teammates followwing him, I went the other way, but Roach broke away to flank them out. I slid to a car and fired at the militia that came after us. Where the hell were they coming from?
And then came Roach with a spray of bullets, taking out the militia on the balconey. Either he was a good shot, or those guys were stupid enough to stand there. We all were together and I yelled over the firing, "Roach! Lay down some fire on the intersection! Heads up! Alley on the left! Keep moving! We're almost at the market!"
We came up to a large grassy feild, a technical firing at us. Before I could protest Roach had run to the crates on teh opposite side and shot down the near by militia. I came to a car while Ghost found it safe behind a wall, his might have been better. Roach took down the technical without any problems and we continued on to the market, but once again it was crouded with militia.
"Squad! Spread out and cut through the market! Move!" I barked as I was already heading down to teh right path. Roach and Rocket had left to go down the left side.
"Contacts above us at 11 o'clock, firing blind!" Ghost shouted as he made quick work of who he was talking about. Then Roach came jumping in and slashed the last man before any of us had the chance to do the job.
I could hear the sound of Nikoli's pave-low coming in, "There's Nikolai's Pave Low! Let's go! Nikolai! ETA 20 seconds! Be ready for immediate dustoff!"
"That may not be fast enough! I see more militia closing in on the market!" Nikoli warned.
"Pick up the pace! Let's go!" I odered as we rushed through a house. We reached the open door to see the smoke trails of RPGs and the bottom of the pave-low.
"It's too hot! We will not survive this landing!" Nikoli screaming in the comm.
"Nikolai wave off, wave off! We'll meet you at the secondary LZ instead! Go!" I responded, not really wanting to be the death of him.
"Very well, I will meet you there! Good luck!" Nikoli told me, still edgy but much more releifed he wouldn't be blown to bits today.
"Come on! We've got to get to the rooftops, this way!" I demanded as we ran over to teh wall on the other side of the soccar feild where the pave-low was headed. Everyone climbed up and we were moving again, "Let's go, let's go!"
"My friend, from up here, it looks like the whole village is trying to kill you!" Nikoli joked.
"Tell me something I don't know! Just get ready to pick us up!" I snapped as I leaped from the roof to an onning then on the next roof top.
"We're running out of rooftop!" Ghost panicked as he push a drying blanket out of his way.
"We can make it! Go go go!" I drilled as I took the first leap and summersaulted onto teh next roof feet below. I watched Ghost land along with everyone else but no Roach, "Roach what's the hold up?"
Then I saw him lanch from teh upper rooftop towards us, then miss us and grab the gutters. I scurded toward him and just as he fell I tried to grab his hand, but no dice. He hit the ground, hard. All of us heard his body make contact, and only hoped he'd be fine.
"Sir, we need to go!" Ghost urged as pulled at my shoulder.
"We need to get Roach," I disagreed. "No man left behind!"
"We can have Nikoli wait for him," Ghost argued. "But now we need to get the bloody hell out of here!" He pointed up to the upper rooftops showing me that militia were catching up.
"Fine, let's go," I sighed with disapointment. We all rushed to the pave-low and I told Nikoli, "We have a man down. Can we wait for him?"
"I only have so much fuel," Nikoli told me. "Fine, but if he isn't here by a sertain time I'm leaving him."
I shook my head and tried to get Roach awake by shouting at him on the comm.

Meanwhile (Roach)
"Roach! Roach! Wake up!" I couldn't help but notice the surging headach that made me fell like my head would split. Soap was screaming at me on teh comm. My vision hazy, I turned on my other side and saw the militia approaching.
"Roach! We can see them from the chopper! They're coming for you, dozens of 'em!" Ghost added, my vision becoming clearer. I sat up.
"Roach! There's too many of them! Get the hell out of there and find a way to the rooftops! Move! Run for it! Get to the rooftops!" I stood up and felt a sudden rush of dizziness that nearly knocked me over but I sprinted into the building in front of me. The next room was probably a kitchen, but after that was an open door, "Roach, we're circling the area but I can't see you! You've got to get to the rooftops!"
I leaped down a few steps and jogged up the next, barely missing bullets as they whizz by my ears. Then I turned into a house and zipped up the stairs as a militia man sprayed bullets on the wall trying to shoot me.
I came leaping out of an open door and my eyes almost fried from the sudden sunlight. "Roach! I see you! Jump down to the rooftops and meet us south of your position! Go!"
"Gas is very low! I must leave in thirty seconds!" Nikoli imformed.
"Roach! We're running on fumes here! You got thirty seconds!" I began to haul my ass even faster, not really wanting to be left with these loanitics. "Run! Left! Turn left and jump down!" I nearly ran myself off the edge of the rofftop, not again, I swiveled left and jumped from teh steep ledge to the corner. "Come on!" Soap yelled. I picked up my pace the best I could while avoiding cross fire. Then I slid down a metal roofing, smashing through a window and crashing on the floor. I scrambled up on my feet and saw the pav-low swoop in with a rope ladder ready. The door came open and Soap was doging bullets as he yelled out, "Jump for it!"
I gave one more might jump and flew through the air, and just barely grabbed the ladder. My heart pounded in my chest, and I wondered if I'd suffer a heart attack. Wind whipped my sweatsoaked face.
"Nikolai! We got him! Get us out of here!" Soap sighed with releif.
"Where to, my friend?" Nikoli asked.
"Just get us to the sub..." He sighed. And with that I climbed up the ladder and into the helicopter. My legs feeling like geliten and that headach still pounding I sat myself down. Soap closed the door and turned to me, "You alright Roach?"
"Yah," I gulped dryly. "Aside from nearly breaking my neck, being turned into the human ecivilant of bird bones, and smashing through a window, I'm perfectly fine."


A/N: Honest's nest is now off my check list! Great! Next stop the oilrigs!!!!!!!!! Terrific!

But yes more of Soap's point of veiw, sorry about the lack of discription on what was happening. I was so focused on dialog, and being accurate.
And the epic excape from Roach!!!!!!!!! How can I NOT point that in?

(Current Me Note: I think one of my few strengths in this was actually taking the time to have the game's actual script in front of me rather than type off the top of my head.)

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