Plan B -P35- -TOED.WY-

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"Good luck," Ghst told me before putting the mouth piece in. His mask pulled down and he stood there in his wet suit.
"You too," I replied getting into the SDV. Ghost got inot the front next to me and Roach grabbed the hand holds behind Ghost. Water started to fill up inside and I got my mouth piece on. The room pitch black, but I could hear the different station officers speak to eachother.
"U.S.S. Chicago Actual to dry-dock shelter, we have a go."
"SDV hangar flooded, full pressure."
"Begin deployment."
The hanger door opened and we launched out. The cold water made me feel frozen, why did this have to happen in late fall? Why not summer? When we won't turn into freeze pops?
"Team One SDV is away."
"Hotel Six, bearing zero one-niner."
Then we passed U.S.S. Dallas. A new SDV was launched near by and Ghost gave the person maning the other the 'ok' hand signal which was returned with a thumbs up.
"U.S.S. Dallas deploying Team Two. RV at the objective."
"Hotel Six, depth 20 meters."
Then we arrived at the oilrig structure.
"Team Two at the objective."
I pushed myself from the SDV and swam quietly up to the surface. My head poked out of the water and I scanned around, two Russian guards were speaking. Looking to the other side, Roach prepared himself to take out a guard, We'll take them out at the same time...on your go."
He reached up for the ledge, at the same time I grabbed the back of the first guards coat, pulling him under. He wriggled in my grasp and I brought my knife out and stabbed his neck. The guard went limp and I pulled the knife back out, and returned to the surface. I came out of the water fast than Roach, just in time to see Ghost pull out the rebreather and pull on his mask.
I looked over to where the two guards had stood, and watched Roach get pulled form the water by to others. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as he flopped onto the deck. Then I muttered into the comm, "Two hostiles down in section One-Alpha. Moving up to section Two."
"Roger that, Hotel Six." One-Alpha replied.
Everyone started up the steps and I then told them sleepily, "Keep it tight people. Ready weapons. Move up."
Ghost then stopped and found a hiding spot behind some stacked crates, the squad followed suit seeing what he had saw. A lone guard was staring aimlessly into the ocean below. I heard Ghost imform, "Got a visual by the railing."
"Free to engage. Suppressed weapons only." I responded. In my laungage what I said was, 'Go ahead and shoot him, but don't get us caught.'
Ghost looked through his sight and pulled the trigger. Only the sounds of the muffled bullets and the guard splashing into the water was heard. "We're clear."
"Civilian hostages at your position, watch your fire." The sub commander imformed as we started to the locked doors. Ghost and Neptune took the one at the far side of the rom while Roach and I got the closer one.
"Roger that. Team One moving to breach." I told him before nodding to Roach to set the charge. He happily stuck it to the door and pressed himself to the wall before pressing the button. And as if he was in fast motion he was already in the room and clearing it of enemies. I could only shoot one on a count of Roach being such a trigger-happy-maniack.
"Clear." Ghost announced as we continued on, leaving a man behind so he could secure the hostages.
"We're clear. Hostages secured in section Two-Echo." I told the sub commander.
"Roger that Hotel Six, Team 2 will secure and evac, continue your search topside." The sub commander responded flatly.
"Ok, moving upstairs. Control - We're advancing to Deck Two." I told Control. Then added to my squad, "Eyes open. Watch your sectors."
We came up a flight of stairs and out a door, the temperature not really changing. Then the thumping sound of propellers came into earshot and the Sub commander warned, "Enemy helo patrolling the perimeter. Keep a low profile, Hotel Six."
"Roger that." I sighed, already searching for cover. The sound was just becoming louder, "Enemy helo, get out of sight." We slid to a stack of crates and waited, only listening to the sound of the helicopter as it passed. "Ok, move." I told the squad.
As we neared a new room the Sub Commander imformed, "Hotel Six, more hostages are at your position."
"Copy that." I replied already in position with Roach at the door. Once again he beat me to the fun of shooting Russians. Oh well, I guess it's first come, first served.
"Clear." Ghost repeated.
"Clear." I said back. "Control - all Deck Two hostages secured." Then the room was filled with a static Russian voice, asking what was going on.
"Enemy radio....I think we're going to have company sir..." Ghost told me.
I shot him a 'no shite serlock' look and told Roach, "Set up for Plan B. Get some C4 on those bodies, go."
If I wasn't mistaken I could see a new hint of a crazy pyromanic in his wild gray eyes. He rushed over to the body laying limping against the wall and taped some C4 on. Then before he could say anything Ghost announced, "C4 placed, sir."
"Get to an elevated position. We'll ambush them when they discover the bodies." I told everyone, already nearing a ladder to a platform. Roach quickly followed and we laid down out of sight as we waited. A few guards came into view and started towards the room, "There's the patrol. Hold your fire until they're closer. Standby.... Standby...." Then a few entered and we heard a panicked shout. "Plan B. Do it."
Roach pressed the button and we watched the room implode. Then that was followed by crazed fire by the startled Russians as they tried to find where we were.
"Control, this is Hotel Six. Our cover is blown." I imformed as I shot back. 'Gee this is a terrific way to keep from getting caught. Blow up the inside of a room then start a fire fight! I'm such a genius!'
"Copy that, intel still indicates hostages and possible explosives on the top deck. Your team needs to secure that location before we can send in reinforcements to handle the SAM sites, over." The sub commander reminded.
"Roger that. Will call for exfil in LZ Bravo." I replied as a Russian fell in a pool of his own blood. Then told the squad, "CentCom needs us to take the top deck ASAP so they can send in the Marines. Move."
Everyone jumped from their hiding places and started to fight their way through the mob of pissed of Spetinaz. And we worked our way to the staircase.
"Move." I barked as I flew up the steps, followed by Ghost, Roach and everyone else. And all I could do is barely avoid crossfire and shoot whoever I needed to.
"Hotel Six, hostages from the lower decks are being extracted by Team 2. Proceed to the top deck ASAP to secure the rest, over." The sub commander imformed.
"Copy that, we're working on it. Out." I replied as I slipped my way to a new stack of crates. Suddenly the all too familiar sound of guns being spooled up filled the air.
"Attack heli 12 o'clock, find some cover!" Ghost panicked as he lundged for the next metal support, bashing a Russian in the head on the way. Without much thought I rushed into a room, followed by both Roach and a ton of Russians. These guys were like... like ants! I started to spray bullets, in the meantime Roach grabbed a stinger missile and jumped outside. Next thing I see is a trail of smoke leading to the now falling smokey hull that was the helo. "Nice shot, Roach." Ghost sighed.
"The clock's ticking. We need to get topside and secure any remaining hostages before we call in the Marines." I reminded as we continued on, still in the middle of a gunfight. Then there was two ways, "Split up. We can flank through these hallways."
Roach followed me inside while Ghost went around the other way. We came up some stairs where we entered, only hearing the gunfire below. Only again we passed a stock pile of stingermissiles and I could barely keep Roach and his crazy pyromaniack self from blowing this whole place up with them. And if he had those for fun, the Russians would be the least of my worries.
Roach leaped to the bottom of the next flight of stairs, and for a moment everything seemed safe. Then a Russian came in and bashed his gun at him. I grabbed his and pulled him back, shooting his head before dropping his lifeless corpes. So we continued to shoot while we were here, waiting for Ghost and the others to catch up. When they did it was once again us pushing through.
We started up the next stairs, and kept thinking about the fear these pour workers might be facing. "Move up. Let's go! Those hostages aren't going to rescue themselves."
We reached the top and we all noticed a thick wall of smoke. "Smokescreen."
I couldn't help but send him the 'No freaking dah' glare then tell the squad. "These guys have thermal optics. Stay clear of the smoke."
We came to good positions and started to look through the smoke with thermal optics. Not so great when we both have them. Then the sub commander announced on the comm, "Hotel Six, be advised, hostages have been confirmed at your location along with possible explosives, over."
"Copy that. All teams check your fire - we don't know what's behind these doors." I ordered as I shot down a Russian who was only exposing the top of hsi head, I'll just leave it at he got one bad hair cut. Everyone started to push through, Roach being far ahead. I aimlessly wondered in and nearly got myself killed by a sneaky bastard. I made quick work of him though, I thank whoever first came up with combat knives. "Get a frame charge on the door. We'll hit the room from both sides."
Everyone came to the doors and breached, once again with Roach's crazy trigger-happy behavor. I makes me wonder how long anyone would last if they were locked in a room with him holding an ACR. 'Oh wait, that experiment was already tested back at the base!'
"Clear." Ghost said as I came in, only to see the aftermath of Roach's gun. And might I spare you all the details of one guy whose brains was now plastered to teh wall.
"Room clear." I responded for the hopefully last time. "Control, all hostages have been secured. I repeat - all hostages secured. proceeding to LZ Bravo."
"Good job, Hotel Six. Marine reinforcements are inserting now to dismantle the SAM sites. Get your team ready for phase two of the operation. Out." The sub commander said as we came out. Everyone got on the helicopter. Everyone but Ghost, he had agreed to take the next along with a few others.
I casually swung my feet and looked around at the dark blue water below. Last nights events were still sort of a blur, other than that panic attack, but that might have been a weird dream. And for some reason I kept hearing voices scream in my head.
"Right what kind of name is Soap?"
"How'd a Muppet like you pass selection?"
"What the hell was that?"
"It's the FNG."
"It looks like the whole village is trying to kill you!"
"You won't amount to anything!" This wasn't anything I heard from the other teammates, this was my brother. He was always jealous of me! He always was! He had either hated me or made a fake wall of safety, only to bedistroied later.
My head was throbbing and I felt like everyone was staring. Then I felt something land on my shoulder, it was Roach's hand, "Something wrong, sir?"
"No..." I sighed forcing all my tears to stay out of my eyes. "I-I'm fine."
"You sure," He asked. "You don't look so great."
I then took note of how utterly nausous I really was, but I shook my head and explained, "I just didn't sleep well." It wasn't a total lie.
"Seriously," Roach questioned. "What's wrong?"
I couldn't help but recall how I used the same tone with Ghost. But unlike him, I was suppost to be in charge of everyone, I had to keep myself together. For their sake.


A/N: Just to clearify, the acrinem on the title means "the only easy day... was yesterday". Stupid word limits!

But yah I finally got the level, PLUS SOME!!!!!!
The little part where Soap was thinking about what people have said to him over the years was his own mental torture. I do feel sorry about do that, I guess in a way it was to make it have so sort of 'drama'. But yah, I can kind of guess it is because Scarab is thought to be dead. At least that's his knowlodge.

The quotes said were all from call of Duty except for the last one. Most being Price. One was Nikoli. AW POUR SOAP!

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