Plan B -P4-

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When we returned to our rooms no one said anything we just returned to our rooms to get some rest. I pulled off my jacket and boots then tried to get as much sleep as possible.
I woke up again a bit earlier than I expected. Heatstroke was still asleep, so I laced up my boots and threw the jacket back on. And so I stood on the balconey, it was connected to the room to the left but a fence divided the space. I leaned against the metal railing and stared out over the city of Manchester. Not the one in the U.S. either, this was in the U.K. The sky still dark, but the horizon was a dark shade of red. I sighed and watched my breath make a swirling cloud in front of me. I had a repect for how the sky could paint these beautiful colors and change them every moment.
"Can't sleep," A scottish voice hummed quietly in my ear. I looked over to where the fence had divided the balconey and Soap had propped himself on the fence with his arms crossed and resting against the metal.He had thrown a jacket on but it wasn't buttoned up nor was he wearing a shirt under that. Either the cold didn't bother him or he seriously was trying to look badass. I smiled slightly and tried at avoid blushing.
I looked away to hide my pink cheeks and asked almost shyly, "What are you doing out here?"
"Same as you, just couldn't go back to sleep." Soap replied as he stared out at the horizon. I looked back at him and almost wished my mask were on to conseal how my face had flushed as I grinned quietly at him. I watched him hop over the fence that was up to his chest, and make his way next to me. He was maybe a full three inches taller, I knew very well I was wasn't six feet.
For a long moment all was quiet as he stood next to me and watched the hues and tints of red and orange play on the earlier morning sky. And it seemed somewhat sad I was able to kill people but not have the guts to tell him how I felt about him. I looked down at the streets that happen practically no traffic, within an hour or two the streets would be crowded and busy. I turned to face Soap and sighed, "I've always admired how it was always so calm in the morning. How everything was so easy going."
Soap shrugged and responded, "I don't mind when there is a moment of calm. Gives me time to think. But I like activity, it makes things seem more exciting."
"Well I see nothing wrong with that," I agreed. I wished saying that I liked him wasn't so hard. I just was kicking myself because I just couldn't say it. "Uh Captain?"
Soap glanced at my waywardly and asked calmly, "Yah Scarab?"
"I, well, uh..." My voice trailed off unable to put my feeling towards him into words. I wanted to just tell him but I kept thinking, 'What if he has a girlfriend? Or a wife? I'd just sound so stupid.' My words were caught in my throat preventing me from saying anything I wanted to admit what I wanted to say but I couldn't. All thee thoughts seemed to run through my head so fast I didn't even notice Soap bring his face even closer to me.
His breath warm against my cheek as he whispered, "I know." I stood wide eyed at him for a moment and he continued, "I like you too."
I looked down at my feet as my face turned red in embarrassment, but I felt his finger gently pull my chin up to level with his face. I smiled shyly, and Soap lightly kissed my cheek. My world was pinning for a second as I tried to process it all, and a studdered, "W-wait. You like me too?"
Soap nodded and pulled me into a hug, he wasn't like that guy in the bar who was all toach and feel, he just held me close with his hands gently resting on my sides. Mine were wrapped around his body. I rested my head in his neck and hummed in comfort as his hands rose up my back. In a way I thought something would kill the moment like Ghost or Heatstroke walking out and making us separate. But instead minute ticked by as we were hugging out on the balconey. I could feel Soap kiss my forehead and I looked up at him. His icey blue eyes gleamed in the morning light so beautifully. His arms started to hold me tighter, but not to the point where I was being crushed by his shear strength. He kissed me again on the lips, so gently but so passonate. I felt the world around me vanish as he held the kiss for a few more moments.
He pulled away and apoligized, I didn't understand and asked, "Sorry for what?"
"I shouldn't," He sighed as his hug lessened.
"Why shouldn't we," I questioned calmly.
"I-I just can't." Soap told me and his grip fell to the point where his arms crossed. "I'm not letting what happened repeat itself."
"Why what happened," I was confused about what he was talking about. Why would he be so sure that it wasn't right that we liked each other.
"I couldn't protect someone I loved," Soap choaked. I could tell he was recalling something painful that happened. "A girl who I liked, she was... well killed. And I couldn't do anything to stop the murderer."
Tears were starting to build up in his eyes as he turned away from me, I lightly laid a hand on his shoulder and told his softly, "I'm not going to leave you." I slid in front of him and pulled him in a hug, which he accepted with out much hesitation. I continued, "I won't leave you."
Soap pressed his forehead to mine and asked, "You won't die on me?"
"I promise," I smiled as he pulled me to another hug and we embraced each other while kissing sweetly. I felt so alive with him so close. And after maybe ten minutes we heard Heatstroke waking up and asking where I was, so we separated and Soap jumped over the fence to the other half of the balconey. He silently smiled and told me goodbye and I leaned against the railing as Heatstroke came out. She looked over at the other half and back at me in confusion. I tilted my head pretending to act clueless and asked, "What?"
"Was someone else here?" She questioned quite suspitiously. "I could have sworn I heard someone."
"No just me," I lied. We went back inside and got dressed and met up in the hall with the others. I must have been a bit off because Ghost seemed to wonder why I would randomly stare at Soap lovingly. And Heatstroke was very suspitious about why I was so unfocused. But we had work to do so I tried my hardest to keep my mind where it should be.


A/N: Yes very sappy. Well it could be WAY worse, I could have typed about a makeout session. But yah this one was lame. At least in the previous one Soap broke a door down. But this... UGH! I hope I can make up for it in the next chapter.

Yes I know there are about 50 spelling errors. DON"T NAG ME ABOUT THEM!!!

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