Plan B -P45- -JLOT-

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The heavy sand covered blanket laid over me, maybe I just looked like I giant lump in the sand with a sniper rifle poking out. Then I heard Nikolai's static filled voice say inot our comm, "I'll wait for you at the exfil point. Three hours."
"Don't bother. This was a one-way flight, mate." Price told him. He was also covered in a sand blanket and was a bit ahead. The barrel of his gun was showing.
"Then good luck my friend. (Thank God)" Nikolai sighed.
We both pulled the sand blankets off and we started to get moving, "Soap, I'm picking up a thermal spike up ahead. The cave must be somewhere over the edge." We came up to a ridge and saw a large patrol group with two dogs and a bunch of men. "Hold up. Enemy patrol. Hold your fire. Looks like Makarov's intel was solid. This is it." Then half the group begun to move up the road. "Good, they're splitting up. Let them separate. This decryption code better be worth the price we paid..."
I looked through the scope and listened to the radio traffic.
"Go ahead, Alpha."
"Riverbed all clear, over."
"Sandstorm. Not much to see right now, over." Oh don't worry about that there will be in a moment.
"Zulu?" Huh that codename sounds like some Japanese toy or something. Take Force comes up with better.
"Uh, we're starting our patrol east along the canyon. North-side access road, over." Not for long.
"Focus on the group on the right, directly beneath us. Let's take them out first. I'll take the two on the left. On my mark. Three... Two... One..." Price told me. And just the second after he said one I shot the dog and two men below while price shot the last two. "Just like old times."
I grinned at him and we slid down the rocky hill, and damn that does bloody murder to ones body if they land wrong. I was temped to ask for some ice, but it would obviously be a no. Oh well.
"All right, we've got to take out the other group before they come back. Move." We moved up and duck behind the rocks. And before Price cound add anything else I sniped down teh dog and two men. "We don't have much time before they find the bodies. Let's keep moving. Here we go - hook up here." We latched onto the railing on the side of the road and stood on them.
I quietly listened to the radio traffic again.
"Disciple Four, Oxide. What's your status, over?"
"Disciple Four, Oxide. Do you copy, over?"
"Go." Price said and I nearly slipped on braking. But quickly regained my balance before I started to repell downward.
"Hey, I'm not getting anything from Disciple Four, north-ridge road. Could be a bad transmitter."
"Got two tangos down below." Price told me near silently as we hovered over them like spiders. I drew out my knife and got ready. "Do it." Without any thought I wrapped my hand over the guards mouth and impaled him, his eyes wildly looking at me before going glassy and he went limp. I tore the blade out and moved him to teh side after unhooking myself.
"Let's go." Price told me and we entered the cove, I imediantly felt a draft as we came in. But it was still humid as hell. At the end of the tunnel there was a guard watching a security camera. "Tango up ahead. Do not engage. Patrol coming our way - go left, quickly!" We ducked behind a crate and some hanging cloth as we both watched the patrol pass. "Let them pass."
"Butcher Seven, Oxide. We've lost contact with Disciple Five."
"Probably just the sandstorm that's rollin' in or a bad transmitter. Send a team to check it out, over."
"Roger that, Oxide. I'll send Vinson and Lambert. Butcher Seven out."
"Take out the guard having a smoke, or wait for him to move along." Price told me, I snuck up from behind the guard as he puffed some smoke. My combat knife whipped past his throat and he gagged as he fell to teh ground in a pool of blood. "Good night. Let's go."
As we came up there was a large group of Shadow Guards, pefect. Price leaned and shuffled across and I followed, "Easy now..." He whispered. "Two tangos in this corridor. Hold your fire and stay to the left."
We both whipped a left silently and saw two men coming down a stairwell ahead, "Soap, we've got two tangos with taclights coming down the stairs under that red light, dead ahead." I quickly shot both and they fell down teh last two stairs before hitting the ground head first. "Impressive. Clear. Go."
We both started up the stairs as the radio traffic went on. "Disciple Six, we've lost all contact with Disciple Five. Check it out, over."
"Top of the staircase - he's mine." Price said. I stood back and watched him burtally slaughter the guard. And just as we entered the room the room darkened.
"Roger that Oxide, we're on the catwalk, heading to the steam room. Standby."
"Disciple Six, go dark, breach and clear."
"Here we go - get ready." Price grumbled. It was a wonder how he could sound so much younger sometimes. This was actually ones of his 'grumpy-old-british-man' voices of his.
"Door charge planted. Ready to breach." Did it dawn on these idiots that this was their base. And we were invading it?
"Hit it."
"Breaching! Breaching!" And like that the room swarmed with Shadow Guards.
"Foxtrot Element, sweep left." Price and I shot down three men before they caught on.
"They're here! Open fire! Stay frosty, hunt them down!" I wish him the best of luck with that. Note the sarcasim.
"Move." Price told me teh moment we finished these dorks off. I think I've mentioned before but I suck at making up names and comebacks on the spot, so don't mind me.
"Disciple Nine, your rear guard just flatlined!"
"Not possible. We just cleared that area. Nobody's -"
"It's Price. Backup priority items and burn the rest. Fireteams just delay 'em until we're ready to pull out." It was Shepard! I gripped the gun in my hands tighter and followed Price out to the catwalk.
"Grab a riot shield...we'll need cover out here." I threw the sniper rifle, which I feel extremely naked without, to the ground and picked up a riot sheild. Nearby just about every kind of helicopter flys by.
"Oxide, Avatar One. We have unauthorized personnel on the catwalk. I repeat, we have unauthorized personnel on the catwalk- you gettin' this?"
"Take point with the riot shield. I'll take care of any resistance." Price told me as he found a position on the ground. I started up the bridge and this sheild of mine rendered the shadow guards useless. Terrific!
"Oxide, Disciple Nine, we've got hostile contact approximately 50 meters from the nest, over."
"Terminate with extreme prejudice. All personnel - be advised, we have two enemy foot-mobiles on the catwalk heading to the crow's nest."
We reached the 'nest' and I kept moving forward while Price said, " We're clear. Move in."
"Butcher One-Five, rendezvous at the nest and prepare to escort Gold Eagle to the LZ."
"Gold Eagle must be Shepherd!" Price spat figuring Shepard must have given the code name to himself. "We're running out of time, let's go!" We continued on and riot sheild troops came raining from the helicopters. I would be fine with this is they were Task Force, but they were shadow guard. "They're using shields! Use frags! Flank them!"
Screw that! I think I felt even more naked without a sniper rifle OR this stupid riot sheild. I ran upwith the riot sheild in front of me and bashed into a different riot sheild guard. I could tell Price was thinking how stupid I must look at that moment but he wanted to stick to his plan. A cooked frag exploded behind some riot sheild guard and the one in front of me fell forward and on the ground. Suddenly everything was white and I heard the tell-tale ringing of what a flashbang does to you. Of course this always came with being nausous.
Everything came back into veiw and I noticed Price had taken everyone one out already, I felt my cheeks redden in embarrassment of charging up like the nimrod I am.
"Butcher Two roping into sector Papa Quebec!" We entered the cave and smoke covered the other side. But I could make out the outline of riot sheilds.
"They're using thermal through the smoke!" I dropped the riot sheild and grabbed a sniper rifle with thermal sights, perfect. "They're digging in, Shepherd must be close! We have to break through! I'll draw their fire through the smoke! Watch for flanking routes!"
I ran into a tunnel on the far right side of the room and took cover behind the crates, then started to open fire on the men through the smoke. This was like shooting fish in a barrel.
"Oxide, Butcher Five-Actual. I've got a severed det cord - we're gonna need ten mikes to get the trunk rigged and the EBC primed, over."
"Negative, Gold Eagle wants those charges hot in less than three mikes. Get it done, out." Oh great, more explosives. Great.
As we came closer the control room door slammed shut. "They've sealed the control room. Get a frame charge on the door!" I planted a frame on and the door blew off, and we shot down the guards inside. This place was filled with C4 and redbarrels. This will not be good.
"All units be advised this is Gold Eagle. The site has been compromised. I am executing directive one-one-six bravo. If you're still inside, your service will be honored. Shepherd out."
"Override the door controls! Hurry!" Price yelled as he worked on the same thing. I got to work and the door flew open. "Run! Keep moving! This place is gonna blow!"
Suddenly BAM! I flew practically doing a flip then landed flat on my back knocked out. The first thing that hit me coming back was the sheer pain of my spine hitting the rock hard ground. I saw Price ahead firing at some troops. And I heard Shepard snap, "Excalibur, this is Gold Eagle. Fire mission - target package Romeo - danger close."
"That's within a hundred meters of your position sir!"
"That's not a suggestion! Send it!"
"Roger, fire mission danger close!"
"Soap! Incoming! Get down! Get down!" Price screamed pulling me back as far into the cave as we could get. All I could see was just explosions and the smoke cleared revieling most of the Shadow commany being dead or wounded. Next to me Price got up and spat, "Since when does Shepherd care about danger close... Let's go! Stay close and follow me! To the west, Soap. Go!"
We ran outside where helicopter troops came dropping in. Oh great they were air borne now? Oh wait duh! Of course this is Shepard we're talking about. "Sir, sandstorm activity is picking up here. It's too risky for flight ops."
"Understood. Head for the tunnel. We'll take the Zodiacs."
"Yes sir!"
We came pushing through the dozens of troops with a bam of me blowing up gas tanks, red barrels and anything that would implode upon shooting it. "Head for the tunnel! He's getting away! Shepherd mentioned Zodiacs...there must be river access nearby - let's go!"
As we ran like hell I continued to listen in on the enemy comms. I knew something was about to happen.


Yes I have it! And the other is on the way! WHOOT! 1 MORE MISSION!!!!!
So this was Just like old times. Again I did Soaps POV because it's epic! And now we only have the very last mission and caimpaige is DONE!
Shepard you better have your running shoes on.

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