In the Mist -P2-

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  A headach and mouth lined in that horrible taste of who knows what brought me to my senses. I blinked my eyes a couple of times, the daylight of early mornign blinded me. But something else was what going me to flip out. I had realized that the warmth under me, which I had hoped was Scarab, was actually Gonzalo!

I jumped to my feet, he was still fast asleep with his head resting on his arms. And I heard him faintly mutter, "No. Don't go." If I was correct, he also loved Scarab, although she had thought of him as a brother, he had more of a crush on her. And I didn't want to know what perverted thing he was dreaming about.

"Gonzalo," I was still in shock of see the ghost of Scarab and waking up to realize I was cuddling the man. "Wake up." I nearly kicked his side, but he slowly came to hsi senses. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty."

He blinked in the sun light like I had and rolled on his back to look up at me, "Que te jodan." Rubbing his eyes sleepily he scanned the area, and finally he yawned, "We slept here?"

"Aye." I answered sobarly, although I still could smell the light scent of Scarab's kiwi shampoo in my nostrils. "And I'm sure everyone is looking for us, we better get back to the base."

"Si," Gonzalo groaned as he got up ot his feet, some help by me. "Hawk would be worried about me."

"You and her are getting along a lot better than before Scarab's passing." I noted as we continued on to the gate. "Before , you two acted like the other was Lefty or something."

"Well, I'm not entirely sure myself." He sighed in pure hnoesty. I opened the gate as he continued, "I mean, I know she likes me and all, but I just keep thinking of Scarab."

"I know," I told him quietly. "Me too."

He nodded as we walked out to the road, and found our car parked at the side of the road.

"I tried to sort everything out in my life, really. But it seems like everytime I attempt to find some order, it just falls apart," I went on as I sat in the drivers seat.

"I can't stop thinking of her, she was so beautiful." Gonzalo uttered. "No one can replace her."

"No one can replace her to me," I added. "I will never see a girl anywhere near like her."

Gonzalo grinned with challange in his eyes, "New recruits today. Care to test that?"

I punched his arm before starting the car and getting onto the road.

Returning to the base, I reseived a tackle hug from a worried Heatstroke. "Where were you two?"

"Got locked in the cemetray over night, and passed out after hitting our heads on gravestones from tripping." I explained. Most of it was true.

"Well that explains the bump on the back of your head," She chuckled as she poked at said bump behind my ear. "I'm surprised it isn't bleeding."

"Uh, yeah," I responded hesitently. "Well there's much to attend to. The recruits are coming soon and_"

"Sir, I could take care of it," Ghost offered. I hadn't seen him aproach at all, which is startling. "You look like you could use some rest."

I nodded respectfully at my second in command, letting him take over the role call that would take place when the recruits arrived, and turned in the direction of the bunk halls.

"Oh, and Captain?"

I looked over my shoulder, "What is it, Ghost?"

"Fador was looking for you." He answered. "He said it had something to do with Irina."

Fador and Irina were Nikolai's nephew and niece whome he now was stuck caring for. Their parents had died when their house fell on them. It was very tramatic for the two. Irina ajusted well though, Fador almost killed himself. But he stucked at suicide and missed anyhting important with the knife he used to stab himself.

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