Plan B -P64-

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I sat in a chair, strapped down. I knew what was yet to come. Soap and Makarov came to an agreement, let us all choose a side here. I didn't know, with all the things Makarov has done to cloud my better judgement, I couldn't discide.
They came in, Soap stood on my right, and Makarov on my left. "Scarab, you have to choose. Are you gonna stay with the Task Force? Or are you going to be a terrorist?" Soap asked me gently.
"They will ultamatly fail," Makarov told me. "You only ensure a slow painful death by choosinge to stay with the Task Force."
"We're your friends, Scarab," SOap soothed. "We're always there for you. He's just using you."
"They ar using you," Makarov insisted. "You could be so much more."
"He brainwashed you, Scarab," Soap told me. "You have to fight it, he's trying to turn you against your own!"
My mouth started to move, but I didn't want a word to pass my lips. But I couldn't stop myself from taking Makarov's side. If anyone were out there willin to slap some sense into me, please do it now!
"He brainwashed you, Scarab," Soap repeated. "You HAVE to fight it!"
I blinked a few more times trying to think. My mind felt like it was being torn in two, just an endless tug of war game. And Makarov was winning.
"Alex, listen to me," Makarov sighed. "They never cared for you. THey brainwashed you."
Soap looked distraught. "Scarab you know that isn't true! We never did such a thing! Don't you remember? He's trying to turn the tables! Don't believe him!"
Alex, they have only been using you." Makarov repeated.
"You know he's lying!" Soap shouted. Mostly in anger towards Makarov. "Don't you remember? We're your friends! Not just me, but Ghost," Ghost. THe name was buried in a mist. and the more I thought about it, the more the person came back. My friend! "And Roach," Goofy little bugger, how could I forget him? "Your friend Heatstroke," The unkillable girl, could shoot her a m million times and she'd be alive. "And Price, Nikolai, everyone!" Soap finished.
"Enough!" Makarov snapped. "She has already chosen. Now leave!"
"Wait, give her one most chance." Soap begged. Huh, it's not too often when this happens. Actually, almost never! "One last disision."
"Fine," Makarov growled, anger seething thorugh his teeth. "Whose it going to be?"
I just wanted to slam my head in a car door. Maybe then I'd think clearer if I did. ANd if god were listening, I know I've said this a lot but this was true torture in itself, to my prayers he'd end my misery.
"Scarab, please, you know this." Soap pleaded. "You hav eto remember. Makarov forced you to fight your best friend. He tried to make you kill me and Heatstroke."
I shut my eyes tight and scream. But I knew Makarov was enjoying every last second of it. "Alex, he didn't believe you that Shepard was going to betray you. They thought you were crazy. And sent you to an asylum."
THat horrible arguement zipped through my head. 'Call me when you gain some sanity!' 'Call me when you know I'm right!' Tears burned in my eyes, my cheeks flaming. "Scaab," Soap now struggling to hold back his worry. "You have to fight it. He brainwashed you." He fozen in his words and drew a breath, "And I love you."
THe cloud blew away, and i all seemed to click again. I could remember me and Soap, our kiss on the balconey, all he times he sved me, and the time he ran after me. Even though I was pissed off at him. FInally I contained my tears and looked to Soap, gave him I no expression face, then turned to Makarov, "I'm going with the Task Force."

Makarov was pissed, How did I know? Well oth than the fact his fce was redder than crimson and his kicking my seat over; it's really hard to tell. He also had us dragged in a small room, the walls white and brick. THis only makes me think of the dream even more. We all know how I am with tight spaces. I just wanted out, and if possible, to jump off a bridge. I kicked and pounded at the door, screaming swears.
"Scarab, calm down!" Soap shouted as he pulled me back. His warm arms in contrast to the cool air made me shiver. He was in a short sleeved shirt, weird because we were in Russia in early freaking winter! I was in a tee shirt, and missing my hat. But without it, Soap stroked my head, trying to calm me down.
And I realized it was getting colder, we both did. WIth each breath came a swirling cloud of the air we exhauled, just condensing right before our eyes. SOap held me closer, trying to keep warm, not that I mind.
"You have one more chance," A voice boomed on the loud speaker. Makarov. He just DOESN'T give up! "You could freeze. Or the rest of you squadrent will be shot. I will shoot one every hour, but you all will be spared if you agree to join me. ANd follow my orders." If Makarov was in the same room he probably would have glared at me. A woman's touch. A TV screencame to life showing all the remaining Task FOrce tied up and kneeling. Makarov had a pistol to Ghost's head. His sunglasses broken on the floor in front of him, letting us see the fear in his metalic blue eyes.
"Soap, don't!" Price blurted out. "Sometimes it's better to die for what you believe in."
"THen you must not have heard the expression, 'live to fight another day'!" Heatstroke snapped.
It was only getting colder, "We'll be popcilies anyways. But Heatstroke has a point."
"THe vote must be unaminous," Makarov reminded.
"Like we're afraid of you," ROach spat. THe bugger should learn to keep his mouth shut. "You're such a bastard."
Makarov backhanded him and Roach hit the floor face first. I heard him groan then Makarov pulled him up by the shirt collar, "You'd better shut up!"
"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your feeling?" Roach mocked in a voice seething with sacasim. Once again Makarov hit him upside the head. ANd I looked to the kids, Fador was still shellshocked, Marchell was scanning the room for exits. Just like his old man. And Irina was squirming around.
I pressed in closer to SOap, my skin covered in goosebumps. THe termostate read -10*F WHat surprised me was the fact Makarov uses other then the metric system. Wasn't it just Americ that didn't. I still knew that farinheight was better in this situation.It feels warmer when the numbers are bigger. "We're not effected by the cold," I said sucking in a breath. "So there!"
"Well I'll have to step it up," Makarov hissed with a twist of the thermostat. Ilooked to the thermomiter to see it was rising! Me and Soap let go of each other and waited for some witty saying from Makarov. But nothing.
Within minutes it felt like it was pushing 80*C. Picture my face when I saw the themperater in farinheight. Soap scooted away and pulled off his shirt. If my life weren't hanging in the balance, I'd be swooning about it.
Near an hour later I removed my shirt, rolled up my pant legs, and was fanning myself. But Makarov snapped, "Alright, I want an answer now!" And he pushed the barel of his pistol to Ghost's head.
No one answered until a moment before he was gonna pull the trigger. I blurted out, "No don't! Kill me if ou must! But not Ghost!" Why couldn't I just shut the fuck up.
Makarov eased away and snapped his fingers. A moment later two guards grabbed me and I was dragged out. Now face to face with evil, Makarov smiled, "I'm going to enjoy this." Then aimed the pistl at my head. "Say goodbye."
"Scarab, don't do this!" Soap pleaded on the screen. His voice quite ras[y from a lack of water. Making his accent less easy to reconize.
"I'll do what I must," I sighed with supprested tears. I looked back to him nd tried to mouth 'I love you', and he nodded. I loked back at the others, "Stand strong guys."
"Scarab, please don't," Heatstroke begged.
"I'll be fine," I told her.
Makarov reaimed at my temple, the cold metal made me shiver. His finger wrapped around the trigger. I said my last prayer... Then I whipped up, grabbing his wrists and twisting them. He dropped the gun and I heard a snap. Two actually. His expression pained, and I thought for a moment that he was almost human. Almost. I took the gun and aimed at his head.
Sadly he kced my ankles out from under me. I got back up and took aim once more. Then just pain.


A/N: Sorry it took me a while. I got distracted. And kinda lazy... Well it's in now.

Of course we have the huge destition, and of course Makarov just won't take no for an answer. DAMN HIS STUBORNNESS!!!!
And there is a cliffhanger, sadly. I hate them as much as the next girl, but we'll just have to wait to see what happens. Sorry mate.

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