Plan B -P73-

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Pain pain pain. And tazors to the stomach, ugh! It sucks. When I came to my senses I realized they took her. Scarab was gonna suffer, maybe even die and we all knew it.
But then I went and started to ram at the door, "You son of a fucking bitch! WHy not you fight us if you have the guts to!"
"I'm still recovering from my bullet wound," Makarov pinted out. A screen came to life showing us him, and Scarab, who was still struggling in his grip. "But now I can have my revenge."
"Let her go!" I demanded. "You have no right to do this!"
Makarov yawned, "You know, I'm tiring of this, I would actually love to test my new weapon right now. And you could watch."
"If you so happen to lay a finger on her_" I was about to finish but was cut off.
"And we'll see how long your friend will survive." He interrupted.

Makarov threw me in a cage, a cage with with three sides of bar and a brick wall. But I was quick to study it for an exit, a sky light was above, maybe fourty feet. I might be able to_
Then I saw this new weapon of Makarov's. And I felt so many emotions from the sight of it. My own dad. Or so I thought. His eyes were glassy and dead. One of his arms was replaced with a gun. And the finger nails he had were maybe five inches! What the hell did Makarov do to my sweet, sweet father.
"It was hard to aquire this one. I had to go to drastic measures." Makarov started. "A year of tampering with medical files. A year of improving a drug. And I put it into effect, and so faking his death."
"D-Dad?" I studdered out. "Dad? What did he do to you?"
He didn't respond.
"Don't bother, he only listens to me," He grinned. "And he was hard to get to cooperate. I had to tamper with the brain."
"Isn't that what you do already?" Ghost pointed out angerly on the screen.
"What did you do to him!?" I yelled at Makarov, unsucessfully forcing the tears from my eyes.
"I had to turn him into a super weapon of complete obideience." Makarov explained. "You see, you and Riley were only tests to see if my tactics were as effective as I hoped. And This new one has been proven to work."
"But he's dead!" I protested. "I know it! I was at his funeral!"
The world seemed gray and depressing on my father's funeral. My mom wouldn't even look at me. As rain fell from the sky, tears rolled down my eyes. My dad laid in the coffin as we said our last words. My brother, he didn't even say a word. He didn't say anything.
I wished he wasn't dead. I wished he wasn't. But I couldn't change it. We watched the coffin get lowered into the ground and buried forever. I then swore never to let anyone as close as he was, so I wouldn't suffer the same heartacke.
Or so I thought.
"That man that was buried was a decoy, a man I had get extreme facial reconstruction in order to match Alexander." Makarov explained. "I took him from the hospital when he 'died' and worked on his reanimation."
"But I was even there when he died!" I shouted. "He died right in front of me!"
"Correction, he appeared dead." Makarov chuckled. "I used a drug to make him appear as dead as possible. Slow his heart rate, slow his breathing, and a ton of other stuff like that."
My own father. I felt sick. And I just wanted to hide somewhere, never to be found again.
"Now kill her, Alex!" Makarov commanded.
My dad then glared to me, he wasn't the same man. He just wasn't. "Dad, please don't do this! It's me, Alex! Your daughter!"
"He doesn't remember you," Makarov laughed. "He doesn't know you at all."
He stepped towards me, not so much of a lightfooted person as he was when he was 'alive'. The he raised his gun, I started to move around, making it harder for him to aim. When he fired, somehow he still got me, right in the hip. I grabbed the wound a moment and hissed a breath before thinking as quick as I could.
I could climb, I had to. I pushed him to the side as he was coming at me again and ran at the brick wall. I literally ran up the brick a few feet then grabbed one of the blocks sticking out.
My no-longer-dad started to swipt his hand around at me, one tiem raking my leg with at least two inches of nail.
But I still continued up, looking for the next handhold, I found it and worked up. This was what my retaining gymnastics brought me, the ability to be spiderchick. As I accended, my dad howled in frustration and aimed his gun at me.
I worked myself faster, I had to get to that skylight before_. BAM!
I'm hit in the shoulder and sent falling two storys to land on my shoulder. "AAARRRGHHH!!!!!" I screamed as I turned on my back to grasp on my wounded and posiably broke shoulder. "Makarov! You son of bitch!"
He smiled in satispation. I wanted to fuck him up! Kill him in that most burtal and imhuman way possible. But the cage kept me stuck away from him.
My dad grabbed me with his taloned hand and slammed me to the bars, only bringing more pain to my bleeding shoulder.His fingernails (actually that's an understatement! More or less daggers attached to the tips of his fingers!) started to dig in my skin, daring to cut my jugular vein. I gave on despartate kick in the rib cage and sent him stumbling backwards, giving me the oprotunity to use his gun arm against him.
I grabbed it and aimed it at my dad's head, "Dad, I'm so sorry for this. And I only do this because I love you." I shut my eyes so I wouldn't watch the bullet shoot straight through his skull. And fired.
Tears burned my eyes but I toughened again and used the gun again, taking aim at Makarov, then fired. "AHH FUCK!!!" He screamed gripping what used to be his manparts. I fired at him stomach, then ending it with his head. Several rounds to the head for good measure.
THen I dropped the armgun of my dad and looked back up to the skylight, maybe I could still_
"Scarab, we're gonna get out and get you alright?" Soap told me on the screen.
I didn't answer.
"Are you alright?" I heard Hawk ask me from the room they were stuck in.
I still stayed quiet.
Within minutes they had gotten out and came to my cage. Price took the kep off of Makarov's bloody corpes and unlocked the door, letting me out.
Soap and Heatstroke looked at me with simpathy, "Scarab, I'm so sorry about your dad. He'd be proud of you for doing what was nessisary."
My eyes were burning and my vision blurry with tears, then I took off. I ran out the door and into the freezing cold. Just running, I didn't care which direction, any place was better than here now. Anywhere.
"Wait, Scarab, get back here!" Soap yelled from the enemy base. But I was tripping through the snow, not caring if I could get lost. All of those thoughts were gone from my head, like my dad is now gone from life.
The wind started picking up, a complete white out surrounded me. Masking me and my depression from the world. And finally I fell down in the snow, a figure formed from the screen of snowflakes that blew by. My dad, my dad I knew as my real dad. The tall, tanish, dark haired thirty-two year old I knew from my childhood. He stared at me and his voice echoed in my head, "Thank you. You freed me form the cursed world. You freed me from being a mindslave to a terroorist. I wish you the best of luck, my sweet angel Alex. I love you too."
I finally let all the tear runn down my face, practically freezing to my cheeks and chin. My heart pounded so hard that I thought it might burst from my chest. And I only could watch my dad fade away from me. I let one last whimper before lossing contiousness to the snow and bloodloss, "I love to so much, dad. So much." And I was gone.


Really emotionally with this chapter. I was crying god damn it!!!

Scarab's dad was alive this whole time?!?!!!! As Makarov's mindslave!?!?! And Scarab had to kill him herself. Which only made me more sad.

Little bit of her phycial strenght expressed through scaling the wall, until she was shot in the shoulder. I feel so sorry for her.

A little cliffhanger I guess. You'll see what happens on the next chapter to come.

Hawk the character of Ladnir

I only own Scarab, Heatstroke, Gonzalo, Fador, Marchell, and Irina. The rest are IW (this doesn't include the rest of Nikolai's family. I came up with them too. And Price's wife)

Plan BOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz