PLan B -P25-

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"You know there is no excape," Makarov shouted.
I was near tears, the sad part was he was right. But I was willing to try.
I got up and tripped away. Heart racing, adrenaline pumping, I felt like I could make it. Then I froze, in front of me was Shepard. I snarled and felt like killing him. But he held up his hand and told me, "Ah I see you weren't killed by Makarov. Looks like I'm gonna have to finish you myself." He pulled out a pistol and took aim, "Say goodbye."
His finger coiled around the trigger and I knocked him over. Kicking the gun away. I the angery yelled, "You killed my friend! You betray me! And you try to kill me! You're such a bastard!"
"You were in my way," He told me as he pushed me off. "And I knew you would interfear!"
I hated him, he was such a bitch! And now he was going to kill me! I wasn't about to let that happen. I kicked him in the side and grabbed his arm and pressed my feet to srmpit and tried to dislocat the limb. Then he spun himself around and I skid across the dirt. I looked up and saw Shepard stand back up and approach me, the gun in his hand once more.
He stood over me and aimed for my chest, "Any last words?"
I muffled my whimpers and resorted to kicking his legs out from under him. Shepard landed on top of me and his full weight knocked down onto my stomach. I might as well vomit and choke on that, I would die anyways. But then something pulled Shepard off, of course it had to be Makarov. Shepard looked from him to me and Makarov hissed, "I thought you were going to finish it!"
"I was!" Shepard argued. "She knocked me over!"
"Well just get rid of her quick!" Makarov barked.
"I'm going to do it right now," Shepard told him and went back to aquire his gun. "Now this is where it ends." His fingers wrapped around the trigger and he pulled it. The sharp and intence pain hit me. He got my chest.
I let out a long a hissed breath and Makarov asked, "Shouldn't you shot her in the head to be sure?"
"No. It won't matter," Shepar informed. "She's in the middle of nowhere. Who's gonna find her? Just get your men back to Moscow to get the assualt ready. I'll send you one of my Rangers to get the plan started out."
Makarov turned and left while Shepard walked towards a helicopter. My vision blurry as I watched the sand being blown around and swept everywhere by the helicopter. It took off and out of sight, and I laid there in a pool of my own blood.
My hands shakily grabbed my cellphone and my numbing fingers dialed a number then put it on speaker before dropping it down next to me. A voice, a thick accent answered, "Hello?"
"Th-this is Scarab," I shivered in pain. "I need help... My coorordinates are..." My voice trailed off as I couldn't find the strength to finish my sentence.
"What? What's your location?" The voice asked now critically. "Scarab, what's your location!" Then I closed my eyes and drifted away...............

Half an hour ago (Ghost)
I sat with Roach, and wondered where Soap had gone to. Last I saw him he had left with Shepard on a hike. Then Meat came in and tapped me on the shoulder. I looked at him, his face distrested. "Something attacked the Captain!"
My eyes widened in shock, and if my sunglasses weren't hiding them I'm sure Meat would have said something stupid like, 'be careful not to pop your eyes out' or something. I then asked with urgency, "Do you know what? Where is he?"
"I don't know what the hell mauled him. All I do know is that Shepard ended up dragging him back and he was taken to the imferery." Meat informed.
I then rushed to teh medical hall and imideniantly saw Soap on one of the beds knocked out and a huge gash in his side. One of the medics was cleaning the wound up and wrapping it up. I came up and asked, "What the bloody hell happened." But I didn't seriously notice how ironic my saying was.
"Something, or someone sliced MacTavish's side. Luck for him nothing seriously important was hit but he's lossing a lot of blood." The medic told me without looking away from his work. "I'm sure he might need and IV drip."
"So you have no solid imformation what did this," I asked.
"I don't know what did," The medic sighed. "The only one who was there with him was General Shepard. And he's been called to Afganistan to train some locals to fight and see a new selection of troops."
"Did he give you any information on the event," I questioned.
"I think he said something about a bear or something," The medic tld me. "But I don't think a bear could make such a clean cut. I might be wrong."
I sighed and looked down at Soap, him shirt was blood soaked, and he was breathing heavily. I felt so worried for him, and see him like this was like seeing my brother. My little brother, dead on that one Christmas night. I felt so torn up, and on the other hand completely furious. Who would do this?


A/N: Yes it's offical! SHEPARD IS SUCH A LOW LIFE SLIME!!!!!!!!! 

And I felt so sad with what I did to Scarab, I was crying... Seriously she's my warsonna. ANd I was kinda sad about what happens to SOap. AWW! I just wanna hug him!!! Althought I can't..............

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