A Task Force New Year

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Alex "Scarab" Macey
9:53 P.M.

I sat on one of the chairs of the recreational room, just excited for the New Year. When the door opened it was Meat, with a 20 pack of beer, News Years and a few other holidays were the only times we were allowed to drink. But I wasn't much of one. In fact, I never really did. I knew what alcohol smelled like, I just never tasted it before. I was very glad I didn't.
Everyone joined in the room later on, now there was music, some snacks were out, a bunch of games were set, and we even had the beverages (just beer and soda) laid out. I found Soap and gave him a small smile along with a happy almost new years. He nodded quietly and lightly and very discritly stroked my hand. But nothing more.
I grabbed a pepsi and wnt to the DDR, Royce was dominating, but not for long. I put my soda down and stepped on teh other mat, then we got to work. We went with the 90s rock songs, and picked I Love Rock n Roll by Joan Jett. I silently mouthed the lyrics as I danced, then finally when we were done I saw how truely good he was. But he only barely beat me. "Good game," We both said and I stepped off to let Roach try. He didn't stand a chance. So I founnd my drink again afer Meat suspitiously stood from next to it. I didn't think much of it, but to me, it didn't truely matter much. I didn't expect him to do anything.
When I sipped my pepsi I tasted something else in there, not really something truely odd though. SO I blew it off and continued to drink it. When I finished Meat walked up and asked me, "Hey Scarab, you want another?"
"How'd you know I was out?" I qestioned with furried eyebrows.
"You were chugging that thing." He tells me with a grin.
"Alight, sure." I oblige without much thought put in it.
SO Meat leaves and comes back with a cup of the drink. I'm sure it's pepsi. SO I take a sip and find how strange this one tastes, must be flat or something.

Twelve cups of pepsi later I found myself in some haze. Not that I truely knew what did it, I was drinking soda, wasn't I? Either way I approtch Soap again, "Hey Captain."
He grins, and I note that ehind him Meat had fell over on the coffee table. Drunker. And I could smell the tell tale scent that Soap was drinking as well. Not truely especially strong but something.
"SO how's the party," I ask.
"It's good," He answered a bit socially.
I tried focusing on anyhting but how freaking sexy he looked right now. He had a tee shirt and cargos on, and a nice look that I just couldn't find easy to resist.
"Hey MacTavish," Roach said as he had a strangely scared look. "I think there's something in teh closet. Could you take care of it?"
"Alright bugger," Soap sighed. And I followed him to the closet. Inside was nothing. Nothing but a few boots and a coat or two. What was Roach_?
THen the door shut and locked behind us, "You have two hours!" ROach called on the other side of the door. I was gonna kill him!
I grit my teeth and resist the urge to pound on the door and scream profanity at hm for this. Finally I elled back, "You son of bitch!"
"Better make the most of it!" ROach replied with a grin.
I turned back to Soap, he had a joker smile, amused by this. I sure as hell wasn't. I HATED being locked in. But Soap didnt seem to mind. He lightly held my hand and told me softly, "You look so beautiful in low light."
Curse him and his sexy Scottish charm! I blushed a deep shade of pink and felt the palms of my hand grow a little sweaty. I look up at his face, his bright blue ees are locked on me. "And you look especially hot in the dark." AND CURSE M LAMENESS!
Soap chuckled and tussled my hair carelessly, then moved in slowly. His lips pressed softly to mine ad he worked them nimbly. I couldn't help but notice my new found dizziness and my loss of thought during the kiss. He held me close and I felt a hand reaching for my hair. And within moments he gripped my hair and beenie. I moved a hand to his mohawk, and gave a small and barely anything tug. He didn't notice, all he did was pull my hat off and drop it down on the floor.
My other hand was reaching up his shirt, feeling his chizeled abs. A second later I had pulled off his shirt and worked the kiss again. He found himself pulling my shirt off and tossing it to the side. Not breaking the kiss to do so. And one of his hands found the latch of my bra. He smiled against my lips and unhooked it. Then it fell down to teh floor with our shirts.
His hands felt down my back and to my butt. If this were Meat, I'd be tearing his hair out, but I instead went with it. And my hands traced down his six pack and to his pants. I nimbly undid the belt as he was getting mine.

We found ourselves on the floor, still kissing, but now naked and Soap on top of me. And I, by some miricle of god, managed to keep quiet. Soap pulled away, "How come when I do anything with you it feels like the first time?"
I blushed, "Maybe I'm just special that way."
He ran a hand over my side and kissed me again, just a little peck. And I tussled his mohawk jokingly. Then I began to wonder how much time was left. "HEY ROACH, HOW MUCH MORE TIME IN HERE?"
Oh goody! So Soap started up the makeout again, I felt him lick my lips desireingly, but I discided to tease and keep my mouth shut. He pressed in a little harder, and pushed past my only barriar. But I didn't care, I felt his back and hoped no one would open the door right now.
Soap started to trail from my mouth and worked to find my soft spot, probably to torture me with it. He past gently over, allowing me to show no sign that he had found it. But somehow he knew, and went back to it. I let out a soft groan in content and ran my hands down his bare back.
When he returned to my mouth I felt over his chest again reached around him. Him and his sculped body. FUck, why's he have to be so damn sexy? And he ran his warm hands down my back. I felt so eased by his touch.

"FIVE MINUTES!" ROach yelled. And we snapped from our lovey dovey states. I reached for my bra while SOap grabbed his boxers. We only needed three to get dressed. And I gave Soap one last kiss before Roach opened the door.
He sighed in disapointment and I saw the camera in his hand, was he planning to take a picture of us? Probably. But not this time.
"Hey guys, the ball's gnna drop!" Price announced from the couch. We all piled over to the TV and watched the clock count down from 30.
"29! 28! 27! 26! 25!" We chanted.
I looked to Soap and grinned kind of excitedly. "19! 18! 17! 16! 15!"
The energy grew in the room as we then shouted the last numbers. "10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"
The ball dropped from it's peirch on the pole and fell, only to be stopped a few tens of feet downward. This was in New York.
THen next thing I could tell something crashes into my lips, and I don't care. I wrap my arms around and this person held me tight. Finally he broke the kiss and I hear Soap's accent ring softly in my ear, "Happy New Year."


A/N: Leave it to Meat and ROach to have some brilliant plan to get Soap and Scarab busy. Royce, wel he was too obsorbed in DDR to do anything else.

I seriously think this was kind of stupid, honestly. But either way, happy new year.

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