PLan B -P26-

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It was just the sound of my heart beating, just pounding in my chest. Then a soft and fimiliar voice told me, "Don't worry, Scarab, I'm here. You'll be safe."
I let out a painfilled hissing sigh as a pair of hands wrapped around my limp body. I weakly opened my eyes and stared up, and there in front of me was Nikoli. He was wrapping my wound up so that I could be moved, he shuffled through a first aid kit. I could also see a pavelow landed not far away.
"I know where you can rest while you heal," He told me quietly as he picked me up in a bridal style. He laid me down on a stretcher then said, "Just hang in there until we get there. Alright?"
I nodded and wondered how did he find me. finally the words raspily left my lips, "How did you manage to find my location?"
"I just followed the call location of your cell," He answered as the helicopter took off. "You're not that hard to find."
I laid my head back and shut my eyes again, hoping this helicopter ride would be quick. And soon doased off.

Meanwhile (Soap)
A torturous sensation, like daggers being jabbed into me, struck me. I clenched my fist and groaned. But then a voice then annouced, "Hey he's waking up guys!"
I blinked my eyes open and almost was blinded by the ceiling light. Above me hovered a bunch of faces, Ghost, Roach, Meat, Royce and a medic. I was about to sit up when the moment I moved the agonizing pain grew more intensity. The medic stopped me and informed, "Captain you might wanna rest. You were clawed up pretty bad."
'Clawed up?' I thought, then noticed that my shirt had 'magically' disapeared. And my side was covered in bandages. 'What the hell had happened?' I wondered.
"Hey Captain," Meat asked. "What the heck happened?"
I was wondering the same thing, (as said eariler) I remembered that Scarab adn Heatstroke left on a mission and some of the things I did why they were gone but that was it. I studied everyones faces, they all had consern. Finally I got myself to say, "I really don't know."
Ghost didn't look away from me and questioned, "You have no idea?"
I shook my head.
"The most I was able to find out was that you were out on a hike before Shepard had to leave to Afganistan. Something I a bear had attacked you and Shepard scared it away." Ghost told me.
"Althought I dought a bear could make these flesh wounds, " The medic grumbled.
Meat then added, "Maybe you guys got too close to a mother bear's cubs or something."
I shot Meat a no nonsense stare which causeed him to look back at Ghost hoping he'd take the attention. Ghost then told me, "Seeing you so banged up was just scary. It almost looked like you went through a cheeze grador."
"Haha," I sarcastically laughed. "Very funny."
"What? you don't believe us?" Roach asked.
"Oh I believe you," I told him. "The only good explanation I've got right now."
"AW!" Roach whined. "I wanted to show you what happened to your shirt!"
"Wait what happened to my shirt?" I asked now curious. Roach held up a bloodstained gray tee with a long cut mark in it. Yup that's my shirt alright. "Oh..." I responded at a loss of words.
The medic then told me, "It should take a day or two until you are good to go. And it's lucky for you that the cut wasn't terribly deep. Although you did loss quite some blood while you were being carried back. A blood fusion took care of it."
I sighed and looked at everyone again, "How long was I out anyways?"
"Five years," Meat joked. "Nah just kidding, it was only twenty-six hours."
I nearly shot out of the bed, 'over a day! What the hell?' But the medic then continued from Meat's statement, "Well you were on an IV drip through most of that. Actually some of these knuckle heads didn't want to leave until they knew you were staiblized, and didn't leave until past curfew."
Meat then said, "I only popped in to show Ghost where you were. You know me and anything hospitallike."
Royce sighed, "I just popped in this morning."
Roach gave a goofy smile chuckled, "Guilty."
Ghost then looked to Roach and agreed, "Same here. But we were worried about you."
"I can see that," I replied.
"Rest up," Meat told me as he went for the door.
"Where are you going," Royce asked.
"I still have that rugby game with Scarecrow and the others." Meat answered as he slid out.

Meanwhile (Scarab)
I came to on a bed, a fluffy one, almost like the kinds you see in magizeens. The covers were warm and soft, and the pillow was like a cloud. I looked around, the room was pale green and the floor was an oak wood. The was a giant glass slide door to the other side of the room and a balconey outside. I stood up feeling a wave of dizziness and nausia pelt me. But I still couldn't help going over to investigate.
I opened the door and felt imidantly a cold breeze hit me, it was a beautiful mountain range in front of me, like in postcards. I couldn't help my jaw slag as I stared at the sceanery. I saw how high I was, it was only two stories but near a cliffside. Some flowers were in bloom, and it was just... gorgous.
"Amazing isn't it," A thickly accented voice said. And noe I didn't know. I swung around and saw a man. He seemed like he was in his fourties at least, and his hair was mostly dark red with gray strans covered in a hat with a hammer and sickle symbol on it. This man was wearing heavy clothing that would make anyone over heat.
But I didn't trust this guy, I knew he was Russian, and I grabbed the first thing I could get my hands on to use a weapon, a big hard cover book. I held it up and questioned, "Who are you?"
The man held up his hands in defence and told me as calmly as any guy being threatened by a book could be, "No don't be a afraid of me. I'm a friend."
"Who are you," I asked again.
"Former Sergeant Kamarov," He told me as he stepped forward. "And you're in the last safehaven loyists have in the New Russia."
The name sounded fimiliar, but I just couldn't place it. I sighed and shyly held out a hand, "I'm Scarab. Uh do you know where Nikoli went?"
"Huh nice name," He commented as he eyed me for a more. Kind of studying me. "And yah he's in the living room. Oh and nice pjs."
I looked down at myself and took note of the silky teal pajama set I was wearing and felt my cheeks get hot. "Uh thanks. Wait how did I change into this anyways?"
"Oh don't worry, No one saw you but Tatiana. She should be with Nikoli." Kamarov chuckled.
I shrugged and helded downstairs as he led me down to a large and casual room. It was cozy with these supersized windows for one wall and a fireplace that was burning some timber. Nikoli sat on one of the couchs and he looked up. The most he had done to himself was take off his shoes and plopped down. He grinned and told me, "Scarab it's good to see you up and well. You have a nice rest?"
"Yah fine," I answered still in aw of the room. "So you've been here when MacTavish hasn't contacted you?"
"Of course," Nikoli looked back at the doorway as if expecting someone to charge up and stab him in the neck or something. "I've been helping the S.A.S. and the Task Force the new Russia doesn't want to let me or anyone here get in their way. So we made a refudge here in the mountains."
"Alright then," A woman with dark brown hair said as she stoved a cell phone in her pocket. "Looks like we have some time on our hands." She looked to me and said kindly, "Oh Scarab, you're up. And the fact you're walking must be a good sign that you aren't gonna drop dead."
I looked her over for a moment then asked, "How do you know my name?"
"One Nikoli kept say it. I swear he sounds like a broken record sometimes." Nikoli flushed and looked down at the floor. "And two it was writen on your dog tag. By the way you want them back?" She tossed me two sets one was mine the other was my dads. "I didn't know they allowed you to have two sets."
"They don't," I told her tiredly. "This one that has the nickname 'Owl' on it is my dads."
"Oh okay then," She sighed.


A/N: Yup there you have it, this basically wraps up the whle me making up what happens. Now we go into the campainge. So yah. And me being nice I kept Scarab alive. Just kidding she IS my warsonna. I wasn't gonna kill her THAT easily.

So yah now remember the house, this is important for later on.

(Current Me Note: I then proceeded to drool over the image of a shirtless Soap. No, seriously, I got into a conversation in the comments about just that. Girls are just as pervy as boys.)

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