Plan B -P12-

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We sat in the helicopter as we flew home, all was silent. Soap was looking over his weapon, Nikoli stared at his feet and probably felt like he lost a finger because of the helicopter crashing. Me, on the other hand, was still dwelling on what had happened. The gash on my chest still was pain striken, a headache might as well be splitting my skull open right now. I laid my throbing head in my hands and let out a deep sigh, as I did a lump has started to clog my throat. I couldn't breath and the cabin was getting hotter, nausa was just setting in. I was fighting to keep from vomiting but at the same time I was sufficating.
This headach was killing me, and I was screaming in my mind to stop, silently praying to god to just end it. My whole body was agony and I didn't know why, I looked up and watched the room spin. I didn't notice but tears had started to roll down my redding cheeks. Suddenly I dropped to the floor and Nikoli and Soap had lundged down to see what was the matter, "Scarab!" Soap shouted turning me on my side. "Scarab, can you hear me?!?"
Nikoli grabbed a first aid kit and was springing to work, he quickly took my temperature and announced, "My friend, she's sick with something. I mean she's burning up!" They picked me up and laid me back on the bench, "We better get back to the barracks."
Soap looked at Nikoli then me, his face was swirling with worry. I reached up and touched his cheek, and felt how much of a contract to my finger tips his skin was. I choked out, "I'll... I'll be fine..." Then I passed out with my hand dropping down on me.

Meanwhile Soap's point of veiw
Her hand dropped from my cheek, and she went limp on the bench. Whatever she must have caught during the mission it was serious, I hated to think it was anything that could kill her, in fact it struck me painfully to see her so weak and feable. She was always so strong, but here she was passed out and getting sicker by the minute. I stood up and told the pilot, "Could you speed up, we've got a sick one."
"How bad," Asked the pilot.
"Burning up and even passed out," I answered turning back to Nikoli how was trying to diagnose what Scarab had come down with.
"Alright," The pilot replied. "We'll be back at the barracks in about an hour."
I nodded and returned to Scarab who let out a struggled deep breath. Nikoli stood and returned to the first aid kit searching feircely for something, finally he cursed something in Russian and turned around to me, "I'm pretty sure she has strep throat or something. The symtomses match, the only thing I don't see is the infection part." I looked down and back at Scarab, sweat soked and struggling with each breath.
Soon we landed and Nikoli had to leave, so I scooped Scarab up and he patted my shoulder before saying in a calm but worried voice, "I wish you luck with your girlfriend."
"Girlfriend," I repeated a bit ocwardly. "She's not my girl_"
"Safe it," He interupted. "I saw how you look at her. I completely get it. And it's natural."
I sighed and carried Scarab into the barracks, Ghost was the first to come up, his stare fell on Scarab. "What happened to her?" He was serious, and I needed to get her to the imfermary.
"She's sick," I answered. "Trust me, she's burning up and she needs medication now."
"Whoa," Ghost raised his hands in a defencive gesture. "We'll get her there. Just tell me what had happened on the way."
I sighed and told Ghost the story on the way to the health office, the person there glanced at me then Scarab, "What happened?" Ghost ended up telling him the story, not missing a single detail I mentioned. "Oh my, I'll have her examined imediently."
"Bloody right you will," Ghost mumbled to himself.
The medic turned back to me and said, "Everything will be fine. Just go and let me do my work." I shok my head and left the room just to get away from the smell of antibiotics and blood.
I paced the bunk hall impatiently trying to think, what did Scarab have? Roach came in and looked at me, his face full of consern. "Uh Captain," He stepped closer to me and leaned against a bunk bed. "The medic said that Scarab got a nasty case of pneumonia."
My eyes widen in shock and I looked at Roach, his gray eyes only honest, "Pneumonia? But that's_"
"I know," He cut in before I could finish. "They stablized her at least, and she might be better by the end of the week. Why not you play some rugby or something, get your mind off of her."
"No," I answered with little thought about it. "I'm fine."
Roach shook him head and left, and I sat down on a bed just staring at the floor. And wished that we never went on that stupid mission, maybe she wouldn't have caught the disease in the first place. In fact, I was worried she caught it from me, thinking again I was probably getting mixed up with something else. The door opened and Meat and Royce both pulled me outside as I argued.
"Meat, Royce, what's the meaning of this?" I barked as they pushed me out the door.
"Easy Captain," Royce told me calmly. "You were in there all day Just thinking you might want so fresh air."
Finally they let me go, we had reached the trail and Meat gestured for me to walk with them. I sighed and discided to give up trying to sqabble with them about me wanting to be alone. Meat then asked, "So what's up?" I looked at the ground as I continued to walk, I didn't want to talk about Scarab being sick. It would probably end up in Meat catching on with me liking her.

Meanwhile (Scarab)
I sat up in the bed I was laying in, coughing my lungs out painfully. The medic looked at me, his was conserned for me. I could barely breath and was starting to wonder if I had asema or something, the medic was then right next to me and handing me a medicine. He gentley rubbed my shoulder, and it reminded me of my dad, how when I was sick as a kid he'd be by my bed side and lightly rubbing my back.
"You okay," He asked kindly.
"No," I choked out. "I feel terrible."
"I repect your honesty," He commented as he took teh empty cup away so he could get me some water. "Usually when a soldier comes in they act all tough and brave. But they are so full of pain inside."
"I just hate to hide my true feelings," I replied. It was true, it was how I got help, I always said what was on my mind. After being mentally abused by my mom I never would keep to myself if someone I knew wanted to know if I was fine. That woman tortured me in my nightmares and dystoried my dreams when my dad died. It was hard to believe she was my own mom. In fact she was never my blood mom, my dad was biological but not my mom. She was through marriage. My real mom was stuck in a shooting, you see my step mom didn't want me to know that part so she never told me. But when my dad was dying he called me to his room and told me the truth.


A/N: Yup, Scarab gets a bad case of pneumonia, I feel sorry for her. But for those of you who don't know what the disease is here is a link I was using for this, . So yah, the next chapter will come and I'm trying to make this as detailed and closest to real life as possible, and we all know no one has the immune system of steel. Sorry but it is life to get sick.

I know this story is a Makah of spelling errors. But at least it's legable, I think.

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