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The Task Force sat in a pizza place, they had a bet on which team would win. Well to explain now, Price and Soap picked teams to play rugby, and Price won. But the bet was the loser would have to eat the worst pizza that the pizza place could make. And they were imformed on this too, which made their efforts even funnier. But sadly, this would mean Soap was stuck eating the pizza from hell.

When it arrived Price grinned in smug satispation and said, "Well go on then."

Soap looked down at the pizza in disguist, probably his least favorite things were on there, and god was that a fish eyeball? Maybe from a annchovie or something, he at least hoped that was the case.

His disturbed face was unmaskable, but he still hoped to god that Price wouldn't force him. "Come on Price, do I have to?"

"You lost the bet, now eat it."

Soap made a wide frown as he stared at it, only wondering what horrors it took to make it.

"Eat it, eat it, eat it!" Meat chanted. Which was oblidged by Soap shooting him you-really-aren't-help glare. But even still the rest joined in.

Soap sighed longly and picked up one of the slices and look a bite, at first expecting to run to the bathroom, but then he perked up, "Guys this isn't really that bad!" And he took another bite.

Price was near laughing out of his seat, and almost everyone else was turning green. Nikolai had a 'convinient' need to use the bathroom and wasn't here to watch.

Ghost wrinkled his nose and raised his mask up to adjust it, "Are you bloody kidding me?"

"No it's great!" Soap claimed.

"Only you, Soap," Price laughed.

-The next morning-

Ghost scanned the shooting course, consitering that was where Soap was usually at, but there was no sign of his Captain. He instead found Price, "Uh, sir? Did you see MacTavish anywhere?"

Price put down his rifle and glanced at him, "No I think he over slept."

"I'll go check on him," Ghost sighed.

"I'll go get training started." Price replied as he turned away and Ghost went to the bunk halls.

On the Captains usual cot was just a huge lump of blankets, "Captain MacTavish?"

The blankets stirred with a moan. And Ghost came up to the bunk, and slowly peeled the covers off, reveiling Soap paler than usual and his mohawk matted down in sweat. The Captain blinked sickly at his Luitenant and asked, more raspy than normal, "What?"

"It's almost bloody noon, sir." Ghost near chuckled.

Soap didn't reply, but instead pulled the covers back over his head. "Leave me alone."

"You sick?"

"No just peachy," MacTavish retorted with seething sarcasuim. "I'm killing Price when I see him."

"Food poisoning?"

Soap kicked Ghost as hard as he could with the covers restricting him. "Just leave me alone."

"Sir come on, get outta bed." Ghost urged.

Soap looked off blankly for a moment then lept out of his bed and towards the bathroom. Ghost followed him to see the Captain throwing up. He pat his back as lightly as he could, only to discover how sweat the man was.

"Ugh, you're bloody sweating you brains out." Ghost complained as he whipped the sweat on his pants.

Soap momentarily stopped puking and panted, "And you're shitfaced."

Ghost made a mocking smile but whipped it off as MacTavish heaved in the toleit again. "Should I go call the medic?"

Soap finished and pulled again from the toliet, he pushed some damn sweaty hair from his face and nodded. So Ghost left to get the medic.

Price came in while Soap was busy trying to rinse the disguisting flavor of vomit from his mouth. "Hey Soap."

The sickly man turned around to see his older equal and sneered at him, "What do you want?"

"Just came in to check on you." Price answered mockingly.

"You'd best be running," Soap warned.

"Why? It's not li_" And he stopped in mid sentence as Soap darted at him. But Price was quick to run away, as Soap chased him down the hallway, they brushed by a confused Ghost and medic. But now they chased after Soap, trying to get him to calm down before someone would get hurt.
Price whipped aorund and granned the first thing, or person I should say, and held it in front of him, "Stay back! I have Roach, and I'm not afraid to use him!"

Soap was steaming angry,and pushed Roach outta the way to get to Price. That was when Ghost and the medic caught up, "Captain, why not you go back to bed."

"I'm fine!" Soap protested.

"Oh no, I saw you puking your guts out, now back to bed!" Ghost snapped.

"No!" Soap agrued. But stopped in his words to glare at Price.

"Uh Soap?"

MacTavish sprung on Price this time, taking the older man off guard as they both fell to the dirt. Within ten seconds, Soap had Price in a headlock.

"Damn it, Soap! Let go!" Price yelled then jammed his elbow to Soap's stomach.

The younger Captain kicked Price away and started puking all over again.

"You alright, Soap?"

Soap took a deep sigh for a moment and gave Price the finger.

"Alright you are going back to bed," The medic told him as he started to help him up. Ghost joined in and grabbed an arm and they dragged him back to his bunk.


A/N: Yeah I was bored.

Well Soap has food poisoning because of a stupid bet with Price. Aw well....

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