Plan B -P16-

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I sat in the room and whimpered, and a voice said outside, "I don't want her to remember a thing. Just erase everything having to do with me being a traidor and going here." That voice was all too fimiliar. All too painfully fimiliar.
"Yes sir," An different one replied. "As you wish."
The door opened and a theripist stepped in, Shepard stood just outside the room, a wide grin across his face. I kicked the theropist off me and pinned Shepard to the wall and hissed, "You, you bastard! You may think you have everyone else fooled but I know!" I hit his face as hard as I could letting my rage leave me before sprinting off in the direction I thought the exit was. Trying to recall the place was hard enough.
"She's excaped!" The theropist shouted. "Get her! Lock the exits or something!"
I made a sharp turn right and skid down the waxed floor, hearing the sqeak of my shoes with each step. Five guards made a barriar in front of me to block my excape. With much planning I skid between ones legs on my knees and stumbled back on my feet when I was behind them. They chased me as I banked a left and reached a dead end. Cursing under my breath I leaped into one of the rooms and hid behind a machine. Listening to the door open and the guards heavy footsteps. "Come out, come out, you little girl. We know you're here."
I bit my lip and looked behind me, there was another door. My only chance was to get out that way, but I was worried I'd be lost. 'Fuck it,' I told myself before lundging out the door then running like a mad dog down the hall again. The guards were right on my heels and I quickly survied my surrounds, no windows to jump out of, I must have been in the middle of the building. Which didn't help me, I sped on a left turn then took a right. Three more guards readied themselves for me to come. Just in the nick of time I flipped over ones shoulder and landed almost perfectly on the other side.
Then something pricked my neck, I pulled out a dart and gritted my teeth. I've just been tranquilized. I mantained my pace for a few more moments then I slipped and fell flat on the ground. Two guards looked at me withgoofy smiles and then dragged me away, then I passed out.
I woke up again restrained to a chair, wires were attached to my forehead and a masked man was pressing buttons. He looked at me and said, "You've put up quite a fight. Too bad you aren't going to remember it."
He laughed and continued to press some buttons, I wriggled in the restraints and barked, "You better let me go you son of a bitch!"
"I don't have to do anything," The man chuckled as he continued with working on a computer. "Just relax, it will be over before you know."
"Because I won't remember it!" I angrily pointed out as my wrist pulled at the restraint.
"Precicly," The guy laughed cheerfully. "Oh how I love this job."
"Brain burtar," I spat just before he flipped a switch. I didn't want to forget anything, and I tried to block away all my thoughts from this machine. But soon I passed out.

I came to in my bed, the most I remembered was just recovering, but after that was nothing. I shrugged guessing I must have just went to bed, and I started to search the barracks. I just casualy walked around until I bumped into Roach, he cocked his head and stared at me oddly. Finally he said cheerfully, "Scarab you're back!"
"Back from where," I asked. "I didn't even leave the barracks."
"But Shepard had you sent to a clinic, he said you were lossing it and left. Meat and Royce dragged you to a van remember?" Roach told me.
"When did that happen," I questioned with my hands on my hips and a peircing glare pracially expecting Roach to say he was joking.
"Yesterday," Roach told me. "The medic turned out to be working for this Makarov person, and Shepard came in after we interogated him. You call him a traidor and you were driven away."
"If that did happen," I protested. "How come I don't remember it."
"You really don't know do you?" Roach asked me now worried. "Do you remember being sick?"
"Yes clearly," I sighed. "But I have no clue what you're going on about with this me saying Shepard was a traider."
Roach shook his head and left and I thought for a moment. I remembered one little snip of a vision, Meat and Royce threw me into a truck. I shook my head and continued to go around the barracks, after a bit I met up with Soap. He seemed irritated at me for some reason, and was clearly trying to avoid me.
"Captain," I asked sadly as I watched him start to walk away.
He turned to face me, his expression cold and full of hatred, "What the hell do you, Scarab?"
"Is something wrong," I asked taking note of how he glared at me.
"Do you even remember that fight at all," He questioned dropping an eyebrow. "You were locked up in a mental hospital."
"Okay again with the joke," I sighed.
"Why, what do you mean?"
"Everyone was saying that I got sent to an asylum," I told him.
"But you were! Yesterday when you called Shepard a traidor," Soap told me.
"Then how come I don't remember it," I agrued.
Soap stepped closer and exaimined my facial features for a long moment and figured I was honestly clueless. Pulling some of my hair behind my ear he asked, "You seriously don't know?" I shook my head and Soap started to tell me all about how I accused Shepard of plotting against us, and this fight we had in a room I was stuck in. And with every word memories flooded back, how angry I was at him for not believing me, how furious towards Shepard for sending me to that asylum in the first place. But then there was how I got back that just blanked, and I left Soap for a while trying to think of how I got out.
I came into the course to run it, the timer started and I bursted out at full speed. Running down the lane I froze in my spot as something sparked in my head. The curtain that the man who tried to erase those memories put up fell and I could remember the excape atempt I made. How I has pressed Shepard to the wall and yelled at him then high tailed it down the hall. The cackle of the man who tried to delete these memories. I saw it all flash in front of me. And in the comm the person asked, "Uh Scarab, is something wrong? You stopped."
"No nothing's wrong," I told him with a grin spreading on my face. "Everything's just fine. I have to leave."
I ran out of the course and tried to get every last detail down. Soon dinner rolled in and Meat asked, "So Scarab how did you get out?"
I sighed and looked from Royce, to Roach, to Meat, all were curious about it. "I had heard Shepard talking outside the door to the guard. He said that he wanted all the memories erased, me acusing him of being a traider, and my being in the mental institute."
"Here we go again," Roach sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Scarab, I dought Shepard is plotting against anyone."
"I know I heard him say that," I told him darkly. "Anyway, the door had opened and I pinned Shepard to a wall. Punched him and ran down the hall with guards chasing me."
"You're making this up," Roach disagreed. "You punching Shepard doesn't explain the bruise he has on his face."
"I did!" I snapped. "And are you calling me weak?"
"Oh no," Roach sarcastically answered. "You're plenty tough... For a girl."
"You bitch," I hissed before turning and leaving the mess hall. As I shuffed down the trail a hand fell on my shoulder.
I whipped around to see Shepard, a bruise sat on his cheek where I hit him, a pistol being held up to my chest, "I know you can remember." He sneered. "And I'll going to give you a choice here. You can either be killed where you stand, or shut your fuckin' mouth."
"And what's the second option?" I joked as my hands slid to the gun as I sleathily tried to move it away.
Shepard seemed most displeased with my wiseass crack and spat, "You'll be sorry." His finger itching to ull the trigger, to end me. Then I heard the loud bang of the gun and he stepped back and whipped the gun down before putting it away. I fell to the ground gripping where the bullet went straight in. He grin and said, "Don't say I didn't warn you."
Shepard then rushed away leaving me in a puddle of my own blood, I saw Soap come through the in the darkness. He just stared wide eyed at me then snapped to his senses, "Holy shite! Scarab, can you hear me? What happened?"
"Shepard happened," I groaned still gripping where the bullet came in.
"I have to get you to a hospital," He glanced at the wound completely ignoring my explaination.. "And fast. You're bleeding more than a garden hose."
"Yah tell me something I don't know," I hissed under my breath. Soap then helped me up and we got to the imfermery. They exaimened the wound and guessed about a few days should help recover.


A/N: Sorry it took a little bit. I was trying to get in the mood for writing this one. I sware that when I stopped writing I felt sick, but I guessed it was because of my mind still dwelling on what I wrote.

Aw and pour Scarab, damn Shepard gets her sent to a mental hospital AND tries to have the memories erased as well. It worked for all of about a few hours. But then pour Scarab gets shot by him. That jerk!!!!!!!
Yes it's a spelling error convention, don't rub it in.

(Current Me Note: This chunk of the story here and the next few chapters to come are perhaps the stupidest thing I could have ever written. Honestly, I don't even know what I was thinking when I typed this nonsense up.)

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