Plan B -P18-

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I sat in teh interrogation room, alone. Even though I was here before, it was nothing like why I was now. I was normally I an obsurver, but today I was going to be tortured.
Ghost walked with his usual mask and sunglasses, but hehind the burning lences was sad and unwilling eyes. We were friends and it hurt me with the fact Shepard would make HIM interogate ME. He sighed and looked over his tool provided and glanced back at me, "I'm terribly sorry about this, luv." He choked. "But orders are orders."
"Yah," I grumbled. "But the fact you're actually listening to a traidor sickens me."
"Shepard's not a traidor," Ghost sighed. "I'm sure this is just paranoia."
"If he's not a traidor then why did he request my memory being erased?" I asked.
""Again Scarab, I'm sure you're being paranoid." Ghost shook his head. "But just hold still so the machine can do its work."
'Machine' as in some devise made to probe someone's thoughts, see their memories play on a screen. But maybe this was my way of proving I was right. Ghost flipped the switch then looked up at th laptop screen. As clips played he was just speechless. He opened an audio file from when Shepard had grumbled to himself about the sttempt to end us.
"Scarab," He studdered. "I had no idea." He was about to close the laptop when Shepard jumped in. A gun in his hand that he aimed at teh laptop. Ghost shouted, "No! If you do that then she won't remember anything at all!"
"That's the idea," He sneered before pulling the trigger. Right there I blacked out.

Meanwhile (Ghost)
"Scarab!" I shouted as she went limp against the restraints. "You son of a bitch!"
"Now that you know I'm going to have to make sure you're just as clueless as she is." He told me just before he lundged at me. I dodged him and watch him fall on top of Scarab. Shepard got back up and charged at me again, this time he shoved an elbow to my stomach.
I clenched where he hit and loudly groaned, "You bastard..." Before me legs buckled and I fell down. Either he was strong or he had some damn boney elbows.
With the new chance he got me strapped me up and started going through my thoughts, just looking for the knowlodge of him I aquired. The file came on and he said, "It's a damn shame I have to do this. But I told you to delete the files."
"Go to hell," I yelled as I wriggled about in the chair.
"Sorry," He apoligized as his finger neared the delete button. "But you know too much." He pressed the button and I just blanked.

Meanwhile (Scarab)
I flickered my eyes open and looked around, I was on the floor tied to a knocked over chair. But I couldn't remember what had happened, where I was, or who I was. I shut my eyes and hoped that the answers would appear. But nothing, it was like a brick wall had been built to hide myself from my identity.
A man who I couldn't reconize looked over to me, a mustash sat on his face and he wore grayish camoflage, he was at least in his sixties. He pulled the chair up and sighed, "I guess I didn't need to blow it all away."
"Blow all of what away?" I asked udderly confused.
"Nothing," He shook his head. "Don't worry you'll be able to remember it all soon." He turned and started to go on a laptop and pasting files in. As each was pasted a memory fragment zipped through my mind...
When I was a kid and my older brother slit his throat with a knife...
My dad's very last words to me before he died, "No matter what happens Alex... No one can change you..."
Some slutty looking bitches pulled a knife on me in school...
All these missions I was on...
And the information on my friends, Soap, Roach, Ghost, and so on...
But the one thing that peirced me the most was the scean where I was standing on the balconey and I kissed Soap. How he held me so close and his sweet kiss...
I shook my head now knowing it all, then I looked to Ghost, he just was staring off into space blankly. Finally he blinked and turned to me, "Scarab?" He turned his attention back to Shepard. "What's going on? Why are we tied up?"
"Oh it was just a test," Shepard sighed. "You two volenteered to test these new devises. I had to strap you down incase of anything causing you two to start having a muscle spazzem or something. You wouldn't hurt yourselves." He undid the straps and we walked out a little confused.
I just thought for a long moment trying to recall beign asked to try the machine but came up short. Maybe he just deleted it as a test. I looked to Ghost who had taken his sunglasses off and rubbed his eyes sleepily. A different thing I just couldn't recall was what had happened over the past few days. But there must have been some reasonable explaination for it.


A/N: Yup Shepard finally cleaned up his tracks. DAMN YOU! FACE MY DEEPSEA FURIEY!!!

Well yah Ghost believed her, for all of about five minutes. But it counts!
So yah he's going to try whipping the squad clean of the memories they had of Scarab going crazy and calling him a traidor. And yes I'm also aware of the spelling errors.

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