Plan B -P57-

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Public plane rides, hate them. Being in a private jet, and yes I have, it's alright. Belichopter rides, better thing ever. It amazes me how Nikolai can persaid someone to sell him gas for his pavelow so cheap. And because he had a secret bunker full of different planes and such, we could just go over the Afganistan without any trouble. I almost wonder where he got all the money from. Well somethings you just don't need to know.
I sat on a bench watching the ground pass below us, all I could hope was that there wasn't any RPGs down there. Soap was right next to me, he had pulled off his hat revailing how flattened a cap could make his mohawk. I swear if it weren't for the fear of being pumbled, Roach would be dying of laughter right now.
For all you wanted criminals out there heres a few tips. If you have a beard, you could shave it. Which is one option. Or you could dye it even more gray than it already is. Now picture Price with his beard completely silver grey with a big pair of sunglasses and you have an old Brit who looks like Santa Clause on vacation. Thank god it was temperay dye.
And if you have a mohawk, I advise you shave that down to a buzz or dye it a different color. But if you like your hair too much then put a hat over it. Well Soap at least agreed to dye it a little darker incase if the baseball cap came flying off. So now his mohawk was near black. It kind of cracked me up to see him with his hair dyed that I had to hold back my laughter. Not to mention he was wearing a pair of raybands as extra. I had trouble holding back all the laughter I was consealing. First thing I'll do when I get off theis helicopter. Laugh my ass off, reason I won't do it in here is because I can't run anywhere when they will come after me.
In order to keep Soap and Price's makeovers out of the conversation, Roach and Ghost were talking on the far side of the cabin. Price had taken an interest in a nap, I think he were napping at least. Because if he had a heart attack or something so help me god_
"We're nearing the Ural Mountains," Nikolai imformed in the middle of my thoughts. "And I'm running low on fuel. Should I go land and fill up the tank now?"
"Yeah that's would be a good idea," Soap agreed. He looked at Price and al his sleeping glory. If Soap even wanted to, he could steal his hat and not notice.
Heatstroke stood and inched over to said person, "Hey guys watch this." She whispered. Well I'm now wondering if Heatstroke was phycic or something because she then went and grabbed the rim of Prices bonnie hat.
But just as she pulled her hand away one of Price's launched up and grabbed her wrist with pinpoint acuracy. I was trying to see if Price was sleeping with an eye open or something. His hand near squeezing her hand off, he grumbled, "Let the hat go."
Heatstroke unlatched her hand and mouthed, "What the fuck?" Which I replied to with a shrug.
Price stiffed and sat upright. His beard was like a mask sometimes, but I could have sworn he was smiling, "Can't sneak of on me. You'd think this knucklehead would have told you." Price had a thumb pointed at Soap who was right next to him.
"Sorry," Soap grinned in an obvious way. "Must have slipped my mind. Should have told you Price's sixth sense."
"Sixth sense for what," Heatstroke asked.
"He knows when anyone tries to steal his hat," Soap almost whispered. I say almost because he was loud enough for everyone in the cabin to hear.
You'd know when someone is tied when A) They are clumsy as hell. Or B) They are way out of character. Price and Soap were B. But then my thoughts were interupted by the flash of a red light and Nikolai yelling, "Mayday! We're hit! Going down!"
"Brace for inplact!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then poof we smack the ground.

If anyone reading this is a plane crash surviver, you'd know what it's like to crash on the side of a snowy mountain. I came to the smell of smoke, it looked worst than photos of nuketest towns or even Hyrosima. I was covered in a long heavy strip of metal, coughing on the thick ask of the burning chopper.
It was just a horrible sight. And I cried out, "Hello? Guys can you hear me?"
Nothing but the crackle of the burning engine, I manage to get up and stumble out. Then face plant into the snowy ground. When I pulled my head up I saw blood drench the snow, my blood. My head with gashed, and yet I was still contious, I had heard people doing this. But I needed help, now.
I turned over and felt this agonizing pain, my shoulder blade was cut open. I screamed out, "Can anybody hear me?!?"
But just waiting for something for happen was never me, I got up and came back to the crash, and pulled a strip of metal out of my way and crawled in, coughing on the smoke. I could see them, Prce was awake, but trying to get his leg out of a snag. I came over and he looked at me. Well the temperary dye was replaced by the blood of a cut open lip, there was streaks of crimson in his beard.
I worked quick and pulled his leg out, "Price, are you alright?"
"I'm fine," He choked out. "Just help me get the others out of here."
We picked through rubble, and soon I found Soap and Ghost. We worked fast and pulled them out, both were battered and knocked out. Well Ghost was coming to, I 'helped' him get up fast to get him to assist in finding the others.
It merly took two minutes, but everyone was found. I worked on tending to the wounds while Price was digging out a makeshift shelter. Here's my evaluation of everyone. Kamarov was pretty much intacted, just a bunch of bruises, lucky bastard. Nikolai was hit his head pretty hard but was fine otherwise. Roach heavy cut his leg. Heatstroke came out unscaved meracualously. Gonzalo laserated his ankle on something. Ghost was mostly bruised and cut. And Soap, well he might have broken a rib or two, I couldn't tell.
I finished up patching everyone up the best I could then got to work with my own wounds. I must say putting pressure on something you can barely reach, not easy. I was doing near circles trying to get the pad of gause on. And something stopped me, a hand lightly fell on my shoulder and whispered, "Let me do that for you."
I felt frozen, 'haha such irony.' as a different hand took the pad away and pressed it down on my shoulderblade. I looked back to see Soap and I asked, "You feel alright?"
"Little sore," He grumbled. "But I'm fine." One thing you can realy snow to do, mess up your temerapy hair dye, his hair was back to the usual dark brown. I guess the sunglasses were broken, because they weren't on his face anymore along with the cap. Wasn't a good disguise anyways.
"Uh we have a problem," Ghost pointed out. "How are we gonna get out of here? At nightfall it will be below freezing, we'll be dead by morning if we're not found."
"We'll be dead if we're found," Price pointed out. "How bad of shape is everyone, we might have to walk to civiliation."
"Not to put a damper on things," I hissed out a breath as I felt the pad of gause get pressed a little harder. "But we don't know where to head. Or how far away the nearest town is."
"Anyone got a GPS?" Roach asked.
Heatstroke shuffled through her pockets and pulled one out, she tapped the screen then angerly shoved it back in her pockets, "Shite, no signal. We're on our own."
"Go down hill," I insisted. "I think I saw a town near the base of the mountain. We could go there."
"Yeah," Nikolai agreed. "I think I know someone there who could help us. Who ready for a hike? Groan once for yes twice for no."
"Haha," Heatstroke sarcastically laughed. "You're SO funny."
Price grinned, I think (It's getting harder to tell with the beard and blood), then said, "Alright, anyone here who doesn't think they can get down the mountain without assistance?"
No one said anything. I normally was honest, but in this situation I didn't want to say how bad I really was hurt. Nausia pelted me and I kept swallowing soon to be vomit. I had a splitting headache, well the gash in my forehead might explain that. And I could barely bend my spine without feeling like I'd tear somthing. Sum that up and you have one unhappy Scarab.
"Okay let's move," Price ordered as he picked up one of the rifles on the ground.


A/N: Everything turns south, well East to be acurate. They landed on the East side of the Ural mountains. But they don't know that. Stupid GPS's and their being out fo range!

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