In the Mist -P11-

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  I thought long and hard about who I'd bring, but found this hard to do so. "Oh Scarab, why can't you be here?" I said under my breath. And soon realized how tired I was, in fact, the events of the day left me exhausted. So I went down to the bunk hall, face planting into teh bottom bunk where I usually holed myself up. Soon drifting off.

I usually dreamed that I was in a grass feild with Scarab to talk to, but this time, the setting was different. It was a depressing priion yard, teh gates were closed, and I saw no excape. THere was a groan behind me, I turned and saw the one thing I didn't expect, a hoard of pale skinned, dusty hackjob cut hair, sickly thin men hobbling towards me! I stepped back, until I was pressed against a steel iron fence, but they were flooding the yard, some grabbing my clothes and others crying.

"Scarab! Where are you?" I waled as they were piling on my now, I saw no excape form their freezing hands and desperate hungry faces.

The crowd now was calling in one voice, "Soap! Soap! Soap!"

No matter my struggles, I couldn't break free! I could feel them tearing at me, trying to rip me apart!

"Soap! Bloody hell! Wake up you wanker!" I was sitting up in my bunk, Ghost glaring intencly at me with a rageful glare -in his pjs- that made me want to sink under the covers. "No one can get any bloody sleep with your yelling!"

I was still breathing hard in shock and horror of the all too vivid nightmare. Now the second in command's look softened as he asked me, "Are you alright?"

I nodded, "Yeah, just a very crazy dream."

"Well show some sympathy for me!" Roach groaned from a bunk not too far away. "I had a nightmare where I was being eaten by talking bears and scarab beetles!" I and Ghost glanced at him and he returned it questioningly, "What? And you're yelling doesn't help at all!"

"Bug," I spat before dragging myself off the bed. Gonzalo was still asleep, clearly havign a very active dream as he's sometimes flinch and stur restlessly.

"No, dad!" He shot up to a sit panting as sweat was covering him. Then he realized we were staring and huddled back under the covers, "Ugh, just leave me alone."

"What the?" Ghost narrowed his eyes. "Did everyone have a nightmare but me?"

"Well I slept like a baby," I followed the source, and Price was standing in the door to teh bathroom, clearly having just showered as he had a towel around his waist. If he had just got up, then it couldn't be that late. "Maybe it was something you ate." He eyed me a moment then sighed, "Soap, you might want to shower, your probably absorbing that sweat puddle on your mattrace through your skin."

"Shut up old man," I shot back.

"Okay, no one can sleep with you howling all night," I looked over to the door leading to teh hallway to see Hawk stared at everyone. "Really? What the hell is going on?"

"I'm guess you, Ginger, Talons, and the others heard." Ghost sighed.

"I couldn't even close my eyes without hearing one of you screaming," She retorted. "What's wrong with you idiots?"

"Nothing," I sighed. "Look, I have to think about some things, I'll be out, okay?" No one protested as I left. Trying to sort out who would come with me on this mission. When I left the building, I leaned against teh wall and fished through my pocket. Soon retrieving a pack of cigarettes which I had somehow avoided for at least a month. Smoking was an old habit, and yet, since Scarab died, I didn't really bother as much as I used to. She used to scold me for even getting them, I longed now to hear her nag me to put them away, and her hit the back of my head in a playful mannor.

I sighed grimmly as I returned from a flash flood of memories, and put them back in my pocket again, it wasn't worth it now. And I wondered if Ghsot or Roach would want them, consitering Roach was a big smoker, he would.

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