In the Mist -P15-

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  I laid down on the ground, the wood bunks were already taken. As cold rippled through my skin, I shivered and tried to fall asleep. Something came down and wrapped around me, I looked up to see Soap stare at me through the dark of the cell, his eyes a bright icey blue. He was laying a blanket over me, and he slowly came close to me until he was laying down with an arm over me and his head nuzzled into my neck.

I slowly fell to teh temping warmth of his body against mine and the blanket, soon closing my eyes and letting sleep take me.

I woke up the next morning, light form the window was showing the sign of midday, usually we were pulled out at the crack of dawn. This was strange for them. But there was a tap on the metal bars, I moved out of Soaps enbrace and came over, glaring at the surgant who kissed my cheek yesterday.

"What do you want?"

"It's Anatoly," He said imidiently. "He's going to move the prisoners, get rid of them!"

"When?" I asked.

"Not long, you must hurry, I'll find a way to get you out." He assured.

"All of us?" I asked, needing to be sure he didn't just mean me.

"Yes, all of you." He replied. He unlocked the door and started to rouse people from their sleep, and begun to lead everyone out into the halls. "I disablied the cameras, they are blind. A guard is the only ones to see us and they will die if they do."

We moved up the halls, Price in front, the surgant next to him, and Roach holding the back with Hawk. We came to a door, Price cracked it open, "It's a bloody convention out there."

Over his shoulder, I could see at least two hundred guys all listening to Anatoly who spoke on a large rock. His words not audible from where we were. "Looks like we're gonna have to fight our way out." Ghost noted.

"Or sneak past," Soap mentioned. "Either way, it's a huge risk."

"If Anatoly spots us, we're double dead." Gonzalo groaned with a hand over his face.

The sound of footsteps came from behind, and a large group came up, and Roach and Hawk weren't there anymore! But before the group had a chance to notice us, something shot them down. Behind, were the two said people with new found AK-47s. "Get in the uniforms, we have an idea." Roach told us.

Ten minutes later, everyone was chanced and Hawk explained, "Okay, so the idea is to look natural, I'll hide the bodies and catch up, alright?"

Everyone nodded, the wasn't truely any disargeement with the idea.

"Good, I won't be long, and I'll also see if I can take out the gunmen on the rooftop so they don't detect you guys." She finished.

"You'll need someone to go with you," Soap told her under a ski mask.

"I'll go with her." I offered.

"Alright, we'll randevous outside the gate at the tree line." Price concluded.

"See you on the other side, my friend." Nikolai told me. I nodded and turned to Hawk before walking away from the others.

"So you know where to go?" I asked.

"I found a map of the place, the guard taking lead had one." She said, reajusting the mask she had slightly. "The stairway should be coming up on the left."

And she was right, we opened the door and came up into a small empty room. I looked aorund quick and grabbed a vector leaning against the wall. I'd rather something to defend myself. She opened the door and we came onto the flat roof. Five Russians stood there, guns aimed down at the crowd below.

I looked at the pitifully little Russian I knew, somehow managing to find some words. "'Anatoly wants you guy down at the meeting. Now!'" The FIve looked at me, I gave them a feirce glare as if I'm serious, and the started to leave. When they opened teh door to exit, Hawk shot them down. "ALmost a little too easy."

"Let's hope it stays that way." She replied. We could clearly make out our squadmates as they slowly edged towards the gates. Hawk stared at the place they were headed, then she jolted with some realization I didn't see. "That gate has an alarm! They'll trigger it and be dead for sure!"

I wanted to find some way to tell them not to without alerting Anatoly's followers, but there was none. We could only watch as they triggered the alarm. Anatoly's men sprung straight to action, readying guns and preparing to fire. A few fell form bullets spraied from the others.

"There! On the roofs!" A Russian exclaimed as Hawk begun to fire at them. He begun to fire a gernade launcher at us, so we ran like mad. Then just behind, the explosion sent both of us skidding on the wood of another roof, Hawk slid down to the rain gusters, me not far behind. As she hung there, I stopped myself with my boots to the metal gutters, reaching a hand down to her.

As she reached up to my outstretched hand, another gernade went off just next to me, causing me to fly right off, knocking Hawk off with me. On impact, everything was black.

I blinked a few times, ear drums ringing and vision crossed, the surrounding were slowly moving. As things grew clear, I looked up to see a girl gripping tight to the vest of the enemy uniform. To my side, Gonzalo was doing the same for Hawk, who was clearly still out cold.

"Get up! Get up!" She urdged me hastily, green eyes flashing with fear as bullets would whipp through her cropped brown hair. I staggered to my feet and bolted over to Gonzalo to assist, but before we knew it, the roar of a number of helicopters became audible. I looked to the tree line, four of them flew in, a machine gunner raining death on the Russians.

The barking orders of a familiar voice was clear form the outside of the fence. There I saw Brenite, him cutting the wire fence, A bunch of the recruits, well not recruits anymore, not far behind. For a second I and Lefty made breif eye contact, his look of confusion clearly a distraction, for a bullet hit his vest, causing him to look back to the heat of battle.

Us prisoners poured out of the hole in the fence, until we retreated into the woods, the stronger newcomers taking the rear guard for followers. When we slowed down, Brenite was looking everyone over, when he reached me, his eyes glimmered with confusion.

"I thought you were dead."

"I was, but... well.... it's complated to explain." I replied.

"S-Scarab," An all too familiar voice studdered out in amazement. I turned around to face my oldest friend, Heatstroke only stared, mouth hanging slightly open. "But you died... How could you come back to life?"

"I don't know how to explain," I answered shaking my hed, then hugged her. "But I never thought I'd ever be able to see you alive again."

Slowly, she returned the hug, and I could feel one of her silvery tears streak my jaw line as she clung to me as if a scared child, afraid to lose me again. When she calmed a little, she let me go. And put in, "I'm sure Irina will be thrilled."

I nodded, remembering how much she was attacted to me when I was last alive. Soon we were loaded into the helicopters, Brenite sighed.

"We'll give you a weeks rest to recooperate," He told us. "You look as if you were from a consentration camp back in world war ll."

"YOu aren't far off." Soap grumbled. I sat next to him, leaning on his shoulder, listening to the steady thumd of the blades outside. Soon exhaustion over came me, and I drifted to sleep.  


A/N Oh yeah, THEY EXCAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heatstroke is back damn it! Her sister is caring for the kids in London as an FYI.
I really enjoyed the part she and Scarabfirst encount each other after the two years. I almost cried.  

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