Plan B -55-

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I came to tied to a seat, can anyone say, 'rope burns'? TV screens were all over the wall in front of me, and they were all off for the moment. A drip of something was going and it dawned on me how fucking cold it was in this room.
Two men walked in, one carrying a tool kit. They were wearing full face welder masks, the glass over the eyes super dark. Their bodies cover completely head to toe in thick, bulky suits. The one carrying the kit was short than the other. Both turned to me, and the shorter said in a disguised voice, as in daep and scratchy, "Do you know why you're here?"
I blinked and shook my head, "No, now why am I strapped to a chair?"
"We'll asked the questions here," The second bellowed, his, I think it was a he anyways, voice was much more harder to tell nationality. At least with the first there was somewhat of a clue there was an accent, not sure what because of how warped out it was, but something. "All you have to do it coopperate."
"Kiss my ass," I retorted. The first pressed a button and I felt my whole body rush with elecritity. "AAARRGGHHH!!!!!!!!"
"All you need to do is answer what we need to know," The first told me calmly.
"Fuck you," I spat. Once again I was shocked, "AHHHHH!!!!!!"
"Please, just do yourself a favor and coopperate," THe second soothed. Seemed familiar, didn't know how but it just did.
"Do you know Makarov," The first questioned. I sent him an angered glare, but didn't answer. He went back to zapping me.
"Yes!" I yelled out. "YES I KNOW MAKAROV!!!"
He, or she I'm still not sure, stopped and chuckled, "Now that wasn't so hard was it?" I gritted my teeth. "Now do you know what he did to you?"
If you mean by that he forced me into attempting to kill my friends than yes. "Yeah, he tried to have me assasinate my friends."
"Other than that?"
"He made me fight my best friend, nearly killed me on a getaway drive, and well I don't know what else." I explained to avoid being fried again.
"Think, Alex, What did he do to you when you were captured?" The second pressed in.
"I-I don't know what he did," I staggered out.
"Come on you know this," The first seemed to groan. "Moscow, he captured you and all the other exciled Task Force members and then what?"
I chuckled, "We all got killed."
"Don't fuck with me, Alex! I know when you're lying!" The first snapped.
"I don't know what he did!" I shouted back.
"You have to," The second incruaged. "You're the only other one who was there when he did what he did. All you need to do is tell us."
"I would if I knew," I sneered.
"Then watch the secruity feed," The first inssisted and the screens on teh back wall started up. All showed the same think, me being dragged out and pulled to a room. Then it stopped. "We don't know what happens next, but you were there. Just tell us."
"I don't know what happened," I repeated.
"Oh you'd better think like you life depended on it," The first said darkly. Well right now I wanted to rip that mask off and see who was behind it. Because I was sure it was a Russian by now.

Meanwhile (Heatstroke)
"Ready, Nik." I joked pulling on the facemask.
"As I'll ever be," Nikolai sighed as he reajusted the mouth peice. When he went on his voice was surprisingly deeper and unreconizable, "How do I sound?"
I turned on the vice disguise, I honestly was gruff sounding, "Like General Grevious, minus the cough. How 'bout me?"
"Darth Vader," Nikolai guessed. This was one of my nerdy moments where I could name any character from any SciFi movie ever made. Star Wars was one of the first things I'd go into because of how many characters had the mechanical voices. "Let's do this. Remember, we can't harm him."
"Right," I sighed. "I know. Only the elecritity, we need to know what he's planning. Well I guess punching won't kill him, unless we do it enough. Just don't kill him."
"Got it." He responded opening the door. We stepped in and faced Makarov who sat limply in a chair. I thank Price for knowing pressure points, or we probably would have had a lot harder of a time getting his ass over here. Nikolai approached in his clunky tude of a suit and shook the chair enough as he barked, "Wake up!"
Makarov was awake in an instent, and stared at both of us nervously, trying to see through our deep shaded glass eye cover on teh masks. Finally he asked, "What's this all about."
"Shut up," I hissed. This was kind of like good cop bad cop. So who's who? Well there wasn't a good cop here, we were both angry with him. "And we're asking the questions here. So you'd better answer!"
He looked taken back by my outburst and pressed up to the chair, tention growing. I was gonna enjoy this.
"How are you brainwashing people," I interrogated.
"Why should I tell you," He asked with iron lining his tone. We'll just have to fix that. I pressed the button on the remote in my hand and watched him have a sasum while screaming. I released the button.
"Now tell us, how are you brainwashing people?"
"I'm not going to say," He argued after regaining himself. I hit the button again and he wriggled around wailing like a fog horn, damn he swears a lot. Mostly I cenered for the readers sake, other because near a hundred percent of what he said was offencive to girls everywhere. Bastard.
"We're giving you one more chance before we mind probe you." I warned. "How. Did. You. Brainwash. Those. People."
"Go ahead and probe my mind, you won't find what you want to know." He sighed. I'd be happy to.
I nodded and Nikolai attatched the cord to his forehead and the other to the laptop on the table. His mind came on files and we weaved through them searching for what we needed. Right there, his exact tecnquie of what he did. We copied it and got it in a main computer. The rest wasn't much use now, "Guee thanks for all your help. Now I wish you goodbye."
I aimed a pistol to the laptop and got ready to shoot when teh wall blew open. Russians whirled in, getting a hold of Makarov and running out. Cold air whipped at us as we both stared at the huge hole in the wall, "At least we got the tecnique." I sighed.
"Yah," Nikolai chuckled. "The stupid bastards. We better go and tell Price."
Nikolai grabbed the laptop, giving the hole in the wall one last look before leaving. I airlocked the exposed room so that we wouldn't freeze our asses off over night. And we headed down teh hall to Price. He was obserbing the interrogation on Scarab. His hand on his chin as he listened on headphones. Nikolai tapped his shoulder and handed him the laptop.
Price gave us a bewildered glance and asked, "You probed his brain?"
"What else could we do?" I pointed out. "He's a stubborn bitch. And before we could earse his brain or anything some henchmen breached the wall and took him."
"Well that's a load of bollocks," Price sighed. It's hard not to know he's British. Actually, it's impossible. He stood up and took off the headphones beofre giving the interrogaters and Scarab one last look. Hard to tell what he was thinking but he grabbed the laptop and went to the door, "I'll just look this file over. If that's alright with you two."
"Go ahead,' Nikolai yawned. "As long as I can go get a hot shower in. I'm just freezing."
"You'd think being Russian would make you immune to the cold." I joked.
"Hey," He laughed. "I'm only human. And I lived in the more southern parts of Russia. I think I told you that three times already."
"Yah yah," I sighed. "Go take your shower. If you guys need me, I'm gonna be in the bunk halls."
"Okay," Nikolai shrugged. And we all went to do our buisness.


A/N: Oh great you guys'll have to guess who the interogaters for Scarab are. Sorry but no telling. It's ruins the surprise.

ANd yes Heatstroke and Nikolai have a buddy kind of relationship kind of thing. Really nothing like Scarab and Soap but still they are good friends. Maybe because they knew eachother long from a mission or something. Lord only knows. But the characters guessed to dircribe their voices with the disguise was just to give you an idea what they sounded like.

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