Plan B -P19-

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I sat in the mess hall and stirred a cup of beef stew around with a pastic spoon, trying to think about what had happened over the past couple days. But it was nothing. Roach sat next to me and asked, "Hey uh Scarab?"
"Yah," I replied glancing up at Roach.
"Are you still mad at me," He questioned.
I had of the foggyest idea of what he meant so I simply answered, "No, why should I?"
"Well it's just," He stopped himself and shook his head. "It nothing. Forget I mentioned it."
"Whatever," I sighed as I continued to mix the stew around. "Hey Roach so what was going on for the last couple of days?"
"What you don't remember?" He asked. I shook my head, and he was just about to explain when Shepard came in and pulled him out to tell him something.
I didn't really think much about it, and it was probably just requesting Roach did something useful for once. I didn't acually feel hungry so I tossed the stew away then shuffled around a bit. Kind of wishing I could think of something to do, finally I discided to walk on the trails and clear my head a little.

MeanWhile (Soap)
I stood at the shooting range firing a sniper rifle, I had been a sniper since I joined the regement and I prefered to maintain my skills incase if I ever needed to do a stealth mission. Which was basically every other week for us. But I had more on my mind then shooting, Scarab had been going crazy. She was mainly thinking Shepard was a traidor, but I didn't even know where she got that idea from. She had also been shot, and sent to and asylum. But what still hurt was the arguement we had in the room she was locked in, how she thought I didn't care.
I forced the tears from excaping my blurring eyes, I whipped my face with my sleeve and sighed. Something just didn't feel right at all, I couldn't place it but something was wrong. I put the rifle down and started to leave the shooting range when Shepard had caught up with me. For some reason he'd been hanging around a lot lately, but it was weird.
"MacTavish, a word?" He requested.
"Yes sir?" I asked almost suspitiously. "Something wrong?"
"No just need to talk," He told me as he led me into a room. This was only getting weirder by the second.
"Then what?" I questioned.
"Oh I was just thinking," He reached for something behind him and I watched his hands wrap around something. Then he swung a foam covered bat at the side of my head shouting, "Good night!"
The edge whacked right by my ear and stumbled to the side from the hit, he slammed it down on my forehead and I fell backwards and on the floor. I wasn't out cold or anything, and he bashed my head once more this time my head also hit the concrete floor and I was knocked out. But just for the record, it was the FLOOR that did it not him! The floor!
I came to strapped to a chair, Shepard was just getting a laptop on. I then snapped, "Scarab was right! You damned_!"
"Save it for later," Shepard smiled evilly. "That is if you could remember it."
"Alright, talk!" I shouted. "What the hell are you up to!"
"Well consitering you aren't going to remember any of it anyways," He pondered and then started to explain. "You see five years ago I had lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye. And the whole world just fucking watched. My plan is to create a war between the U.S. and Russia. So I had hired Makarov to do some dirty work."
"So it was you who planned on doing away with Scarab!" I interupted.
"Yes it was me, she was interfearing with my plans. And I needed to get rid of the rough edges before I can get the whole plan into affect. With her out of the way to argue with my plans I could be able to freely move troops and not be questioned. You know the funny part, Scarab had heard me say what I did, but you didn't believe her." He went on. A smile crept onto his face when he noticed the pain of remembering how I didn't stand up for her. "What a shame. I'll keep her alive a little longer, but just before I get this plan into affect she will be gone. I can ensure that."
"You won't lay a finger on her!" I argued. "I won't let you!"
"How? You won't remember any of this," He teased before going on. "So when the plan is going to be put into affect I will simply give the Russians premission to take our satilite and copy the ACS. When they take it I'll send you away with someone so that you will be out of my way for a little while. My plan will then bring me to send an American agent with Makarov and his team to shoot up an airport, which I will tell Makarov to kill my agent as a frame."
"You're making a big mistake here!" I warned. "The Russians aren't to be messed with. I mean just look at what happened to countless others who tried to fight Russia. They had the advantage of their home environment on their side!"
"Who said I was going to fight IN Russia," Shepard chuckled. "I was going to take the fight to America. And in the Russians rage of seeing an American agent attacking their airport and killed civilians they will invade. While they are invading I'm sparating you and your squad from the fight as much as possible, finding a dealer in Brazil will be where I'll start you off."
"You're insane!" I yelled. "You know that they are blood thrity! They won't just stop as soon as they get even they will keep going!"
"I'm well aware of that," Shepard smiled. "But you won't be able to do anything to help, all I have to do is make sure you don't interfear with my plans. Such a shame you won't be aware of any of my plan in the next few minutes." He grinned and started to open files and looking around he then opened one, and joked, "Oh you and Scarab? Well no wonder she is so pissed at you."
"Stop looking through my head!" I barked.
He disreguarded everything I had said and continued to poke through, "Ah here we are. Say going bye." He clicked a button and I spaced for a moment.
I shook my head and found out I was sitting outside the mess hall, but how I got there was a mystery. The past few days were a blur, but they were probably nothing.


A/N: OKay so Shepard got to Soap, and in the process you guys now know his plan. He's so mean...

Well now Scarab nor SOap have to remember the painful fight back in teh asylum, sad but it was Shepard's fault!!!!!
You can imagine how stpid Soap felt when he learned Scarab was right all along.
QUick little thing to explain this better, Shepard moved Soap over to teh mess hall in his moment of being dazed and confused. Which was a side effect of using the machine, you were't really able to process new memories for a minute or two. But yah in this time lapse you could still walk and repond if needed to, just can't remember you did.
But yah back to the obvious, their are spelling errors everywhere you look. Uhh too many... getting dizzy..

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