The Big Truth Can Sound Like a Lie

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"No,no,no,no,no! This isn't right!" Mara said quickly, pacing back and forth in her room.

Joy was just sitting on the bed, watching her. "Books like these don't lie Mara; you of all people should know that."

"But this can't...should we tell Nina?"

"No. Remember, she's not a part of this society. She's in Sibuna."

"But I hate keeping THIS away from her. I'm going to tell her."

"If you tell her then you can't be in Nubi anymore."

Mara went over to Joy. She looked her in the eyes, and then took the book. "I never wanted to be in this stupid group. I guess I'm out."

Mara left while Joy kept trying to tell her to come back. She found Nina with the rest of Sibuna, in Alfie's room.


"Hi, Mara," Fabian greeted awkwardly, glancing at the others. "What are you doing here?"

Mara looked around. "Well, I needed to talk to Nina, but the more the merrier, right?" She closed the door behind her. "So, I did something last night. Something that most people can't do. And...this is kinda hard to just explain, but I think I'm the chosen one."

"No, Nina is," Patricia replied, with a bit of a sassy attitude.

"Listen Mara," KT, "we don't know what type of card you're trying to pull, but you aren't the one usually making jokes-"

"-no, read." She handed the book to Nina, and the others gathered around her.

When they were done reading, they all glanced back up at Mara, who was twiddling her fingers. "Last night, I opened a secret passage just with my hand. Some light came from it, and the wall opened. I'm the you Nina-you're the Osirion.

"Let me explain," Mara took a seat. "Nina, you never really were the actual chosen one. I always was; I just didn't notice until last night. Whoever or whatever made you think you were the chosen one wasn't completely accurate. I know you were born the seventh hour, of the seventh day, of the seventh month, but that was only valid in ancient Egypt, and I'll tell you why you were thought to be the chosen one. You ARE able to control the locket, and I can't, but that's because I'm the real chosen one, and you're just a piece of the chosen one that has powers with the locket. Now I'll tell you why you are the Osirion as well. Eddie was the real Osirion, but you have a piece of the Osirion in you as well, and if you were to ever wear Osiris's crown, then you would adapt your Osirion powers...make sense?"

Nina thought for a bit. "I guueess...but, it's kind of irrational-don't you think-that I could have two gods in me?"

"I used to think that it was irrational that someone could have just ONE god in them, but we all came to find out that the Egyptians' myths, weren't really myths. Trust me on this. I wouldn't lie about this; you guys know that."

The others were still thinking whether they could trust Mara or not, and they knew that Mara usually didn't lie, but if there was one thing they learned from being in Anubis house, it's that you didn't know people as well as you think. Nina pulled Eddie out into the hallway and shut the door.

"Should we trust her?" she whispered. "What she said sounds like a really good lie, but it also sounds like a really good truth."

"I don't know; I'm as stumped as you are. But this is Mara we're talking about. We all know she's not a good liar anyways."

"Maybe she took acting classes?" Nina pointed out.

"Or maybe, you just don't want to believe her. I think I do trust her, but you're the one she really needs trust from."

Jerome was listening from around the corner. Joy still hadn't told him about anything, so he didn't know what they were talking about, but he felt like Joy did know. He hurried up to Joy's room.

"Ok, tell me everything."

Joy already knew what he meant. "We should probably get Willow; I really don't want to explain this twice."


Nina did decide that she was going to trust Mara, but this was a lot to take on. She also knew this probably meant Mara would be another member of Sibuna. All of them went down into the basement. They went down the corridor, and Fabian revealed the secret room again. There was seven of them so Nina, Mara, and Eddie would take to room with black sand, Fabian and Alfie would take the left corridor, and KT and Patricia would take the right. When they split up, walls slid down, sealing them from their way back. Now all they could do was move forward...with their little groups...surrounded by tons of Egyptian secrets...and not knowing what-or who-lied ahead.

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