The Host and the Parasite

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"-My dearest Annabelle, I am sorry. This house has driven me mad, and everywhere I go, someone, something is watching me. I feel it in the marrow of my bones. So, I don't want you to return to this house. Never again. Please, keep yourself safe."

Mara finished reading off another letter.

"Hey, do you think it's kind of weird this guy never mentions his own name in these letters?" KT pointed out.

"I think it's weird what he's saying about this house," Mara replied. "Here. You read the last."

KT swallowed. "Annabelle, my love, if you are reading this, you've come to the house anyway, you foolish, foolish woman. But you've always been foolish, haven't you? And I suppose you brought our son along as well? Your foolishness is what made me fall for you, I'd say. But you mustn't stay here long. My discoveries have proven correct: something lurks in the shadows. Something evil. Something waiting for the perfect someone to destroy from the inside. This something-it's evil, it's wicked, it's a god that wants to inhabit physical forms to eat away their life and grow stronger, and one day, he will be. He pushes down person's soul, kind of into a black pit of nothingness, unable to be heard, unable to get out, as he takes over everything about them, like a parasite. I have no knowledge on whether or whether not the host is able to fight off this creature inside him, but if anyone can, they have to have a strong spirit. It may not take on physical attributes at first, but when he does leave this host's body, and presuming it's too late, as it has been all so before, this host will be left weak, sickly, and soon dead. This is all I can tell you, but Annabelle, I love you."

"Do you think-"

"-Jerome is this host now?" KT finished. "Yeah."

"We have to warn the others on what Set is doing to him."

"And someone needs to do something to defeat Set without hurting Jerome. Maybe Jerome is strong enough to fight off Set?"

"I don't know. Considering the fact that Set still needs Jerome's body is a sign that he hasn't reached full strength yet, but judging by how long ago these were written, I'm assuming Set has a lot of power by now, and the day when he wreaks havoc is soon approaching."

"Let's take these photos and letters back then. They'll help us explain."

"Yeah." Mara began helping KT pack everything. "Wait a minute. Doesn't this woman in in the photos look kind of like this lady in this painting?" She flashed her light on the painting on the wall.

"You're right!" KT exclaimed. "She just looks older or tired, like she's drained of life."

"Do you think," Mara gulped, flashing her light on the skeleton, "that's her?"

"Let's get out of here."

KT grabbed the box, and they headed back.


"Someone get me out of here! Someone please help me!"

Joy was alone in an underground room of solid stone all around, only having a sliding stone door which was no use in trying to pull open anymore. Joy was underneath Anubis house, but she didn't know that. She had no idea where she was, but she just wanted to get out.

"Someone please help; I just want to get out of here!" Joy cried. "Get me out!"

She laid down, her cheek pressing against the cold stone. Tears drained from her eyes as she felt all hope was gone for her. She wanted to have faith, but she didn't.

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