Chapter 15

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    I woke up as the sun hit the middle of the sky and was annoyingly in my eyes. I rolled out of bed and went across the hall to take a shower and get ready for the day. I dressed in my short jean shorts, and tank top. When I was done I went downstairs to make breakfast. Randy jumped in the shower and got dressed in jean shorts and a plain black t-shirt. We spent the remainder of the day cleaning up around my house with a lot of uneventful talking and actions.

    Yet the next morning we both got up and got dressed in similar attire of yesterday. We ate quickly after watching the news and left for the U-Hall place on the way to Audri’s. We rented a truck and bought like a hundred boxes of all sizes. We drove over and opened the garage first to find it empty. We entered through the door in the garage that took us to the hallway of the guest rooms/ storage. The first door had all of her stuff in boxes correctly marked so we put those in the garage closest to the wall to be gone through later.

    We moved on to the next room to see the same thing. Since those were the only two rooms on this hallway we packed up all of the pictures in the hallway and moved to the other hallway and rooms.

    We opened the door to see all of McKenzie’s play things and broke those down and put them in the truck to go to my house. When that room was empty we opened the next to see all of Audri’s costumes. I walked in and ran my hand along the white dress she wore to a premier where she looked just like Marilyn Monroe. I let one tear fall before carefully taking all of these down off the hangers and out of the drawers and placed them in a box that will go to my house.

    We finished that hallway and went straight to the entry way and the other rooms left on the first floor.

    20 full boxes later, filled with dishes, pictures, movies, and other miscellaneous items were in the truck and the clock struck noon. Randy and I sat down at the dining table and took a well needed breath.

    I had been packing and Randy had been carrying things to the truck and lifting everything heavy. We ordered pizza and I called Roxy and Carlos

    “Hey you two, where are you?” Roxy had always been early and always willing to help and yet we had been here for almost 4 hours and no show.

    “Well, see what had happened was…’ she took a dramatic pause with a shaky laugh.

    I decided to spare myself the details of their morning and just interrupt, “well Randy and I have the first floor done, and so you can come and help finish the top floor which will take the rest of today and possibly part of tomorrow. Or you can pack up your stuff and then tomorrow when we come back to finish the top floor you can bring it here. But if you go with the second you owe us Buffet and ice cream.”

    “I think that is a good deal,’ Roxy always is willing to help but she is always taking the easy way out too.

    I hung up and told Randy what she said; he chuckled and shook his head as the door bell rang. I got up as he did and pushed him down into his seat so I could pay for lunch. I ran for the door and had given the guy the money said keep the change and grabbed the pizza before Randy realized what happened and caught up.

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