Chapter 23

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    The whole next week we set up for Christmas and prepared for my parents who were showing up sometime soon. Since we decided Randy and I would sleep downstairs so my parents could have our room, we tidied up the room and cleaned the girl’s so it looked nice. The house was spotless and the day before my parents showed up we decided to put the tree up.

    After an hour of Randy trying to put the 6 foot pre-lit tree together and the girls and I laughing we started putting ornaments on. Majority of them were my mother’s and grandmother’s and were really old. Randy helped the girls put them on the tree and re arrange while I took them all out of the packaging.

    3 hours later the tree was finished and beautiful looking. We smiled and ate a small lunch of macaroni and cheese before we pulled out all of the wrapping stuff. The girls played rock paper scissors and Britney won. So when Kenzie was upstairs in her room watching a movie we brought what Britney bought out and wrapped it. Then when she was done she set them under the tree and they switched so Kenzie could wrap hers. We did the same thing and when we were done, under the tree looked half empty.

    We all ate dinner and sat down to watch a movie before we took the girls to bed and Randy and I fell asleep ourselves waiting for tomorrow when my parents came.

    Randy and I woke up around 8 and my parents showed up around 9. The girls were still sleeping so Randy and I decided to hit the gym for a little bit so we can stay in shape for our return to wrestling scene in a little under a month. We spent an hour there and when we were done I was dead.    

    We went home and the girls had just woken up and my mom was making breakfast. I went straight upstairs to take a shower while Randy ate a little; then we switched and he took his shower and I ate. When we were both clean and tidy the clock was hitting 12 and the girls wanted to go do something. My dad being a sucker for the girls’ smiles decided to take them to the museum down the road that was my grandmother’s favorite. We hadn’t taken the girls there yet so they were so excited. We all got dressed warmly since it was a mostly outdoor museum.

     The ClarkCountyMuseum was also my favorite because I got to hear all of the great stories from my grandma and spend time with her. As we drove there and I thought about her and my grandpa a tear rolled down my face and Randy grabbed my hand and gave it a small squeeze. I looked up at him and smiled I would have to explain in a bit but it was okay.

    We arrived at the museum and nothing really had changed from when I was here as a child. Only it got a little bigger, but still not crazy. Memories flew back into my head and I smiled as we got out of the car. The girls rushed around as excited as I remember being, as we entered and paid. Randy and I stayed at the end of the group as my dad took a hold of one of each of the girl’s hands and started to talk to them about all the houses and testing them minutes after he said something. My mother walked next to him and smiled and added in little tidbits of information where she could but when my dad started talking, there was no stopping him.

    I stopped to look in the window of one of the historical houses and remembered my grandmother telling be about the flags in the windows with red stripe around the edge and a single blue star in the middle and how that represented that a family had 1 person in either WWI or WWII. Another tear cascaded down my cheek and Randy came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me as he asked why I kept crying.

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