A Little Bit About Lee Jae-Eun

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1. She was born on August 24th 1998, making her the youngest of the group at a staggering (current) age of 20.

2. She has an older brother who is not famous, rather he works as a doctor. He was born in 1994, four years before Jae.

3. Her parents neglected Jae and her brother (even going to the extent of abuse every now and then), so Jae was raised by her brother who took the initiative when he realized that his parents were, unfortunately, useless.

4. Jae has had a passion for dancing since she was extremely young. Her brother claims that she started dancing as soon as she was even able to sit up on her own. (Meaning she had elaborate hand movements and wiggled her body around whenever music played.)

5. Along with her passion for dancing, Jae has been passionate about music in general from an extremely young age.

6. Jae did a lot of underground dancing and was part of many different crews. She specializes in hip hop but is also excellent in contemporary, jazz, and various elements of ballet.

7. She loves food and is always ready to eat, no matter what it is. Jae especially enjoys spicy food and has a very high tolerance for spice.

8. She was born in Icheon, South Korea.

9. She was actually scouted by YG, JYP, Pledis, Cube, Starship, and S.M. after some videos of her underground dancing went viral. However, she ended up picking BigHit as the company she wanted to be a part of.

10. She speaks Korean, English, Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, and French fluently.

11. She actually has hazel eyes and they do indeed appear to change color depending on clothing, lighting, and mood.

12. She is known as the Ace, because of her ability to sing, dance, and rap. She also writes songs and composes music, with the addition of being able to play the piano, violin, and the drums. Jae is also slowly getting into producing songs.

13. Jae's favorite color is lavender.

14. Although Jae has had a rough past, she is said to be the light in the dark and always manages to carry an air of optimism and happiness.

15. Jae has always wanted a dog, but has never had the time or money for one, as her brother and her were constantly trying to survive on their own.

16. Jae can usually be found listening to music, watching dramas, or reading books during her free time. She also loves to record and release covers of popular songs no matter what language they are in.

17. She is proficient in the Korean martial arts of Taekwondo, Hapkido, and Hwa Rang Do. She learned when she was caught peeking into a class as a child and the instructor recognized potential and offered her free private classes. True to his judgement, she learned quickly and very well. She sometimes incorporates elements of the martial arts into her performances.

18. Jae is very sensitive to temperature. She gets cold really easily and hot really easily.

19. She loves drinking milk and cannot go a single day without consuming at least two cups of the beverage.

20. Jae models for many brands of clothing. She has appeared on quite a few magazine covers.

21. Jae has ADHD and if she doesn't take her medication she gets extremely distracted and tends to switch moods very easily. RM is the only one who knows about her ADHD and is usually the one to remind her to take her medication.

22. Jae's studio has cameras set up around it because she values her music items to an extent where she trusts no one. The boys know about the cameras and actually have a way to monitor her studio.

23. Jae's studio has a twin sized bed and even a small bathroom because she sometimes locks herself up in there for days on end.

Author's Note:

Ok, so this is all I could think of. I need a new brain. Preferably one like RM's. Strong power thank you.

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