What You Watch on TV Together

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Joseph Seed-

Joseph enjoys documentaries about anything, especially ones about religion. He will expand on the given information, which only interests you because it's him talking to you. The shows are aurally pretty interesting but you enjoy that fascinated look in his eyes more, sometimes he will work the topic of the show into his next sermon if he thinks that it is interested enough. That always makes you smile because only you know where he got it from.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob likes to watch nature documentaries with you (not the fluffy ones or nice ones, the ones about survival of the fittest or the food chain), and you both avoid shows and movies about the war either because he starts some sort of debate with you or it effects his PTSD. He is also interested in shows about human psychology. God help you if a documentary messes up some information, he will correct them and go into the history of all evolution if he thinks that it is necessary. It is never necessary, but you like listening to him when he is passionate about something.

John Seed-

You and John like to watch crime shows together, and he will point out any inaccuracies in the show. You admire his knowledge of the legal system. You usually play a game were you both have to guess who the person was who committed the crime, making up their motive and how they committed the crime. You usually just joke around, coming up with ridiculous scenarios, but he his actually really good at it and usually gets it right...and he like to remind you that he was right.

Sorry for how bad this one was XD


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