You Escaped an Abusive Relationship

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Request: the reader just escaped an abusive relationship and the Seeds find them as they're running away.

Joseph Seed-

Joseph found you sitting at a bus_stop, staring at your hands with a bag on your lap. He could tell that you were upset about something and you were obviously running away from something. He decided to sit down beside you and ask you where you were heading, you weren't sure why he was talking to you so you were vague with him. Eventually he decided to ask what you were running away from, it surprised you but you knew that it wasn't hard to deduce that you were running from something. You had both been talking for a long time now and he had showed you nothing but kindness. So you opened up to him, something about him made you feel comfortable, and you told him that you were running away from your now ex-partner.

Joseph couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards you, you just looked like you needed somebody to give you a break, to help you. And in that moment, he wanted nothing more than to be that person. When you mentioned that you had nowhere to go, that you were just running away, he knew that he wanted you to stay with him. He eased you into the idea of letting him help you, of moving in with him until you had somewhere else to go. He wanted you to be safe, the idea of you drifting around with no place to stay made his chest ache for you. He promised you that you could leave any time you wished. Then your bus pulled up to the stop, you had to decide between Joseph and the bus. Eventually you took his hand and let him help you.

Jacob Seed-

As soon as Jacob saw you walking down the street with a bag hanging off of your shoulder and an looking so sorry for yourself and looking so lost, he knew that something was wrong. He knew that you were running away from something. He knew that you had nowhere to go, because he remembers when he had that look. He just casually walked over to you and began walking by your side. Obviously you got a little suspicious of him, that is until he spoke. He just asked what you were running away from and you could only stare up at him. How did he know? It was strange but the both of you just kept walking while you told him everything that had happened between you and your ex-partner, he just listened and you couldn't believe that somebody was so interested in what you had to say.

Jacob was an intimidating man but you had never felt safer by anyone else's side, you knew that he could protect you and that you were safe with him. You were so scared and vulnerable, but you weren't weak and you weren't broken, the primitive part of Jacob just felt an overwhelming need to protect you. He shared a little about his life and his parents, knowing that it was a good way of earning your trust, before offering you a safe place to stay and promising that you ex-partner would never be able to touch you again. And, for some reason, you believed him. Despite his expressionless and intimidating exterior, you knew that he was being genuine. So you let him help you, and you couldn't remember a time when you felt so safe.

John Seed-

You were hitchhiking but nobody was stopping for you and the sad little bag on your shoulder. Eventually an expensive looking car pulled up beside you, of course it was John Seed himself. You didn't care who was giving you a lift, so you climbed into the car. John had spotted you standing on the side of the road as he was driving by. He wouldn't lie, the reason that he stopped to pick you was because he thought you were attractive and...well, he's John Seed. At first you drove in silence but then he started up a conversation, asking where you were going. It was obvious that you were running away from something.

After you told him that you were running away from an abusive relationship, it took a lot of convincing before you opened up to him. As soon as you told him, he knew what it was like to feel as if you had nobody in the entire world. When he was living with his parents he wished that he could run away, that somebody would've just shown in some kindness. So he tried to be that person for you, the person he wished that he had. He offered you a place to stay until you got back on your feet, somewhere you would be safe. You turned him down, not trusting him and not wanting to bother him. Eventually he convinced you to just give it a shot and stay with him, he even promised to never even touch you (even in a friendly manner) if you didn't want him too. John was actually very considerate and kind towards you.

Faith Seed-

Faith saw you walking down a pretty empty road, carrying your bag with you head hung low. As she got closer to you, it was obvious that you had been crying, it was clear that you were scared of something. She stopped in front of you and introduced herself with a friendly smile, you shyly introduced yourself to her in return. Something about you instantly caught her attention, it made her want to help you, to get you know you better. So she just began walking with you, making common conversation at first. But then she started asking about where you were going and why you where going there. You admitted that you didn't have anywhere to go and she got you to explain what had happened between you and your ex-partner. She was just some comforting and soothing that you couldn't help yourself.

You knew that you could trust her as soon as she walked over to you, everything about her seemed so welcoming and caring. She comforted you when you started to cry, telling her about the reason you were running away. It didn't longer for her to take a liking to you, so she was pretty quick to offer you a place to stay. You refused, saying that you didn't want to bother her. She was just as quick to promise you that you wouldn't be bothering at all, that she would actually appreciate the company. So you eventually accepted her offer and walked with her to your new home, where you would be cared about and safe.


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