They Find Out That You Have Depression/Eating Disorder

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WARNING: mentions of mental illness, depression, eating disorders and insecurity. DO NOT READ if any of this offends you, up sets you, or may trigger you.

Joseph Seed-

Joseph noticed that you weren't eating as much as you probably should, he also noticed that some days you would barely eat at all. He also noticed that you were losing weight. At first he tried to casually bring it up but you always turned him down. He even went to Faith to ask her opinion, just in he was overreacting or just imagining thing. After getting Faith's opinion, which was similar to his, Joseph made her promise not to mention it to you or anyone else. He then decided to just ask you about, making sure to sit you down and make sure that you were comfortable. After talking to you about it, he became amazingly supportive. He would prepare balanced meals, making sure to make perfect sized portions and would do anything to take your mind off of food or your weight. He would compliment you all of the time, whether it was your smile, your eyes, your sense of humor, or your kindness. Joseph always made you feel special and important, he was really supportive about everything.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob had his suspicions, he new that something was wrong with you. He could tell that something was bothering you and that you weren't telling him something. He had a firm grasp on human psychology and had noticed a few tell tale signs but he knew not to ask you about it. So he just kept an eye on you and made sure that you were looking after yourself, making sure to reassure you a little more than usual. You noticed his change in behaviour so you asked him about it, he tried to avoid the conversation but you pushed him so he just asked you of everything was alright. When you lied, and said that everything was fine, he just told you that he knew you were lying. He made you tell him everything, you sat for hours just talking about it. He was patient and understanding. You feared that he would think that you are weak but he really didn't. Jacob told you about how strong you are for dealing with it alone for so long, then he promised you that you never had to go through it all alone anymore. You had never been so grateful for somebody before.

John Seed-

Of course John noticed you acting strangely from time to time but could never understand why you acted like that. Deep down he knew not to ask you about it and not to push you on the topic, but he wasn't always the best at listening to his logic. When you started showing signs of insecurity again he asked you about it right why. At first John thought that he was doing something wrong, which you instantly assured him wasn't the case. So he continued to ask you what was wrong until you just told him, unable to look him in the eyes. He was more than shocked, in his eyes you were perfect so how could you be insecure in any way. While you protested for a long time John had you standing in front of a mirror, pointing out every part of you that he thought was beautiful and perfect. Which was every inch of you. He had you crying with a smile on your face, laughing at his cheesy comments. From that day on he didn't let a day go by without complimenting you and telling you how amazing you are and about how much you mean to him.


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