You are a Demon

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Request: Could you do the Seeds reacting to the reader being a demon, but means no harm?

Joseph Seed-

You told Joseph that you were a demon who had left hell because you had enough of causing pain and you wanted to help people, when you realised that this relationship was going somewhere and you were falling in love with him. You thought that it was only fair to tell him, he was a man of God after all. After processing the information, Joseph would be hesitant to continue his relationship with you but he never told you to leave, so you gave him time. Days went by and your nerves were only building, then finally one day Joseph walked up to you with a serious expression. You thought for sure that he was going to tell you to leave but he didn't, he took you into his arms and assured you that God would allow you to walk through Eden's Gate by his side. That is why you had both found each other.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob was a pretty closed book so he accepted that you were the same, he understood that you would both open up to each other when you were ready. But you knew that you were hiding much more than he was, no matter what he had down. You were a freaking demon! One day he sat you down and told you all about his past, that's when you felt the need to return the gesture so you told him everything as well. At first he tried to joke it off, laughing about how he thought he going to scare you off, you knew it was some sort of coping mechanism. After he got over the shock of it he continued to act normal around you, at first you thought that he thought you were joking but he assured you that he believed you. He still saw you as you, you hadn't changed. If anything you were stronger than he thought. You still had the same personality, the same morals and priorities, the same feelings and opinions. You were still you, the person (well, demon) he could feel himself falling for.

John Seed-

You had refused to confess your sins to John for a long time and he had allowed it for a long time, but you could tell that it was bothering him. You were falling for the man and he seemed to feel the same about you, you knew that you had to tell him. You told him that you wanted to confess your sins and told him the truth, that you are a demon to had escaped hell in the hopes to start fresh. At first John just started at you, then he went into denial, shaking his head and refusing to believe it. Once you had assured him it was the truth he became weary around you. You assumed that he would go to Joseph to seek advice but you were wrong, he just need time to process. He took your hands in his and smiled his charming smile, telling you that you will atone for your sins and you will reach atonement. He promised you that you would be forgiven no matter what you are, that he loved you despite where you came from. Even if that place was literally Hell.

Faith Seed-

You wanted to tell her, you wanted to tell her the truth more than anything but you were so afraid of scaring her away. You had grown close quickly and you had never felt this way for anyone before in your life. One day she told you that she loved you and that's when you told her. You told her that you loved her too, more than you had ever loved anyone, but you also told her that you were a demon and that you would understand if she wanted nothing to do with you. At first she was speechless, but she was the quickest of the siblings to assure you that everything was alright. You turned to walk away when she didn't respond but she grabbed your wrist, spinning you to face her. She wrapped her arms around your waist and hugged you like she never wanted to let you go, you slowly hugged her back as she promised you that nothing had changed. She promised you that you could be forgiven, that she had already forgiven you. You could feel yourself tearing up as you embraced each other.


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