They Prevent you From Committing Suicide

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WARNING: mentions of suicide! DO NOT READ if this might offend you, upset you, or trigger you in anyway.

Joseph Seed-

When Joseph found you his heart sunk. He knew that you had been struggling more than usual lately but you refused to talk about it. Now he wished that he had pushed you to open up just a little more or that he spent a little less time with his sermons and a little more time with you. He wondered if he could've done anything to have prevented this. He didn't really speak to you about it when he found you because he didn't want you to feel embarrassed or ashamed, so he just helped you to the bed and just held you. He promised to help you through this difficult time and would do anything to help you in even the slightest way. He held you all night and prayed for you to find your way every day. He would always remind you about how important you are.

Jacob Seed-

When Jacob found you standing at the edge of a lake with dried tears on your cheeks and an almost stoic look on you face, he didn't know what to do or say. He knew what it was like to feel hopeless and he knew that no matter what he said, you would feel the same way. He slowly walked up to you until he was standing beside you, you looked up at him and broke. You clung to him and sobbed into his chest, he slipped his jacket off and wrapped it around you. He ended up sitting against a tree with you crying in his arms, not knowing what to do or say, he just knew that he had to be strong for you. He just held you and comforted you until you wanted to talk about it. Jacob couldn't remember the last time that he cried but this was the closest he had been in a long time. He sat in silence beside the quiet shushes or the praises that he whispered in to your hair.

John Seed-

He found you on the bathroom floor and just froze in the door way. You were taking longer in the bathroom than normal and went to check on you, that's when he found you. He wanted to cry just from seeing you in such a state, but he knew that he had to be focus on you in this moment. He rushed to your side, wrapping his arms around you and promising you that everything would be alright and that he would help you through this. He made sure to reassure you of you importance bad you worth, and how much he loves you. He offered to get you help if that was what you wanted and spent a lot of time researching anything he could, just so he could help you in every way he could. 

Just want to let you all know that I am still working on all of your requests and I have them in order to be published, sorry for any wait :)

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