They Think That You Are Cheating on Them

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Request: They think that you are cheating on them with another brother but you are actually planning them a birthday party for them.

Joseph Seed-

Joseph had noticed that you had been spending a lot of time with Jacob, you wouldn't be home when he got back from church and you wouldn't get home until it was getting dark. When he asked you where you were you would just reply by saying that you were talking to Jacob or that you were hunting with him. Then you started coming home even later, always tired and quiet. He tried to talk to God, ask him for an explanation or some guidance. Joseph was lost, he didn't know how to react.

One night when you got home, Joseph confronted you about it. He told you that he loved you, that God had told him that you both belonged together. He asked you why you had been spending so much time with Jacob and you lied, not telling him that you were both revamping the church hall for his birthday. You tried to assure him that everything was fine but then he just straight out asked you if you were cheating on him. You obviously denied it because it wasn't true, he wanted to believe you but he could tell that you were hiding something from him.

You kept trying to cover your tracks and making excuses, just wanting to give him a birthday that he deserves. Then he had heard enough, he snapped, telling you to stop lying and demanding that you just tell him the truth. You were actually offended that he would think that you were cheating on him so you silently dragged him out of the house and took him to the church hall. You walked him into the hall while he kept asking you questions. When he saw the hall and you mumbled 'happy birthday' he was filled with guilt. The hall looked amazing and it would look even better the next day when the guests were there. Joseph wouldn't stop apologising and telling you how how foolish he had been. He actually begged for you forgiveness and promised to make it up to you in any way again, he promised to never question you betraying him ever again.

Jacob Seed-

He started getting suspicious because you were spending a lot of time with John. Jacob knew that his younger brother had a reputation with women but never thought about you falling for it, but when you started making more frequent visits to his ranch and coming home late claiming to have 'lost track of time', he began to wonder if he was wrong. He convinced himself that he was just being paranoid until you both met with his siblings and he saw you and John disappearing into a another room and whispering to each other. Jacob couldn't believe that he hadn't seen it earlier and was determined to speak to you about it.

When you got home Jacob wasted no time. He asked you what you and John were talking about and when you refused to answer him he began to get angry. When he just accused you of cheating on him, you got offended and angry, you both got into a huge argument. You were both shouting at each other but you still didn't tell him what you were hiding from him. Eventually you had enough of him accusing you, it was just insulting, and you just shouted it out. "We are throwing you a birthday party" you screamed making him freeze. You explained to him that you and John were in charge of planning the party, he asked why you didn't just tell him and you pointed out that if you told him he would have refused to go.

Jacob apologised to you after you explained what was going on, and did refuse to attend the party. You were still angry with him so you refused to talk to him, threatening to just go to the ranch and stay there instead. Jacob swallowed his pride and asked how he could make it up to you. You smirked and told him that you would forgive him if he went to the party, he grumbled but went with you and endured the party. Afterwards, he apologised again and you just shook your head and assured him that it was alright, reminding him that he was the only man that you loved.

John Seed-

John was quick to notice you spending more time with Joseph than usual, he didn't say anything because he trusted you and he trusted Joseph. Then you started spending even more time with Joseph and refusing to tell John what you were both doing. That's when he became certain that you were cheating on him. He was broken, didn't know what to do with himself. He trusted you more than anyone, he loved you more than he thought he was capable off and now he feared that you had betrayed him...that you would leave him for Joseph.

When you got home one day after planning the party with Joseph, John would barely talk to you and never even looked at you. You begged him to tell you what was wrong, eventually he just broke down and asked you. "How could you do that? I trusted you. With Joseph?" he shouted at you, you stared at him with wide eyes. You didn't know what he was talking about. Once you got him to somewhat calm down he asked you why you would cheat on him and what he did wrong. You couldn't believe what he was saying, the thought of cheating on John sickened you. You could never do that to him and you would never do that.

You just watched him as he shouted and ranted about how you were cheating on him with Joseph, you still couldn't believe what he was saying. You tried to interrupt him but he never gave you a chance. You eventually threw a pillow at his head which made him shut up and look at you in disbelief. That's when you told him about the party and how it was meant to be a surprise. John took some time to process your words and looked at you apologetically, he looked as if he could just break down crying. He apologised over and over again, hoping that you could forgive him and that he wasn't big enough of an idiot for you to leave him. You did forgive him but had a small rant about how he could even think that you would cheat on him. He promised never to doubt you again and promised to act surprised at the party.

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