You Loose Your Memory

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Joseph Seed-

When he discovered that you had lost your memory he was disheartened. You didn't remember him at all, and he assumed that he must be being punished for something. You were so confused and scared because you couldn't even remember your own name. He was rather sensible about it though, he simple told you who he was and what your relationship was. He wouldn't push you into a relationship with him, he would try to remind you of how much he loves you in the hopes that you would return his love. He would tell you stories of your time together and of his family, he would take you to church with him, and he would pray everyday that you would regain your memories. It was fair to say that he had gained your affection all over again.

Jacob Seed-

At first Jacob thought that you were joking, trying to mess with him, but when he realised that you were being serious he didn't know how to react. You had lost your memory, you didn't know who he was and you din't even know your own name. He was pretty mature about it, he just told you that he would care for you and make sure that every thing would be alright. He spent most of his time reading even more about human psychology, learning about memory loss and how to help somebody recover. He would take you to meet his siblings again, taking you to church, taking you to important locations that you used to go to together. He taught you how to fish and hunt again. He would do anything that would trigger a memory, he didn't really expect you to fall in love with him all over again but you did.

John Seed-

Discovering that you had lost your memory destroyed John. He loved you more than anything and now you didn't even know who he was or your own name. John had opened up to you and know you wouldn't even remember, it broke his heart that you couldn't remember all of the good times that you had together. He stayed by your side all of the time, making sure that you were alright and just hoping that you would remember something. Anything. He kept telling you about your relationship and storied about you both, at first you were a little nervous about how clingy he could be and his emotional behaviour but you actually started to like it. He was so scared that you wouldn't feel the same way about him that you used to, but you had fallen for him all over again.


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