You Tell Them That You are Apart of LGBT+ community

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Request: You come out as Bi/Pan/etc...your choice!

Should I make a separate "You come out as Trans" one?

Joseph Seed-

You were a little worried about coming out to Joseph. You knew some religious people who were very accepting but you also knew some who were very homophobic and thought that it was a sin. You knew about how strict Joseph and the project was with their rules but he never mentioned anything about homosexuality. When you came to him, he took your shaky hands in his and held them lovingly. When you came out to him he just nodded as you spoke, once you finished he wrapped his arms around you and shushed you. He was completely accepting of you and promised you that no matter what or who you were, he would love you just the same.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob knew that you wanted to tell him something and that you were nervous about it. He went straight to the worst possibility so when you came out to him he laughed. He didn't laugh because you said something amusing, he was actually laughing at himself for getting so worried and paranoid for you. You didn't know how to react, he was just laughing and shaking his head. When he calmed down, and you were about to panic, he apologised for laughing and asked "is that all?" He told you that he understood that it was difficult for you to come out to him but you had no reason to be so nervous or worried. He told you that he loved you no matter what and that nothing would change that, reminding that you could tell him anything without worrying about it. 

John Seed-

He could tell that you were nervous about something when you told him that you had to talk to him. At first his mind went to the worst possible thing that you could say, he thought that you were going to break up with him or something. So when you came out to him he went silent, he had to change his mindset from 'oh my god they are breaking up with me' to 'oh...that's not what I was expecting'. You took his silence as a bad thing and panicked. When he noticed your panic he snapped out of his trance and assured you that he was accepting and loved you anyway. You nearly hit him for making you worry for even a second but laughed with him. (If you come out as Bi/Pan/attracted to the same sex) To lighten the mood, he did joke that he is going to get jealous more often.

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