They are in Love with the Deputy Part 2

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They find out that the Deputy loves them back. You are the deputy!

There will be a part three for this.

Joseph Seed-

Joseph knew that you belonged together, he had no doubt about that, so when he became aware of your mutual feelings towards him he saw no reason to not pursue you in some way. He became gentler when he spoke to you, listening to you more instead of just preaching at you. He asked you to join them but you refused once again. Not matter what your feelings were towards him, you didn't believe in what he did. It broke his heart just a little, but he wouldn't give up on you.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob became aware of your mutual feelings towards him when you confessed, your inhibitions lowered due to your time in his cages. He was shocked but it also made sense to him, that you had both formed an attraction to each other. The strongest soldiers in Hope County. He would probably try to use your feelings against you but soon realise that his feelings were getting in the way of your training, he didn't want to see you being harmed. He would mostly be frustrated by the whole thing.

John Seed-

When John found out that you returned his love, he would feel a sinful amount of pride. The deputy, the deputy, had fallen in love with him. You would have to explain to him why it wouldn't work but he wasn't interested in your excuses. You wanted each other and that should be enough, it was to John. Expect a lot more radio calls, just to tease you or try to convince/tempt you to accept his offer for a date.

Faith Seed-

Finding out that you loved her back would make Faith unbelievably giddy. She would try to be even sweeter (if that was possible), taking extra care when it came to dealing with your friends. She wouldn't see your feelings as a way to get away with the things she does without you killing her and she wouldn't use your feelings to convince you to join the cult. She would juts be happy to be with you.


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