They Find out that you Help the Resistance

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Request: they find out that you do small things for the resistance but you aren't the deputy.

Joseph Seed-

When Joseph found out that you were donating food to the resistance he couldn't decide how to feel. Your extreme kindness and generosity were some of the reasons that he fell in love with you in the first place, he admired the way you strive to help people, but when you were helping the people who stood in his way of spreading the truth it hurt him. He confronted you, asking you why you felt the need to feed those who wished to stop Eden's Gate. You explained that it pained you to watch anyone starve and fight for the basic means of survival, you promised him that you were dedicated to him and Eden's Gate but you didn't want people to suffer. He understood your motivation and forgave you when he realised that your acts of charity may even convince more people to open their hearts and minds to the truth.

Jacob Seed-

When Jacob caught you calling off a pack of Judges who were about to attack a pair of resistance members, he lectured you on the importance of culling the herd and then gave you the silent treatment. You decided that the only way to get him to talk to you was to annoy him, you followed him around and spoke to him even if he wasn't responding or even listening. You just talked and talking, looping your arm through his even though he would just pull away from you anyway. Eventually he snapped and gave you a chance to explain yourself. You apologised over and over again, just telling him how you didn't want to watch those two men being torn to shreds by his judges. He reluctantly accepted your apology as long as you promised not to do it again.

John Seed-

You had passed a pair of resistance members who's car had broken down on the side of the road. John had taught you a few thing about fixing up planes so you offered to help them with their car. After helping them, you sent them on their way. When John found out he was furious, why would you ever help the enemy? The ones who wanted to destroy him and take you away from him. You tried to defend yourself, telling him that it was just a quick car repair and that it didn't mean anything or affect anything in the grand scheme of things. You knew that you would have to wait for him to calm down, John's temper often got the best of him and the argument carried on for days. You would just listen and stare at him as he shouted and ranted at you about how stupid you were for helping them, saying how they could have killed you. You would have got mad if you didn't know that he was just worried about your safety. Eventually he ran out of things to shout about and just forgave you, pulling you into his arms and holding you against him.


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